Manhunter (1986)

petersen plays graham like he could really snap at any moment from his "making his mind work like a killer's" talent. neither norton nor dancy did that (though dancy did other things because they changed the character so much)

I went back and read all the books and i gotta say red dragon was stupid and contrived at best

He overacts the whole movie.

Norton was so weak in Red Dragon that I had to stop and ask myself if that was the same dude who delivered such a convincing performance in American History X, also spot-on with Petersen's strength (hell he actually throws Freddy onto a fucking car windshield).

Not really. He's pretty much just reprising his To Live and Die in LA character in this. I love the character so I'm not complaining.

because michael mann is a very good director


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All of Mann’s protagonists are chads because they rub off on him.

I'd say he's more unhinged in LA since he straight up steals evidence and gets an undercover agent killed, similar in some ways but he has more of a moral compass still in him in Manhunter since he has a family to protect.

yeah, that was some miscasting there