Are there any instances of characters in television or film who have really bad acne and aren't used as a joke or portrayed as repulsive?
Are there any instances of characters in television or film who have really bad acne and aren't used as a joke or...
Sadly it doesn’t work like that
How do you get rid of back and chest acne?
Lady Bird had acne, and got Oscar nominated.
I played basketball in high school and there was this kid on our team, he was a good player, but holy shit did he have the worst bacne I've ever seen, it was like OP's image, needless to say it worked in his favor because no one wanted to guard him during practice, or during actual play, so he did score a lot.
Fuck if I know, I had severe acne from about age 15 - 20 and had to take a year long course of accutane to get rid of it. I still have acne on my back and chest almost 6 years later. Not a huge amount, but it's never gone away.
t. /fit/
Win better genes.
no idea
my back used to be really bad when i was in my teens but a couple of years ago it just cleared up for no reason
Eat healthy and exercising
Just don't itch it, wash it 2-3 times, use lotion, and wait it out. It'll go away one day.
Accutane, you tards. The side effects aren't even very severe aside from the severely dry skin, which you fix with aquaphor for your lips, cerave for your skin, and drinking shitloads of water.
I really want to pop them
like a deep body massage and slowly rubbing up increasing the pressure
but first I would rub my hands over them to feel the bumps and smoothness and how tight they are
I considered going out with a girl with acne but I found out you can't pop them because they scar or get infected
Erin Moriarty thread?
go to a dermatologist mate, there are some soaps who dry your skin to attack acne
How do you even sleep with it that bad? doesn;t it hurt?
t. never had any sort of acne ever anywhere because I'm genetically perfect
Salt water wash (mix salt with warm water and non detergent soap and rub) also drink lots of water! Most acne is caused by trapped oils in the pores so make sure to wash everyday including your face!
Go talk about this on twitter and make it the new sjw cause.
It will be hilarious.
just take a shower :)
seriously though i gave up stopping it a decade ago, i had to stop caring or the acne would win.
Ill tell you if I ever figure it out
I had quite severe acne around my face and back in middle school. Sleeping isn’t a problem, but going to school, your backpack will chaff against your skin and it’ll cause a lot of bleeding. Every day my shirts would be bloody around the shoulder area and partially back area. There’s a ton of permanent scarring on me because of that.
This is the only one I can think of, but I definitely wouldn't say that's really bad acne. Actresses will try to show how "brave" they are by putting up selfies on instagram or twitter with no makeup and a few acne spots, but it's never really bad cystic acne and you will never see it shown in tv or movies because it's just too distracting.
>develop bad nodular cystic scalp acne
>lost 80% of hair and left with terrible alopecia and scarring
>now 27 year old KHV NEET
If you have severe acne I read that going vegan or just quitting dairy helps
wow what a delicious looking pizzOH MY GOD
>iTs GeTs BeTteR WheN Ur OldeR
Fuck all those cocksuckers I'm almost 33 and still have to deal with this bullshit. It never ends.
God I want to slowly rake a stiff edged spatula down that bacne and watch it ooze
if its bad like how OPs picture is, see a dermatologist.
if its just some random acne here and there, look into those acne soap bars.
watch out though, your skin is gonna feel super dry afterwards.
what I wouldn't give to put on a pair of latex gloves and just go to town on those things...
name your price
What's the harm in doing this? Minus the scarring.
I'd bang her.
I'd still fuck her brains out
sick she has a foot growing out of her head
>wash your sheets and pillow cases daily
>shower twice daily
>apply mud mask on area to dry it out
>apply medicated lotions
>another 'za th--
>click thumbnail
Start fasting and stay away from highly processed foods that contain high amounts of sugar and artificial carbs.
I used to get break outs all the time, well into my adulthood. Only a few years back did I try something different (aka not shoveling crap into your gut and letting your body repair itself) and 99% of my problems go away.
It was such a revolutionary self discovery that I know without even thinking about it that if I eat or drink something I know is bad for me too frequently that my face and back will start developing acne again, as has been the case in many bouts of trial and error.
That shit fucks up your brain
>tfw little bit of backne here and there
>start eating jerky and cheese for a small snack everyday
>Get more backne
You don't. It reduces in intensity and with proper diet, but it never goes away completely.
t. 31 years old with probably 4 or 5 big acne cysts on his shoulders right now and a back which is 100% scarred.
This is the genetic lottery version of all of your numbers being off by 1.
I went on it too and it probably did.
Can confirm. Did two rounds of accutane like 15 years ago. Still get acne, skin is simultaneously very dry and very oily and brain is fucked up. If I try to use lotion to keep my skin less dry, i break out. If i don't use lotion my skin gets really dry and I break out and get ingrown hairs cuz I'm a hairy wolf man.
Stop eating so many shark bites, gushers, fruit by the foot, captain crunch, rice crispy treats, dunkaroos, ice cream and soda. That's what did it for me.
I'd still check her digits if you catch my drift
>probably 4 or 5 big acne cysts on his shoulders right now and a back which is 100% scarred.
Fuck. I'm 32 and know this feel. Why the hell does it happen? I clean, I'm clean, I shower daily, I change my bedsheets. Still happens.
My ex-wife had severe cystic acne into her mid 20s. She took acutane as a teen and it really fucked with her emotions. She eventually cleared up after she started taking birth control and aged up.
I knew a guy in hs that had unreal acne on his back, and one time we were playing light tackle football, he bent over and stretched his back really hard and that dude's back had like 40 eruptions oozing out.
i was on accutane in 2016 and i tried to throw myself into oncoming traffic
I remember that meme
Just take a shower, incel. Jesus Christ.
>feel insecure about my backne and chestne
>see this pic
>suddenly realize i've gotten off pretty easy
Thanks OP, I'll have a cheeky wank tonight in your honour.
it was 7 years ago
Yep. I shower every day, scrub the shit out of my shoulders, use the acne treating body gel, have done the meticulous bedsheet changing thing, I exercise, eat right, still full of grease. When I was a teenager I even took accutane and the god damned acne survived and came back like a weed that had almost died in my back.
Pretty much this, I had worse bacne as a teen, but I'm nearing 30 and while I still have it, it's not as bad as it was then. Same with my face, still comes and goes, but far less, and a clean diet and staying hydrated has helped.
Mostly it's just being mindful to not touch my back, cause I will do that unconsciously.
I found birth control with drosperinone seemed to help the best in basically eliminating acne. I never knew before that not all birth controls were cut from the same cloth so to speak.
Without question, she's beautiful, but it sucks to be her. Not as bad as it sucks to be a guy with that kind of acne though imo. I feel like a lot of men will still chase a girl with some backne but a lot of women will say "eww gross" if you have it and you don't also have a big bank account or a 12 inch dick.
Did accutane here as well, what do you mean fucks up your brain? I had 0 ill side effects except of course while I was using it I was hormonal and had dry lips
I had really bad acne on my face, back and shoulders in my teens and I honestly think I might have made it worse by bathing and scrubbing it so much. I was taking 3 or more showers per day and I might as well have taken sandpaper to it considering how aggressive I was with the scrubbing
I have never seen a movie portraying actors with acne period. I thought nu-Hollywood loved ugly people.
Yeah, my wife doesn't have cystic acne like me, but she gets some and used to break out from time to time, but since she went back on birth control after our most recent kid she has had really clear skin. I don't really feel like nuking my testicles so I suppose that's not really a viable option. Accutane did nothing for me as a teenager though so idk I just do what I can to keep it low and live with it.
Are you drinking enough water? I remember I was so bad about drinking water, and I paid for it with my skin. But because my job involves me being outside in the sun doing physical labor, I have to drink tons of water to make sure I can sweat to stay cool.
Most people don't drink enough water, and that's why heat-related illness is so commonplace.
Hmmm...have you tried minocycline? That's what I used to take years ago alongside birth control cause I had acne that bad. I don't take it anymore, but it might help you out.
Chest and back acne in high school was worse than the PTSD after being sexually molested as a kid.
It ruined my life then and although the scars are gone now I'm still haunted by body acne making me a depressed loner in school. My face was blemish free though. I never went to the beach as a teen, never had a gf, no social life, self mutilated because my body was already fucked, never went to any parties, just stayed shut-in during the summers. I cried myself to sleep every other day asking God in tears, "why are you doing this to me? What did i do wrong?" I faked being sick whenever coach told us to take our shirts off in gym.
To this day I still have severe social anxiety because I never made friends as a teenager.
i know Yea Forums isn’t fond of it, but lady bird featured saoirse ronan’s acne pretty prominently
>he bent over and stretched his back really hard and that dude's back had like 40 eruptions oozing out.