Reminder if your favorite director isn't on this list you're a fucking pleb

1. Charles Lube
2. Frederico Feline
3. Chung-kee Bo Som
4. Jean-Luc Mondieu
5. Benissimo Fellato
6. Jared Margaret
7. Gerry Drain
8. David Lynch
9. Massivo Titti
10. TBA
11. Bob Opeña
12. Rajesh Areola
13. Ivan Gulagovich
14. Bing Boredome
15. Mendoz-Atari
16. Arnold Boner
17. Jose Juanca
18. Big Shit
19. Timmy
20. Itin Titin
21. Hanz Gesundheit
22. Alejandro "Boy" Nevada
23. Jay "Retard" Johnson
24. B'akamalo S'ucock
25. Zubrava Vacijnevic
26. Harakiri Yomama
27. Zack Snyder
28. Buddy Rosenblattstein
29. Tetris Landaloupolous
30. Winston Poppecock

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>Snyder and Lynch
Good to know I’m not a pleb

>27. Zack Snyder

have sex OP

>Tetris Landaloupolous
whew that was a close one

I wnt 2 hab sexi sex wit dat girl!

>10. TBA


Jay "Retard" Johnson's early work was a little too Lynchian for my tastes. But when Nigger and Faggot Not Allowed came out, I think he really came into his own, commercially and autistically.

>Big Shit
thank god

>Big Shit

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Why is Snyder listed twice? 18 and 27.

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For me it’s 23.

> no Nolan

>Big Shit
I do indeed enjoy the films of Wes Anderson

>Massivo Titti
Ah a fellow man of culture

I absolutely laughed out loud. Well done user.

you forgot McG, yes actually a real person that they entrusted the Terminator franchise to

Her boyfriend is black. Check out her instagram.

lauren burch

Mine is Sneedissimo Feedato

absolutely based

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My favorite director is George Lucas

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>no Altman
>no Lars Von Trier
>no Polanski
Into the trash if goes.

Never heard of them. Wheres my man based Ben Dover?

>no Pollanski
>no Boorman
Shit list.

That's hot. What's her name?

>No Biggus Dickus

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I call bullshit until proven wrong.


Just post her name so my penis could explode in peace. Fuck user.

>No Zhang Yimou, Paul Verhoven or Honda Ishiro
No John u are the plebs

>10. TBA
Is there a director that goes by TBA?

Is this a comedy thread

ok OP sauce nao!