/bb/ Big Brother 21

HOH: Tommy
Noms: TBD
Third Nom: Christie
Veto: TBD

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love quarky

universe manifesting a 10th place finish



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Christie, more like CRINGEY

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jesus, how is she so retarded?

all of nicole's tops conceal her tits

more frustrating than bb21 itself

wagecuck here, please spoonfeed me on who got punishment and who is going up

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wish she'd wear something to conceal her XL skull

nicolefags are worse than shelbyfags and rachelfags combined

Christie is the 3rd nom
Anal getting punished

same people different seasons

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how in danger of going home is christie if she stays nominated this week?

if she's up OTB come Thursday she's joining Jack.

>he doesn’t know

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imagine thinking these are different people

cya kitty kat

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the more things change. the more they stay the same.

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she is probably going to self evict not to vote out jess.

Kat and Jessica are gossiping about Cliff

reunited and it feels so good
reunited cause we understood

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Christie really thinks mitchie will take her off the block

Wtf! Spoiler that shit bro.

they’d need 4 out of 6 votes to send her home, right? i’m not too caught up on the house dynamic, are there 4 people who would do that if, say, nicole and cliff were nominated?

holly jackson jess kat would vote christie out

I would have said 100% but after tommy and jess convo and jess doesn't want her to go, i'm thinking 60%

is there any fucking way christie doesnt go if she stays on the block?
why would nick, nicole, jess, jackson, or holly vote to evict kat or cliff over her


the dr will be working overtime to keep christie safe this week

lol no

eh, you may be right about that. but id hope cliffs angels would stay solid

yes, she's going to vote out one of her alliance for her....

over kat or cliff though? she probably thinks nick or holly are going up

once the majority of the house tells Jess they want to get rid of Christie she will acquiesce

>Tommy and crew just needs 3 votes
>kat/cliff/christie on the block
>anal and nick are confirmed votes for christie to stay
>they just need jess or nicole to vote someone else other than christie and they can send cliff or kat out (most likely cliff since I can't see jess voting to evict kat)

don't respond to the moron saying jess will vote out cliff over the dyke. he's the same retard that thought bimbo will vote out snackson over jack.

shelbyfags are the best so that doesnt mean much

>yes, she's going to vote out one of her alliance for her....
we're talking about jess, right? lmaooo the answer is an overwhelming YES lol

nick never said he was voting for chistie to stay
he said he would use the veto for her

nick wants her gone too, he just acts like that to tommy.

in what dream world does nicole keep christie over kat

with kat throwing nicole under the bus yesterday and today, and given they have 4 days after veto ceremony, nick and tommy can easily convince nicole to vote kat

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Nick will side with the majority just like he did last week. Don't mind his lip service to appease every side.

ok, have (you). it actually made me laugh

tommy's best-laid plan of mice and men...

did she?
based as always, i bet somewhere Taran is seething and crying over it

sissy getting a good punishment

jackson overheard her in the DR yeah OOH NOO OMG NOOOO

i thought he hates kat

no thats BBO

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Sis knows a lot about big cocks

>wear a rainbow fag costume
>wear a dildo costume
>wear a chicken costume
what happened to BB punishments
whats with this shit?

>no unitard for anal


the comp was the egg pushing hoh from 16 and she's a chiken

>not puting her in a sexy chicken unitard

fuck you grodner

she does look cute standing there answering all their questions

jess looks like shes dying

Is Kat safe this week gals?

she should terrorize nugget all week

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everything depends on the veto
it doesnt even matter who tommy puts up,
if christie is on the block after the veto, shes gone

whats her fucking problem?

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if it was literally anyone else this would be more fun
but it had to be on the boring cock slut that has no personality or thoughts

but why did america vote for her if shes so boring?


jfc noms already? thats really fucked for tommy. not much time to reconsider things after a huge twist

grod doesn’t count votes


adopt them now you racist

guilty by association and butthurt haters like this guy lol cry more

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because she’s hot as fuck

on an unrelated note, they put a tranny in the new Rocko’s Modern Life special on Netflix.

honestly as each hour passes im getting more pissed about that shit CBS and julie pulled on jack. i have no love for the guy but thats really fucked up. other people have said and done so much worse. people outside of the hardcore fans wouldnt even know what was said if they didnt make a huge deal out of it on live tv.

i think they owe him a huge apology. someone should start a petition to demand one

is there anything more pathetic that sisfags?

Twistfucks are bad, even if they happen to people you dislike.

Don't get cocky, bros. there is still a menagerie of ways this can go tits up. If Tommy has an IQ above grapefruit he will put Jessica and Cliff on the block. their odds of winning veto are very slim. and if the chip draw goes decently well for them they have a real good shot at pulling Christie off. and even if they don't Jess/Nick are low IQ enough that they might fuck up the week by voting out Cliff or some shit. The only thing we know for sure is that /ourguy/ is safe.

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just you

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they gave him a chance to apologies and imo he pulled it off well. anyone that was gonna hate him no matter what still does, but anyone who was on the fence (probably the majority of the casuals) def got won over.

Here's what Jack should have said
>Thank you Julie for teaching me to treat women with respect. Hopefully you do the same to your billionaire husband who sexually abuses women.

so glad this faggot got banned

Yes. Worse case scenario is Clifford goes on yatus until he comes back in battle back

he should have said...

>what no clip of me telling kemi to keep her shaker out of the fridge?

>The only thing we know for sure is that /ourguy/ is safe.
based and redpilled

i honestly think shes safer than nicole and cliff

Jackson is the guy you want to be
Nick is the guy you are


10 min before the feeds cut for noms he re-confirmed to "youre guy" that he is doing cliff and kat

Her smile and optimism: still there!

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I’m still mad too desu
I wish I wasn’t but I am

i cant see any scenario where nicole is the renom. tommy is telling everyone he wants to make it like there is no room for the 5 to get back together. his renom would be holly but i also dont see anyone using the veto on cliff or kat cause that would mean jess or nicole renom

I just love when an HOH gets the control of their HOH ripped from their hands with some super epic America twist

Unironically this. His comments were mean spirited, but in no way shape or form were they anything beyond school yard tier banter. Rice pudding being racist is a HUGE stretch. But CBS decided to publicly shame him in a time where you can lose everything to an internet lynch mob. I don't even like the guy, but the degree to which they blew his behavior out of proportion on national television was insane. There have been countless HG's that have engaged in far more despicable behavior and nobody cared. Maggie fucking killed people for gods sake.

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His ban has ended a long time ago

t. bbo

based esl poster

That hoh comp was rigged anyway. It just got fixed

tbf they knew jack was a loser NEET with no friends or family so they could call him out with no real consequences to his life

Cat, Holly and Christy are up

Not really. Jackson is riddled with mental issues and has american psycho moments. He's /myguy/ this season because it's fun to root for a guy that makes normies seethe so much they photoshop false arrest records. In reality the HG I would want to be is Frank and the HG I am is probably a blend between Ovi and Sam.

Confirmed for best taste

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i post it just to troll you :^)

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>hot as fuck
pornbrain detected.

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most like audrey

want to be shelby

Yeah, it’s messed up. I was saying that Julie was gonna drag jack like she did bb15 Aaryn potentiality. Everyone said the comments were no where near as harsh as Aaryn’s, but they STILL managed to try and drag Jack even harder for much weaker speech. Fuck CBS for that move.

>Nick is the guy you are
An SJW with a successful career that has had sex with dozens of women and has the confidence to say whatever crosses his mind and get away with it? is there literally anyone that uses this website that matches this description?

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i'm not a guy

Imagine watching him in the house for a day and still thinking that.

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He good representation of what an SJW actually is though, user. Someone that virtue signals in public for good boy points but is actually a huge creep in reality.

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He doesn't signal shit. He's just living his life and playing the game

and what a useless mind it appears to be

Anyone else think Kat was a high-profile escort, that knew CBS execs who recruited her for the show?

Julie treats her differently than any houseguests I can remember. Theyre portraying her as being stupider than she really is. Maybe she fucked Moonves to get on the show

she has too many zits to be high profile

Did you miss his pre-season interviews? he brought up the water problem in flint michigan, said he would "clap back" at bullies in the house, and had a PSA for mental health at the end. it was like an SJW talking point decathlon.

>Everyone that said he was gonna be the "new derrick" pre-season

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And he never did shit like that in the house. That was just his thing to get on the show. Everyone has something. He wouldn't have been cast otherwise

name one person in the house trying to actively get him out

just like dan did in bb10 when he said he hated obama and liberals


she counts as 2

he went from public enemy #1 to completely under the radar

I forgot about that lol

Yeah you got to have a character. Once you're on the show they won't kick you out for not being that person.


i was gonna include something about cumbrains being the reason, but i got triggered by netflix before i could

Fair point, I suppose Ovi was the real SJW of the season, he was just too autistic to ever get traction with that narrative in the house.

>evening ladies

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He got lucky. the mega alliance crumbled at the perfect time for him to slink back into the shadows. it wasn't a calculated move on his part.

i wished this twist existed in bb16

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dapper as always mister hogg 3

>that’s mighty white of ya

i remember when they said bb19 jess was a high profile escort too

Eh Frankie got twistfucked by the reset, kind of a similar scenario.

why the fuck are noms taking this long

mistie having a meltdown

>is on the block next to bimbo and christie

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should I try watching BB?
is it good as you guys say it is?
should I really do this shit to myself?

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punished kat

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>battle of the block
>5 nominees

we don't say it's good

aw i love her i hope shes ok


cliff and kat otb

loser cam

i had to get over a break up and my stagnating life and theres 20 seasons of this shit i can watch


if you're prepared to lose the rest of the summer then sure

I would love to piss in this faggot's mouth. I don't even think he would be able to fit his mouth around my 10 inch cock. That would make the whole thing even hotter. Watching as Ovi would try his very hardest to gag on my big cock. Just look how adorable this fag is.

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>tfw I couldn't protect her smile

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/bb/ is honestly pretty great if you're depressed and alone in the summer, no bully.

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i love shitposting with you guys

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karma's a bitch lol

Jackson to Kat on his way out: "I'll cut you some watermelon too."

Yeah thanks for keeping me sane ladies

max comfy

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why tf is this bitch crying?


Which is the target?

i tried to make one for you

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>I think Tommy would take Christie off
you fucking think?

>crying cuz otb
good or bad strategy?

Yeah it’s pretty comfy and a fun summer thing

should go for the manic laughter strategy desu

kat is so sexy

"Jackson is devasted because he cut into the watermelon and it was rotten"

Punished Jackson has arrived

based zit face

How would the vote go if noms stay the same?

Christie voted out?!

christie is absolutely gone if she's on the block by thursday

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thanks, I'll give it a chance

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its the greatest sport ever invented
and someone from this general won the entire fucking show one year and was shitposting Yea Forums memes in the house

based Cliff quoting the Simpsons




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Depends on the person but generally it's not bad to do it a little bit.

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To be fair it kind of is unfair

God Christie’s eviction will be amazing

oh i agree. her game is ruined because of twitter

so is being given a secret alliance, guess you gotta expect the unexpected ;)

>runs the game
>gets evicted without ever being nominated

best female player since Rachel Reilly

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>runs the game
>2nd closest ally leaves first week of jury

lol she sure is good

based cliff the philosopher

this but unironically

nick complaining about the twist

Paul would have blew Tommy to stay off the block. Hogg really dropped the ball here.

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smack time?
snack time?-

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nah Paul was a legit mist master

jess is a steinbro

>Jessica - Evel Dick had America's player to play for him all summer

Jess, no, Evel Dick will photoshop your face on something disgusting on twitter now

Snackson not a foot man

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jackson just assaulted holly. can't believe production made him do that

>Christie: One of the reasons that I decided to vote to keep Jack is because I just believe in karma, and when you stay true to yourself, the universe or God rewards that. Now I'm pissed at that. Why do I even believe what I believe?

Because you’re mentally ill.


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we cracked her, bros.

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god i would love to swim in those things.

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Happy Michie a cute!


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Bro, I still cannot believe that Christie is in her 20s. She seriously looks like she's in her 40s here.

She's gonna age like complete and total fucking shit.

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>ywn be jess’ slave

>Nick’s position

>Christie is in her 20s

I dont believe it

>safe off the block
>safe on the block

/ourthreesome/ is running this house

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Fucking based let’s GO

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im gonna manifest it brother

damn nice suplex

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one of those isn't true


fuck yeah bog is coming to the party

this hundo p


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why the fuck are they in bed at 7pm
why is this cast so fucking boring

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also I still need to watch some tutorials. I tried to figure out GIMP by myself but that obviously didn’t work.
paint is so simple but it’s a one-trick pony

they were too lax on the rules this season so everyone does w/e they want

I feel sorry for those that only see the feeds at after dark.
It's probably the absolute worst season for after dark. Then again, this season has been shit in general anyway.

anyone else is just watching the eviction episode and that's it? not even watching the feeds either desu

what emotion does this face convey


shock. surprise. happiness.

agreed. shelby and rachel are at least remotely good looking. nicole just looks like the jew

accept my trades nigghas
t. pooploser

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i'll be honest. i committed to quarky for the memes because i did so many rachels last year. but i genuinely like her. her game is pretty shit but she is a solid human being.

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how come nobody talks about how fucking hot Keesha is from BB10?

Kat is a student of the game

jackson thinks america hates them

based jackson realizing he is hated and starting his redemption arc

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kek. i'm almost considering the jackson trade. but i cant break up my F2

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holly just told jackson the name of cliffs angels

begin operation infiltrate cliffs angels

do it

>0 offered trades for christie
I fucking got wrecked this week :( Jack/Christie we could have had it allllll rolling in the deeeeep

so why does twitter hate Christie? I thought she was lgbtq

>I thought she was lgbtq
she is. but she forgot about the z


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This seasons sucks, have not been watching at all. Am I right or am I missing out?

every exciting part is met with disappointment and staleness
the cast is pretty shitty strategic wise and shitty personalities
the games are boring and re-casts from previous seasons
the house looks ugly

Jackson is singlehandedly redeeming this season. Our funking boy

she's a bitch

>every exciting part is met with disappointment and staleness
this. we get like 30 minutes of lit feeds and then the next 3 days literally nothing happens

>julie not confirming or denying things in jacks exit interview
battle back confirmed

were do I watch BB on the internet?

she literally gave him info about america's reaction to things he said in the house


thanks fren

christie realizes that if she doesnt win veto shes doneso but the f-bomb doesn't?

Big brother 10 is the best season to start with. No bullshit twists or gimmicks.

why does nick think nicole is going home if he or christie win veto? does HoH replace christie as a nom? i assumed it went away

I’m usually in it for the memes too. rachel was a reaction image machine.

somebody used to post a gif of her tits. covered, but sitting right.

and a great cast.

I've felt like it's picked up the last couple of weeks. The first month was complete trash though.

he's playing the retard card


i was talking about the extended interview on cbs.com

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nick workin hard for tommy

is he... dare i say... based?


>tommy trusts jackson and holly wont vote out christie
>tommy was going to pick anal for the veto

>third nom
wtf did i miss


Is Dan actually a republican or was he just misting production? I remember in one of those cast interviews during bb10 he said that he would leave America if Hillary became the president.

Field trip twist. Christie lost so she became the third nom, Jackson won so he is immune for the week

>Be Asian
>Star on a reality show like Big Brother
>Leave pre-jury
>Have people come at you about what people said
>R I C E P U D D I N G
>You: I don't give a fuck
>Those same people mock you for not caring like they do

Honestly these fantards are more annoying than the current HGs, and they're slowing forcing the show to be cancelled.

Reddit: reddit.com/r/BigBrother/comments/cob4px/bellas_thoughts_on_julie_calling_out_jacks_rice/
Twitter: twitter.com/BellaWang21/status/1159705636558528512

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how would you recover from this?

>caring what twitter/reddit thinks
this is where you went wrong

i dig this one

this faggot really believes her own lies or is the a last ditch effort to mist the mexican

was this the best jury roundtable ever?


did ai portraits get shut down or something?

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same energy

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lol her character is dogshit tho


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her star has only just begun to rise

Hey I like this bb television show too and I'd think you'd all like my new music
Enjoy :)

>spamming your incel shit in random threads
wow good job dude

holy YUCK

Your music is shit, have sex

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might want to learn more than one melody


So did ovi steal nicoles panties? No judgement here, my gf's mom is a yoga instructor and I stole three (3) pairs of her panties and keep them in sealed stainless steel cannisters

bella going fucked both my drafts

this is the third thread ive seen you in today reeeeeeeeeeeeee

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hell yeah. what kind of panties were they? do they still have her smell on them? fuck. thats getting me rock just thinking about it.

i miss jess

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theres no way nicoles panties smell good, her diet is horrendous

idk i was looking for my anallice webm for a post, but found this first and reconsidered

i don't know. i love me some PBJ.

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See through thongs, I grabbed one pair of black ones that have some nice dried pussy juice on them, and two white ones that have a nice ass stains on them. She sprays her perfume in them before she puts them on, they all smell fucking amazing. Yeah they are all dirty panties. She is a 9/10, way hotter than my gf.

make me a new thread bitches

she looks black here

No u faggot

very hot. although im not much for the ass stains. thats kinda yucky

don't talk to quarky like that you Jersey piece of shit

>Jersey piece of shit

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what the fuck, Nick

i'm going to watch that season in the off season

nick just threatened quirky

based nick putting roasties in their place, I bet nicole has 3 inch meat curtains

based 3 inch expert

new thread


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i HATE seeing quarky look sad. It makes me so upset