What'd you guys think about Fargo?
What'd you guys think about Fargo?
now starting se 1 of fargo on bongstream.live come shit post
Lorne Malvo did nothing wrong (except killing Dennis)
Lester Nygaard did everything wrong
Comon faggots
one of the best shows of the decade
Every season was Kino and I'm waiting for the next.
one of the few tv shows worth watching
one of the best shows brother -hh
probably the best show i've seen, thinking about it. Sopranos is great too but there's too many filler eps and too much AJ/ Meadow for me to say it's flawless. 6a also brings it down.
honestly I found lester one of the most provocative and engaging of villains in fiction flat out. he was just a normal beta loser who let everyone walk over him just to finally snap and be the inverse. he stopped constraining himself and just let his inner machievelli out and let it take him as far as he could. if he hadn't of flipped out like an idiot in the elevator with malvo (or just finished the job like he could have) he couldve lived to enjoy his degenerate quaint little life.
bongstream.live for ur fargo needs
I'm so sick of these people on Yea Forums bunch OF FAGSSSSS
good but not as good as the wire
some of the best tv ever produced
Molly just pissed me off as she was so annoying, all she did was bother Lester for 10 episodes and then gets the evidence dropped in her lap. I didn't care for Gus either. Anyone liked the show but hated these 2?
Also there were several things I didn't like plotwise how certain characters would just disappear out of the story withuot (what I felt) was a proper conclusion. The supermarket dude,teh henchman from Fargo and Lester's brother were almost completly forgotten. Then there was the raining fish.
6.5/10 it is good but certain elements drag it down
Mods on Yea Forums be like
lemme get an amen in chat
We gave the hell up on fargo, they will not mess again with me, I had a similar offer from my bank, then they changed it. Fargo as it sounds is the worst word I have heard I hate it. They invented a thousand illness to link to me, they are hateful. Have you heard the case of the Russian spy poissoned?.
shut up nerd lmao
Shilling is pretty lit
Litter than a tit
It's good but had a hard drop off after se 2
what did i think about it?
First 2 seasons are kino, 3 is ok and kinda boring
Yeah i think it drops pretty hard after se 2
got a fat log in my lip watchin fargo yee yee
Is this a commentary on how much wet pussyy Homelander gets?
essentially user