Why does he trigger conservatards so much?

Why does he trigger conservatards so much?

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Because he’s right and they are wrong

Conservatards are triggered by a lot of things, but I don't remember anyone being triggered by this.

Make Sneed Chuck Again

>Trump does something
>I MEAN COME ON. IT’S FREAKING *current year* THAT’D BE LIKE IF I *random outlandish thing*
Literally the show is just this repeated for an hour

Living rent free in your heads, leftists need to be lynched.


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>tfw the democrats memed Trump into becoming president and losing both houses of congress
how embarrassing

why do you watch it every week if you hate it so much tho

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they are easily spooked and fear all things


I’ve seen a couple episodes. I’m not going to give my opinion on something I haven’t even watched

I don't fear everything. Just lots of stuff

I'll do you one better: why does /pol/ spam Trump-related threads here on Yea Forums? What is it in the aid of? Unbelievable

Same reason Trump pisses off left wingers. He's full of shit and entirely disingenuous, but he pleases some sect of idiots who just want to see someone stick it to the other team.

>watches 2 episodes
>Literally the show is just this repeated for an hour
school shooter detected

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I've watched 4 or 5 and I agree with his quick rundown

>making memes of him and laughing is "triggering" conservatives
This thread is 3 years late faggot.

>Why does he trigger conservatards so much?

Stupid people are always triggered by smart people.

why do they trigger conservatives so much

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two scoops

>who just want to see someone stick it to the other team
Oliver is far from the worst in this regard, he at least has some variety. Colbert is just lazy.

This collage was most likely made by a conservative, and to think it was intended to trigger other conservatives you have to have a room temperature iq