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My wife Sophia Lillis should play Carrie Kelley.

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>those bOObs

How old is she? 29?

celtic goddess

Just fucking stop. I'm banned from Yea Forums and I thought I would get a break from this cunt but nah

would sell one kidney to titfuck this industry plant

based and redpilled.



She fucks black guys, check her ig.

This thot is just pure MKultra.

i hate those tryhard "sleepy" eyes she does
yeah haha im so disaffected and aloof and i dont even really care bro

>those dead eyes
I hope she sticks to music


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she cute

>tfw Billie eyelash looks exactly like my ex

Me too, she has a pretty good voice, but her attitude is so retarded, I hope she grows out of it.

Billie Eilish Ruined a Whole Generation of Women

You too? Hehehe

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Why is it wrong for me to think she looks sexually attractive? She has the body of a fully grown woman and has big tits.

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>She fucks black guys

Imagine having to perform and sing every waking hour of the day and people constantly being in your face because you're famous and having no private life

she probably really doesnt care because shes a stupid whore

these two /thread

because that's perfectly normal

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I know, imagine making millions doing what you love instead of grinding in a soulless wageslave job, damm that must suck really hard.

>tfw my friends kept making I want to fuck your mum jokes well into her 50s
wew she was the 1%


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Is probably what her manager said to help her get the look down

The asian girls are in their 20's, the wh*te roastie is 17.

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Her eyes save her average face

No you're right and I agree. No matter how much you're paid working 14 hours a day is going to put a fucking strain on you.

billie is clearly mogging those gooks

Wow, she really looks like shit next to them.

Also they work just as much as her if not more and they do it since they were like 8 years old (in other bands).

She's underage and you're all pedophiles.

the slants are both ugly. espcially the one on the right

marry, fuck, kill


ur mum is ugly

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>i'm not a pedophile i swear!


Where did I say that?

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Oh, right, Amerimutt posting hours, so, anti-white posts.
Thank god you are all killing each other, America deserves to die.

He's using meme arrows to imply that you're a pedo for posting a young Jap women

The wall is going to beat the ever loving shit out of her. Her gut will pass her tits within 10 years.

Seriously, how come when Americans are sleeping everything is so nice, peaceful and shit can be discussed, and when the mutts wake up is all leftist and racemixing propaganda and cuck shit? Are Americans even human at this point?
Its baffling that the media wants me to feel sorry for them when some mass shooter kills them, they completely deserve it.


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nice copypasta

She's trying to be the new Kurt Cobain, the voice of Gen Z. The industry hit the jackpot with her as she ticks all the boxes. She even has a "tick" condition, just like Kurt had the stomach problems, which creates even more uniqueness that kids love to see.

Who is this whore and why is she being shilled so hard

Why does she have this perma "I'm mildly retarded" face?

She’s America’s teen sweetheart can’t you tell?

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She had one (1) hit song and this makes her the flavour of the week.

Difference is, even though I find Kurt to be an absolute faggot. He was handsome and he had some small bit of musical talent (even though he was quite obviously an industry plant). What do zoomers see in this cunt?

Why is this stupid bitch always squinting

That's called the "I'm nodding off from xanax" face, she has it because she's constantly nodding off from xanax.

>he had some small bit of musical talent
No he didn't.

Her voice is genuinely nice and teenagers love her edgy/artsy videos.

That "I'm so depressed and dead inside" face she does in her pictures are so cringy and try hard

Bury Your Friends is kinda good, but then again I really like weird dark electropop so maybe I'm just a stupid faggot.

I found Polly, Lithium, Here She Comes Now, All Apologies, Lake of Fire and Heart-Shaped Box decent. Obviously, the lyrics sucks ass, but the songs are not bad.

Good lord could you dilate any harder? Kurt Cobain mogs your shit musicians for all eternity.

90% of Nirvana's songs are absolute trash, zoomer. Get some taste

How's it possible for blue eyes to look deader than brown eyes

for the uncaring look

and alice in chains is 100% trash. grunge is on par with crunkcore, get some taste faggot.

It's not dumbass, only brainwashed Redditors think it's wrong.

Please share your taste so i can laugh. Say tool or dream theater or some gay shit like that.