this faggot is making ANOTHER hut instead of trying to smelt iron
This faggot is making ANOTHER hut instead of trying to smelt iron
I find it interesting
>meanwhile on the better channel
Well, his old one burnt down, so, yeah, he kinda needs to.
Based savages.
Fucking based
fake garbage
he's a one trick retard
That looks comfy as fuck
My niggas
They're liars. Liars and PHONIES.
>white man takes a whole month to get tiny iron pellets
>thai ladyboys construct Versailles in one week
this shit has to be fake
Yeah the hut building is getting a bit redundant, same with the furnaces. Wish he'd do some different stuff
>tub is fun to splash around in for two days before it's a stagnant pit of algae, decaying leaf litter and mosquito larvae
epic and for the winpilled
You are soulless as well though
You watch this sort of trash in between your "gamer sesh" instead of going out and doing it
your the perfect soulless puppet for the bad guys
your KIND IS*
Holy shit this is faker than your average politician
Don't believe these for one second
>let me just dig this 10 m^3 hole with just a stick
damn, many """people""" with sh-- brown skin on Yea Forums today
>instead of going out and doing it
protip, we don't need mudhut around here.
even in modern times you need two dudes to dig a decent hole
humans were able to enter the bronze age by virtue of there being a fuckton of us. iron age even moreso
what's he gonna do, mine the whole area by himself until he hits a lode of ore?
>"we don't need mudhut around here"
>has to file 48 permits to build a concrete pool and gets sued by environmentalists for killing mosquitoes with chlorine
>the bad guys
I love how they pretend to actually fill up that tub with their tiny fucking bowl, fake pieces of shit
>has swim in clean water
oh no! poor me.
So SOPH/lt corbis thread are allowed then, redshitter? based on the vanishing posts in this thread that means you're lurking
give us a clear answer or admit theres a bias about this shit on Yea Forums
>all that photoshop
Where did they get all that milk from
You mean from Nestle? LMAO
SEETHING whitoids
y'all lacking on some Survival Lily
>itoddler normalfag
Here's one of them now lads
it'll pretend to be part of the cause yet when asked to commit 100% to Yea Forums and /pol/ he's against it and cries for the mods
If he would just make wooden pickaxe, then he could easily make a stone pickaxe, and then it would be a snap to find and mine iron ore.
hmm; I'm not black nor american, my water is fine don't worry.
it's semen
>omg they colour corrected :O
so based
I love watching these guys building sutff but I doubt anything they build would last a week, like those pools.
the white onions boy who builds a hut is more impressive because he has to rediscover the knowledge to live primitively and essentially teach himself.
The jungle kids know how to make bamboo huts because they grew up in bamboo huts big whoop
these are cool the first two videos you watch and then you realize it is the same shit over and over
This for sure
Who or what is this?
>thin wood sticks
>thin mud walls
>no proper foundations
>very humid
that shit can't last more than 2 days if they actually use it.
maybe a few weeks if they don't go near it (and no rain)
>tfw i used these videos to cure my drug addiction by watching them and other wilderness videos relentlessy
>ended up watching the 3rdie ones where they build massive pools and fortresses in the forest
>knew by the time pajeet had built a heated pool mansion fortress in the rainforest by hand that my drug addiction was cured
>animals fall down
>dies a slow painful death being eaten alive by bugs
I'm not even talking about that, bamboo is somewhat resistant, but they always make water related projects, that water is going to end up infiltrating through the soil or the bamboo or just bringing mosquitoes, so they house are going to be trash few days later.
I don't really find his channel that interesting but what I do find interesting is the people who say how easy it is to do this stuff and they wonder why [insert people] couldn't do it. It's like they really think technological advancement is some kind of Civilisation game.
They can just use the stairs.
You do realize these videos are made for numales like the ones that watch OP too right? None of these plebs actually live in it
it's all show
Dosn't matter, that doesn't stop people wanting to talk or having questions about it.
>we can't figure out how to do it so it must be fake!
the eternal whitey
They didn't just "color correct" it you disingenuous shitskin, they literally photoshopped the grass to be full, and also that fucking tryhard fake color of the water as if they're in the most luxurious swimming spot with the cleanest water LMAO
>>we can't figure out how to do it so it must be fake!
>the eternal whitey
meanwhile literally every non-white or asian country is a shithole who can't figure anything out, even after being handed high technology and modern infrastructure, and being given millions in aid every year.
i doubt they made those tiles
but for real tho, every single video is exactly the same shit. like how many times is he going to make a fucking mudhut and a vase? he has not progressed since his very first video
>chad shack
>virgin hut
virgin stone age mute aussie vs the modern chad poo underground oasis
Dude... they need help to do that all in 1 day
fucking pajeets
there must be dozens of these channels and they all suck compared to the origina primitive technology guy
You can already see by the colour of the water how treated with chemicals it is
Seriously. He's made iron and done clay roofing that Africans were never able to figure out, thatch huts aren't neat anymore.
I want to see him make a weight set out of earf
Speaking of, he looks much more swole since the last few videos.
>those views
I don't know what Youtube pays but I need to go out to the local playground, molest some cunny and make youtube show out of it.
>obviously using powertools off-camera
>smelting iron
That’s a huge fucking task m8... back in the Iron Age, you already had legions of surfs gathering raw ore and the. A shit ton of fuel to run the furnaces long enough to make anything useful...this fucker goes into his backyard on the weekend alone to do this shit. It’s still a comfy watch
these fucking pajeet "builds" are the biggest load of bullshit i've ever seen
>when 1 guy has to hike a bucket of water back and forth to fill a pool
What I find fascinating is how when you divide out the tasks he does to different specialized workers, you can see how society builds. You have the tile makers, the horticulturalists, those who gather the iron ore, and so on.
>Cooking meat on a rock
>it’s a prime cut NY steak
Fucking hell, these gooks are pure comedy
Bingo. You can survive in the wild on your own, but you can’t build a mud hotel unless you have two pajeets
He's out of ideas. He already wrote a book on everything he knows how to build.
how the fuck is he onions you fucking mongoloid
USA education
True division of labor wasn't common until the early modern period.
you'd need more than two pajeets. those two fuckers literally earn billions of rupees with their channels, they obviously pay other poos to do most of the work and probably use machines too, they do it for a living, they're not afraid to take shortcuts, that's the difference between the white man and non whites
Primitive Technology is not the greatest channel. It's comfy to watch because he doesn't talk, but the channels where they do explain what the fuck they're doing have a lot more educational and entertainment value.
He explains everything in detail in his notes below the video
They also hand out rice for view bots to push their videos up to the tens of millions.
yeah you'd be pretty naive to think otherwise
>makes it about race.
Come on dude... those guys found a way to make dosh and all you can do is dis them for being pajeets. Indus Valley civilization predates much of Europe’s advancement so those people are definitely capable of making civilization... it’s just Primitive Technology guy isn’t dependent on the channel for a living since he seems to be well off enough to purchase huge plots of land prior to his channel getting big. The pajeets are doing it out of necessity but you can’t knock them or their race for that
it is about race you dumb nigger
white guys are not any more or less morally superior, an economy based on greed poisons everyone, there is no morally righteous self-interest. you are a rube and a cuckold and the white men above you would never afford you the same consideration you're ready to give them.
did you just call me a rube?
you answer like a woman, ignoring the whole and fixating on an insult instead to change the subject. show bobs
white men are morally superior, primitive tech autist is passionate to a level that most brown people couldn't comprehend
Fuck that guy, this channel is better and top comfy.
Love this one.
>farm that big
>only women in the videos
Very unrealistic.
and the subtitles
Chinese women are strong and independent and don't need no man.
tfw no yunnan tea farm to tend to
literal propaganda, but sorta cool.
How so?
She is funded by the Chinese government and is incentivized to make videos. No one that good looking stays in the fucking village they grew up in. They're literal poverty traps. Any person with a future would head to the big city.
Oof. Imagine growing up this delusional
you are pozzed as fuck son
haha no, bit ironic desu
That doesn't seem to be a village and the people in the video seem wealthy as fuck.
I'll never understand how so many people watch these bullshit "LOOK HOW CRAZY THIS THING IS" photoshopped videos
Your social credit score has been deduced.
Get off your VPN Chang
this faggot already made a cellphone
you're just making shit up
anything counter i show you will just be disregarded as propaganda, you've interalised the state department position and call others propagandists.
What's happening in this video?
Yeah. I'm a big fan of pseudo caveman living but even actual primitive humans created more than just pottery and mud houses.
Its not that. Its because his region doesn't have that many iron ore deposits he can't progress to the next age. I really wish he'd just half ass it and get some iron ore and make some new material just to progress
She said something on the internet to anger the party. The police have arrived to take her god knows where.
Anime bazinga