Post your favorite movie and 8values result.
Apocalypse Now
Post your favorite movie and 8values result.
Apocalypse Now
Other urls found in this thread:
The Bride of Frankenstein
Bladerunner 2049
disregard, i meant the original bladerunner
nordic commie here
favorite movie: idk probably aliens or matrix or something
no wait holy shit it's starship troopers, how could i forget
Dark City
There Will Be Blood
Hot Fuzz
Daily reminder that I drink your milkshake
You're gay aren't you?
Lord of the rings
All 3
how can one man be so based?
Political master race.
I've gotten a little more socialist since I took these
It's a draw between Metropolis and the original Blade Runner.
Master & Commander
Raza (1941)
literally the gayest kind of socialism.
On the Silver Globe
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Probably the Godfather. It's the only movie I've watched 4-5 times. Otherwise I'm usually into science fiction.
How anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of economics can be an economic socialist is beyond me.
This is a strange one. Are you a hawkish libertarian or an Objectivist?
Climax (2018) is my current favourite.
2001 Space Odyssey
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
>libertarian socialism
Might as well be a nazi jew, that makes no sense.
The Lord of the Rings
What doesn't make sense. That government should curb corporations and outrageously rich (to an extent, I'm probably still capitalist) but don't mess with day to day life of regular people? Why is it so weird to want amazon to pay taxes and believe in the 2nd amendment at the same time?
Christine (2016)
>>world view monopolism: the thread
Shows how much you know. It's synonymous with anarchism. Americans just basterdized and co-opted the term libertarian.
Children of Men
Bunch of bluepilled faggots on Yea Forums.
Why are there so few actual right wing people when we do one of these, but they manage to shit up every other thread?
They're an extremely vocal minority, I figured this was obvious.
Because they lack attention the most
It's actually Apocalypse Now.
Solaris (2002) or The Ninth Gate.
People here that are not on the far-right mostly fall around the centre-right, centre or centre-left. Those people (moderates) are not likely to engage rabidly in political discussions on a tv and film imageboard. Almost 100% of the extremist (losers who have nothing going on in their lives that they resort to collectivist nightmare ideologies like facism or communism) that engage in political shitflinging are facists. There's no a single hardline commie ITT while a few little Hitlers are present.
Also Scandinavian communist here, for me it's Alien
>Thinking anything but a radical shift in how things are done can fix this clown world.
extremely based post
I'm not going to retake but it gave me Libertarian Socialist not too long ago
Probably The Deer Hunter
its me the guy you replied to
i would say my views reflect your percentages more than what i actually got. i kinda fell prey to the vaguely phrased questions and stuff
>lowest violent crime rates in history
>most peaceful period in modern human history
>very few places on earth where you have to deal with true hardship like food shortages and infectious illness
>cLoWn WoRlD gamers rise up!
The Fugitive w/ Harrison Ford & Tommy Lee Jones
>thinking his endless internet circlejerks against circlejerking extremists on the other side about issues no normal person actually cares about do anything at all
nvm I retook it
Whoops I fucked up
The Thing. Pretty hilarious actually.
imagine being this retarded
>you can only be a fascist if you're a loser
>an ideology revolving around having a physically and mentally strong populace
Uh m8, you're bait needs a little work
The Long Goodbye
>Ethnic cleansing of whites.
>Degenerate sexuality becoming more and more prevalent.
>Record suicides and opioid abuse.
>Rising income inequality.
>Sub-replacement birth rates.
>Rising household debt.
>Rising housing prices.
>Disappearance of psychologically satisfying jobs.
You really really ought to look at what you type before you press enter
Lawrence of Arabia
Liberalchad United.
I mean, regardless of what the ideology believes, the reality as that most of those people are not top shelf human specimens
>Corporations consolidating power
>Censorship and deplatforming
Holy cow now this is a true globalist
The green mile
Don't forget homelessness.
>Ethnic cleansing of whites.
Literally not a thing.
>Degenerate sexuality becoming more and more prevalent.
>Sub-replacement birth rates.
Not actual problems in your life. Stop looking for things to be upset about.
>Record suicides and opioid abuse.
>Rising income inequality.
>Rising household debt.
Genuine problems but nothing on the level of an actual threat to society.
>Disappearance of psychologically satisfying jobs.
Reality not meeting your expectations is not a societal problem. Work is no different than it's ever been.
>More and more places pushing for higher minimum wage when all it does is make things more expensive while killing jobs
>The rise of completely incomptent college kids with a degree, but no experience
>The rise of complete idiots who think that socialism is a legitimate form of government like this knuckledragging retard
>Record suicides and opioid abuse.
>Rising income inequality.
>Rising household debt.
>not actual threats
What actually are threats then? Because all that shit seriously matters
Starship Troopers
If you were successful in the current system you wouldn't try to topple it loser.
Why is liberalism such a popular ideology on 4channel ?
Nigga wtf have you achieved?
>Literally not a thing.
Mass immigration combined with sub-replacement birth rates of the native population equals ethnic cleansing.
>Not actual problems in your life. Stop looking for things to be upset about.
These things affect everyone, especially children.
>Genuine problems but nothing on the level of an actual threat to society.
Problems are current system seems incapable of fixing.
>Reality not meeting your expectations is not a societal problem. Work is no different than it's ever been.
Wrong. There are jobs that just don't exist in first-world countries anymore.
Idk what to tell you, I acknowledged they are problems. I don't know what the solution is. I'm pretty sure posting pictures of clown frogs on a burmese throat-singing image board probably isn't doing much though.
Think about it for two seconds