No monster movie that's just about a huge menacing sea serpent

>No monster movie that's just about a huge menacing sea serpent.

The closest we came was Beyond Loch Ness and it was just ok.

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Other urls found in this thread:

there are too few movies about sea monsters

That would be really cool. I don’t recall any desu

I'll take "what is Deep Rising" for 200$.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader had a sea serpent battle, I think they skipped it in the film though.

Deep Rising was okay but mostly confined to the boat. It didn't really exploit the fear of being in the open ocean with a giant monster, and for most of the movie people thought they were up against a bunch of smaller monsters.

Imagine a scene where like, someone is frantically trying to paddle away on their surfboard where behind them a giant sea serpent with a head bigger than a bus is casually swimming toward them, half out of the water. It's a different atmosphere.

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You just described Jaws

no, bigger

The Host?

b i g g e r

The Kraken in PotC is pretty kino.

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Like leviathan type of big?

>Big Jaws
>Even bigger Jaws


100+ minimum

i miss ray harryhausen

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Sea monsters are the ultimate horror. Being on the water and knowing there is the abyss full of living terrors underneath makes me shit my trunks.

Well a biblical movie about it is not likely.So the best you can do is too wait for a movie about some lovecraft horror.

I meant to say 100+ feet whoops

I mean it wouldn't be too hard. Just make a big wiggly monster and have it terrorize a coastline.

sounds like some syfy originals out there

I have seen every single syfy original movie featuring large oceanic sea creatures and not one of them has done it right.

>>No monster movie that's just about a huge menacing sea serpent.
>The closest we came was Beyond Loch Ness and it was just ok.
The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep, 2007

>autistic manatee

no, it's about loch ness monster

I just want a blu ray collection of every sci if original movie ever made. Or at least a good torrent

a non-scary one.

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dunno, for me it was scary in creepy sense

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No one actually dies if I recall. I remember as a kid being disappointed by the lack of carnage. I expected at least one person to be eaten but I got "Horse Film But Its A Plesiosaur"

Reigo, the Deep-Sea Monster vs. the Battleship Yamato and its "sequel but not a sequel" are finally getting rereleases.

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The best

was probably the influence FOR the loch ness monster sightings

there's a norwegian movie called Mysteriet Ragnarök with a giant serpent in a lake


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Holy shit that dinosaur looks insanely good, this may be the best stop motion I've ever seen. Is the movie any good?

kino british film with ray harryhausen stop-motion. similar to sinbad and the eye of the tiger (1977).

Attached: Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger4.webm (800x433, 2.9M)

Lake Placid

ye it should be called big mothefukkkin snake and have samuel l jackson in it lol

Speaking of sea monsters, how's The Meg?
Worth watching? Looks like Hollywood trash.

it's awful, totally worth watching. also that bigass shark kills like 5 people?

do they fug

It'll do. There were a few moments I found to be genuinely uncomfortable. Not in a moral perspective or anything but just me squirming in my seat at the idea of being in that situation. If it gets me to do that or there's a high body count I'll say its good.

do it for the asian milf

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I liked 6 headed shark attack better

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The Giant Behemoth

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These movies are national treasures


this word is losing all meaning

>when dinosaurs ruled the earth

You come to an imageboard and can't read filenames? You silly.

Attached: Dinosaur attacks.webm (855x480, 1.65M)

user it means Mother I'd Like To Fuck. She has a daughter. She's literally a mom user wants to fuck.

>Have Stoya, Sasha Grey, and other nice girls in the cast
>Select the ugly one as the front lead in the cover


Monster films?
Garbage, unlike my brand of dark dramas with Lovecraftian themes.

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Because at one point girls like her were considered the fucking A-list of porn.

Remake of Loch Ness Horror when?

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It got one, unless you mean the 2008 one.

Pic related is from 1981, I think you're thinking about Loch Ness Terror. Or Incident at Loch Ness.

Tbh, if any lake monster deserves a horror film its Ogopogo, the Indigenous peoples tales of it make the goddamn thing seem fucking straight up evil.

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