B-but aunt I didn't stole your panties

>B-but aunt I didn't stole your panties

Attached: aunt.jpg (1280x705, 83K)

>I didn't stole
Learn english foreign scum.

You need to capitalize English, retard.

what's up with all the porn with incest titles lately? fucked up shit. the titles i mean, who wants to see that stuff under those names so badly

blame GoT. It's enabled a fetish


its VERY cute. leave him alone

Fuck off and die, faggot

she could get it

>didn't stole

Attached: IMG_20190808_224233.jpg (828x958, 76K)

Excuse mua for not sproking greet England

>Learn english foreign scum.

Attached: 1563530112673.png (454x520, 11K)

Is it normal and healthy to steal your mother, sister and/or aunt's underwear?

Porn is Jewish. Every trend in porn is created by Jews.

>didn't stole

Attached: Screenshot_497.png (373x293, 168K)

post the fucking webm. i love her perky tits! a porn star equivalent would be Alexa Tomas

normal yes
healthy no

What are some Auntie Kinos?

Attached: mt.jpg (2483x3718, 934K)


Why does the thumbnail make it look like he has a man-bun?

only if you're a junkie and you want to sell it. if it's something sexual, i think i've heard stuff like that in a lot documentaries about serial killers

Attached: danywarm.png (1661x1073, 3.03M)

>I didn't stole

Attached: 1565360300193.png (500x367, 132K)

"So, Peter, you were surrounded by all those sexy, hot women, their sensual, hot bodies surrounding you, how did that make you feel?"

"I was in the middle of a battle, May..."

"Peter, that is no excuse. Your cock should be ready to slam pussy at all times. Some of those women lost their men in that war, Peter. They could use a big powerful cock like yours."

>smelly granny pussy

how dare you!? she is perfectly matured meat


Someone post the gif they're talking

Attached: diane.png (186x384, 115K)

post it yourselfo

Attached: 4957230476013463464.png (275x410, 118K)

And you need to learn that in English there's an 's' in capitalise.


Someone post the webm please

>foreigner tries to speak English on Yea Forums
>Everyone thinks it's cute and encourages him and gives him tips
>minor errors in conjugation or spelling are ignored

>English speaker tries to speak another language on Yea Forums
>Gets torn apart by native speakers of the language
>Mocked, ridiculed, told to shut up and study before he tries to speak again

Zoom zoom

Only in the Arabic dialect, which so few people speak nowadays. Its unimportant.

>aww I don't get any replies
>foreigners are everywhere
lmao desu

Which do you think will lead to improvement? Being mollycoddled so you feel no impetus to improve? Or being torn apart at the smallest mistake, forcing you to get it right or hang your head in shame as you walk away, ostracized?


Attached: 1557116069731.png (960x481, 306K)

Try to guess my original language and speak it. I will not mock you and I'll think it's cute. It's a promise.

Attached: PeniParker.png (970x545, 578K)