Nightmare Goggles.
Nightmare Goggles
Other urls found in this thread:
This isn't happening this isn't happening
Thanks for reminding me to cancel my Netflix subscription.
Besides the tranny shit, the fact that they forced that change is always good and should be accepted ruins the special
>Let go of the past
>Revives 20 year old cartoon
Did they hired SHADMAN as their scriptwriter?
I can see why Nick never aired this lmao
Hehehe bigots
>t. Needs the winds of change
why is she (formerly he) so fuggin smug?
I can see why Nickelodeon didn’t want to air this.
Those are like $2000 headphones. What the hell is this, lol?
even the creators daughter seen through all the BS
>I took my daughter, my 10 year old daughter, to the screening last week, and she said, “You’re going to get some flak for this.” And I said, “How so? How do you feel?” And she said, “That maybe you did this as a bit of a gimmick.” And I said, “Yeah, well, we didn’t. We tried really hard not to do that, and I think it’s a real … ” I mean, I can’t … whatever people say, there’s going to be those who … I’m assuming we’re going to get people who are purists, who don’t like the change.
Netflix Lecture
Glad to see that at least some kids can see through the shit.
Netflix Lecture
>when a 10 year old can see through your bullshit
Netflix Lecture
>let go of the past
>cartoonist becomes a tranny
huh wow
>All the twitter replies are people who don’t care and just want them to not cancel The OA
Netflix Lecture
That character was lame as shit
Netflix Lecture
Generation Zyklon is real and when they come of age, it's going to be beautiful.
I hope so. I want to see Trap Ralph fucked by chads in a public bathroom.
Netflix Lecture
ITT: outrage junkies that never watched Rocko's modern life or are ignoring how the show was.
whats next? gonna bitch about Ren and Stimpy being too progressive and degenerate? What about Star Trek being leftist?
You will never be a real girl.
The OA is the most deceitful show on the internet
i feel like this whole decade has been just a big lead up to the unrecognizable mess that will be the 2020s and the 21 century
Because it's only adults who have the hangup about social acceptance and all these identity issues. Kids don't have this because a) they've not hit puberty yet anyway (ignoring the moronic parents who force their child to take hormone therapy before puberty) and b) don't really care, because it doesn't bother them. Kids don't like being talked down to either, and the reality is the majority of them don't want this shit so obvious in their cartoons.
>Joe Murray
It happened when we went from the Berenstein to Berenstain timeline.
I just want to go back
t. likes rainbows
The 2020’s will be shit
>rachel (formerly ralph)
> f fucking trannies!
>ignores reality of how fucked up the shows were back than
>spams meme buzzword insults because cant handle reality of being an outrage junkie and someone calling them out on their shit.
get fucked faggot. all outrage junkies should be purged.
>stumbling through that explanation
He knows he fucked up.
Yeah, I’m thinking Hitler was right.
I don't recall fucking trannies being in the show.
the fuck are you on about kike
What was edgy and groundbreaking in 1993 for Rocko?
>Hurr trans bad
Also why do you even care? Just enjoy the show.
How'd you know?
I will not watch porn
I will not watch porn
I will not watch porn
I will not watch porn
I will not wear diapers
I will not wear diapers
I will not wear diapers
I will not wear diapers
I will succeed in getting a date
I will succeed in getting a date
I will succeed in getting a date
I will succeed in getting a date
>I’m assuming we’re going to get people who are purists
>One of the "purists" is your 10 year old child. >Everyone who hasn't been indoctrinated and shamed into liking this sort of thing is a NAZI INCEL DRUMPFKIN, your own offspring included.
Perhaps if they tried to be a good parent, they'd have a child more in-sync with themselves. But then again, if they were a good parent, they wouldn't want to gaslight a shitty LGBT+ propaganda remake of a cartoon just because "it's the current year, bigot!" in the first place...
everything becomes poisoned
You act like Ren and Stimpy didn’t have an equally poorly received revival on Spike TV.
user... Rocko was SO edgy! It had innuendos! Like the one where mrs. Bighead wanted to fuck Rocko or the one where Rocko worked for a sex hotline! It’s so edgy!!!!1!!!
Because trannies are pedophiles
It never felt like a lecture before. You keep pushing this shit, and young people are going to reject it just like they rejected D.A.R.E
I dreamed a dream of days gone by...
Trannies are mentally diseased, it wouldnt even be that bad though if they weren't constantly forcing their delusions upon the rest of the world.
> (OP)
>i feel like this whole decade has been just a big lead up to the unrecognizable mess that will be the 2020s and the 21 century
Welcome to Weimerica
I was 9 years old when the original Rocko ended. I'm pretty miserable these days so live on nostalgia. It's a real shame they had to make it political and this tranny stuff is getting out of hand.
Not even /pol/ btw (am a jew)
Because this was in production before Netflix found out how many millions they were losing.
>Trannies are mentally diseased, it wouldnt even be that bad though if they weren't constantly forcing their delusions upon the rest of the world.
Source? Every first-world country's Psychologists and Psychiatrists seem to disagree with you--random user on the internet.
This is just as bad as energy/manufacturing corporations polluting the environment, but instead of dumping oil into an ocean, Netflix dumps this trash into children's minds
I used to think /pol/ was the worst place on the internet. Now I see /pol/ was right. Every day it's just more leftist agenda being shoved down our throats. Eventually there will be a hard swing in the opposite direction and the leftists will only have themselves to blame for building the momentum in the political pendulum when it swings against them.
You sound pretty outraged yourself discord tranny.
Kablam was fucking tight
Can’t wait for 9/11: 2, Islamic boomaloo
Poor Mr. Bighead
Reminder most nazis were trannies including Hitler. This is literally redpilled
The whole message of the special is that nostalgiafags like you are pieces of shit and should kill yourselves.
>biologically male animal does not feel biologically male
user, that is definition of mental illness, no matter what your therapist tells you.
If you cant see that Gender Dysphoria is a problem originating from a broken mind then nothing will come from this conversation. Do us all a favor and kill yourself, you fucking freak.
I'm halfway looking forward to the Chinese taking over at this point.
>Psychologists and Psychiatrists
You mean the same people who thought mental illnesses was caused by gut bacteria and started removing people's intestines to "cure" them? The same professions who gave lobotomies? Those guys? They're always wrong.
>Holmes and Cotton independently tried to cure schizophrenia by cutting out the organs they thought were responsible for the illness. Holmes focused on intestines; Cotton also removed "teeth, tonsils, gall bladders, cervices, colons, thyroids and other body parts," according to the Journal of Medical Biography.
What a joke of a profession. They have no idea what they're doing.
Oh well I still have a playlist of old 90s show that I watch when I'm feeling down and they can't take that away
>Let go of the past!
>And watch this show from the past because nostalgia!
All the more reason to stop trannies now. You don't support Nazis do you? If you're antifa you have to be antitran
Am pretty sure kids will remember this like we remember captain planet and the heart kid.
Nothing but gay ass shit you can barely stand.
Kids just want to laugh and watch cool robots fighting each other, not to watch liberal boomers propaganda.
Patton Oswalt had a bit at least a decade ago where he begged his audience not to raise their kids as liberal, or they would eventually rebel and become Republicans. It looks like that’s exactly what’s beginning to happen, and I couldn’t be happier.
Inb4 Doug gets Netflix'd
Based kid. Reminds me of that one 10 year old who was raving fucking mad because he had to wash his degenerate mother's cock mug.
user, at least wait a few minutes to screencap your own posts
no kids are going to watch this, they don’t care about rocko’s modern life. this is literally made for millennial women who like to pretend to be nostalgic about stuff they didn’t care about at all when they were kids
>They were wrong in the past so they are wrong now!
A logical fallacy. No source, no substance.
The other replies aren't even worth responding to, as they're just baseless insults. Usually the ones that resort to insults when their views are challenged are, well, wrong. Hmmm.
At least paint out the little stats icon on your post so it isn't so painfully obvious it's your own.
Compare this shit to nothing but 4 shows rerunning endlessly today, how the FUCK do trannies say we live in a golden age of animation? CN and Nick used to be power houses now they just have onions shows and a small number at that.
Its not like any of this is actually marketed to kids anyway, all this is is nostalgia marketing toward millennials who don't have kids anyway. Same reason why star wars doesn't sell toys.
It's just some boomer cartoon so I'm not saying it's the end of the world at all but I don't know. It seems to be pushing a bad message that all the "depressed" and "anxious" teens are really just trans.
Appeal to authority is also a logical fallacy
be my girlfriend
They are wrong now too unless you believe in over prescribing barely tested medications to children. They still have no idea how the brain works and yet they give people massive doses of antidepressants that are known to increase suicide risk. Everyone knows modern psychiatry is a farce.
>the rampant immaturity of gen z is accidentally forging a generation of kids who see maturity and common sense as an act of rebellion
It's poetic in a way.
I haven't watched it yet, but this seems like it could be a funny plot development? Especially if it annoys Mr Bighead
When do you think we'll find out that Netflix was funded by the CIA for another Operation Mockingbird type scheme?
Ya hear it? Ya hear the winds of cha-- fuck you.
yeah that conversation definitely happened
When is the world gonna find out that Obama repealed American anti-propaganda laws in 2013, just to make bullshit like this possible?
I dunno, mutilation of the genitalia to turn it into something it's not isn't something a sane person would do.
Yeah, kind of odd that a form of self-harm isn't classified as a mental illness...
Are you fucking retarded? It takes one second to check if that name is Jewish. Spoiler - it's not.
I guess I just don't get why people want to change what they are instead of just accepting what they've got. Literal first world problem.
Incognito mode, nigger!
>nutted but she still suckin
Your Twitter account is really cringey bro.
Why? Just seemed really bad
Isn't this the first episode of the remake? The first episode and they make it a morality lecture?
It's netflix
I know, I'm just stunned at the audacity of it but I forget this is netflix we're talking about.
It was edgy in regards to its use of innuendo. Overall it was just a satire of modern life but was usually about mundane things that most people could relate to: the perils of buying a new car, the soul crushing feeling of working for a giant corporation, etc. The tranny shit here, especially in the context which it is presented, is nothing but agenda however. A lot of people can't relate to it and they are desperately trying to push it in everyone's faces. It's kind of ironic, really.
Almost comical really
It’s a one episode special. And Netflix didn’t make it, it was made for Nickelodeon but after they saw it they didn’t want to air it and sold it to Netflix.
It's a one-off 20th anniversary special that Nickelodeon refused to air due to propaganda so shameless the creator's ten year old daughter called him out on it.
>jizz logo
Nick was so based in so many ways.
Pretty based of them to not let this garbage special see the light of day, too. They probably didn't even sell the rights to the special for very much.
Nicktoons more like "Nearteens"
looks more like Farmer #2 to me
ah yes
a 10 year old using words like gimmick
>"Okay, but what if we put the propaganda in a show you watched as a kid? Like tranny freaks now?"
based. please keep posting
>celebrate mental illness
they left zim alone right?
what is he listening to?
Could be paraphrased but the conversation definitely didn't happen. Kids just consume media without question. They don't know why they like/dislike things and aren't able to form any criticisms.
>"I liked thing when I was a kid"
What a kind, tolerant person you are.
so is the creator a lair now or is collider a well known liberal site now alt right nazi loving
That makes it kind of worse in a way, you bring back an old show just to use it as a pompous morality lecture. I don't get it but propaganda going to propaganda.
You don't get to preach about letting go of the past whi'e profitting off shallow nostalgia.
for now
>rated tv-y7
>has blatant trannies that underwent horrible surgery
because they feel unfulfilled as their true self and they cant be bothered to work to change things. they see the LGBTBBQ+- victim olympics and how these people are apparently heralded as heroes and so brave, so they chop their cocks off to join them
but then they realise theyve made a huge mistake and become another statistic
Where can I watch this without netflix
For now, but you know damn well it's coming.
Everything you enjoyed once will be broken, and the people doing it think it's hilarious.
Gimmick is a word a ten year old can readily know.
pirate bay
I wonder what this scrawny spic's been up to.
Sorry to be annoying but anything in regards to streaming?
not really then can know the word but don't have the life experience to spot it
toy company's know this
Hard for anyone to take the guy with a Joker profile picture making “THEY TARGETTED GAMERS” tweets and screenshotting himself to post on Yea Forums seriously.
from Wacky Deli to Shrieky Tranny
Someone will probably put up a private video link eventually.
>10 year old daughter understanding and using words like flak and gimmick to criticize a cartoon
Wow, just like in real life! Also it's pretty hilarious that the creator couldn't even be assed to think of a good response to his strawman daughter
Glad you asked!
For the love of Christ, kill me.
Historical sources please.
We’ll find out when the Zim Netflix special releases on the 16th.
Hey man watch what you say, he may RISE UP! at the nearest Wal-mart.
Just look up the name of what you want to see in your search engine of choice and add "watch online free" to it. Usually the first page will have multiple links.
Not so be mean but how do people not know it's this easy? You never need to ask if you know the name already.
Kids aren't nearly as dumb as you presume.
>I will not wear diapers
Oddly specific.
>tfw the Florpus is a neovagina
Daughter (formerly son)
trannies wear diapers for the discharge
that shpw was already gay as fuck
Welp, I guess i'm lucky Rockos Modern Life started at the same time I had to leave my house for school and I have next to no nostalgia for it
Don't some of them uncontrollably shit out of heir neocunt?
>Kids aren't nearly as dumb as you presume
Yes, they are. I guarantee 99.99% of kids that age do not look for or understand deeper meaning in media like metaphors or interpretations.
Thank Christ Samurai Jack ended as well as it had.
#Gamergate #Comicsgate
@hm_dynamo has Retweeted @thedonaldreddit
>uses his sword to become Samurai Jane
yes they are
If a 10 year old understood the concept of what a gimmick is they wouldn't be playing minecraft and fortnite or get excited when something new is added
they have only been on the planet 10 years, they wouldn't give you advice like that
"I am sorry father but I believe this new character to be a gimmick and I fear you will face some severe flak for this I tell you"
If you're gonna pretend you're not a child, the least you could do is stop redditspacing.
Its a gimmick
10 year olds are almost in middle school, they can understand the concept of a gimmick
no they can't you pedo
dunno, maybe they pushed it too hard and it will backfire, instead of what could have been an organic change towards "progress"
>Originally created as a television film for Nickelodeon’s own network, Netflix bought its distribution rights in May 2019. The film is slated for release on Netflix on August 16, 2019.[1]
>more trash that Nick took out
>bring a show back after 20 years
>shit all over the fans and waste the opportunity by making it an obnoxious preachy pile of shit pandering to an insanely small minority of vocal wackos who should be treated as if they have a mental disorder instead of constantly being indulged in their delusions until they kill themselves when they realize it was all a lie
This can't be real
Eerie newspeak.
>unironically liking the show that started the "XD im so randum!" humor, serving as inspiration for rick and morty
Its easier and you get a dedicated cash flow, It might not be a big hit but they are guaranteed to buy it
even if you scrape up 200k from around the globe
just pander hard and agree with them on social media, they will buy what ever you spew out ontop, maybe you get fired for making shit?
hey everyone I have a new book coming out!
Eh I think it fits Rocko’s
>SJ season 5
>ending anything remotely approaching "well"
It was trash without being pozzed, that's it.
>Father, I do believe this cartoon you have shown me has an unusual plot. I feel as thought it's a bit of a contrivance merely utilized to gain publicity from marginalized group and I think people will see through this charade and call you desperate and unimaginative
>"ha lol thats exactly what everyone I disagree with would say on the internet"
>So whats the point of the gimmick, father?
>"ha...uh...w-w-w-w-well y-y-you see...heh know whatever I mean...things are you know...and..t-t-the important t-thing here is..."
Damn, this is really convincing. I think his daughter should talk to other young daughters I see posted about on facebook that go on apparently long-winded rants about restructuring immigration policies to more closely match what their parents think. Kids these days sure are smart!
Do you believe that every adult is exactly equally intelligent and well informed? Of course not. There are smart 10 year olds and stupid 10 year olds. I work in education and know plenty of children who would be able to identify a gimmick and plenty of children who are too stupid to understand anything on a show other than "WOW EXPLOSION COOL". Not all 10 year olds are the same.
>Le Sneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddddd!
it’s because my brain wants me to wear diapers and poop and pee and them even though I don’t need them anymore
it'll never swing back for incels m8. You're done
You could just NOT swing to the opposite. Because, ya know... you're a thinking human being capable of controlling yourself.
It got me laid and was funny, girls are annoying anyway it was just zim annoying for a while, It canceled out my own spergy'ness since girls were over the top beyond me
all you had to do was like zim and you were in
>still Genndy'd two years later
Keep seethin, baby
This makes me seriously worry about the Invader Zim special now
yes they can, you actual pedo
>She (formally he)
>Formally he
Kill yourself faggot. He's still a he.
you are wrong/lying/ and laying down huge amounts of cope from someone pointing out 10 year old don't say shit like that
you are getting weird now defending it this hard
Names don't matter much, jews change them all the time to blend in better
Fuck this Netflix shit. I can't watch it online now.
Here's where I'm concerned:
Nick didn't air Rocko's Dilated Life for what are now very obvious reasons.
I wonder why they refused to air the Zim movie.
obsessed incel
just reply to this post if you think ALL trannies should die
Transsexuals are mentally ill
>Short hair
>Bare feet
Yep it's your typical Shadman comic.
Rocko being woke had nothing to do with it. Progressive TV is the norm for kids today and the current generation is fine with tranny stuff anything else is just a /pol/ fantasy.
They dropped Rocko/Zim because Hey Arnold Jungle Movie, Double Dare reboot, and the All That reboot ALL bombed and their 90s bloc on Teen Nick was also doing shit. So they dumped nostalgia and went back to the formula of schneider sitcoms/spongebob/loud house on loop
You're right about Scaramouche (and the first three eps) being kino, but it went downhill hard as soon as he hijacked the show with his childhood imaginary waifu.
Cherry on the cake was that he then cucked himself out of even that by erasing her from existence by ripping off Gurren Lagan's own garbage ending.
More that I know all trannies will die in their early thirties, or at least within ten years of transitioning.
and you're the cornerstone of well adjusted mental health
>Cherry on the cake
It's cherry on top you upset retard. Nobody with a brain says "cherry on the cake".
based (You)
Man, I sure love how Yea Forums is bitching about Yea Forums related shit.
If you really work with kids, then you know that regardless of how bright they are, they lack the perspective of the zeitgeist that adults have.
Why did it take so many tweets to say basically nothing?
we live in a cursed timeline
I didn't realize this monologue was about leftists
Severe damage control. They scheduled this back when they thought they were making money. Now they know they're going down the shitter and are desperately defending their continued mistakes.
You're right, I've been up too long. Guess I'll go to bed since you don't have an argument.
I definitely would have called something a gimmick at 10. Fucking retards on this board
Based Nickelodeon
i see leftypol has finally found the thread
What argument? That you didn't like the ninja chick?
All you argued was your garbage taste.
nazis are crazy and so are trannies
Calm down he's making a Sneed joke
I see /tvpol/ crying again
>Bighead accepts his tranny child
>Rock accepts that the remake he wants is terrible
>This results in everyone running around giant piles of many and taking whatever they can.
What did they mean by this?
And here comes the voice of reason, crying and spamming the thread with your pictures because you don't like people's opinion
I knew what gimmick meant as a ten year old wrestling fan
>It's just some boomer cartoon
But that's the thing though. It's a long forgotten cartoon that no one has thought about in forever. It's just something adults vaguely remember from their childhoods. Even so they had to dig it up from the grave just to vomit all over it. Nothing can be left untouched.
An individual has that choice. A nation never does. Always the pendulum swings.
>let go of the past and embrace change
>here's some IPs you remember from your childhood and would only watch due to nostalgia
I dont remember white guys kissing black women on sci fi shows you leftist cuck
don't worry, they will die, sooner than normal human beings
>found this natural change we really wanted to approach
>guy wants to cut his cock off
Based hammy
Every time.
wasn't ren and stimpy because gross out humor and crudeness? None of the sexual stuff was played in a positive light, it was either gross, or stimpy being a giant fag (but stimpy's character is an established idiot, so being a giant fag isn't presented positively).
Same with rocko's modern life, wasn't it just some dark depression/weird humour and then rocko tries to make a moral speech at the end, then yells
does it has the same voice?
the fucked up-ness wasn't presented as a progressive positive message. You watched it and thought "damn that';s fucked up" not "wow, stunning and brave"
>netflix intern fucked up with the "I liked it" card and are trying the "Like it, bigot" card
>they still have no idea that Yea Forums isn't a cartoon board
>this world
Why's that guy wearing a diaper?
The entire point of Rocko's Modern Life is that he is a simple and mostly stable person trying to get by in an increasingly nonsensical world. The only thing this fits is the narrative of blue checkmarks on twitter.
b-but the diversity episode!
f-founding fathers!
I once dreamed a dream, but now that dream has gone from me
Adult Party Cartoon ain’t lookin so terrible right about now. At least it had some artistic ambition and better animation.
Ranking nostalgic kids show reboots
Hey Arnold Jungle Movie > Samurai Jack Season 5 > Dragon Ball Super >> Teen Titans Go >> nu Powerpuff Girls >>>>>> Static Cling >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That live action Reboot netflix thing
I hate this generation of delayed adolescent man children who can never give up what they had. I'm sick of all the reboots and all the nostalgia. "This is all mine!" the 34 year old goony beard man yells as he ploughs through a parade of 8 year olds to the latest Batman, Star Wars, Marvel bullshit
>dragon ball super
that doesn't really fit with the rest, there have been pretty much non-stop dragon ball media being produced since the original cartoon aired. All they did was retcon out GT
It's hilarious how predictable the trannies spamming this thread can be. Always the same lame copes.
The funniest part is literally no one is doing that, also what does that even have to do with Rockos Modern Life? Fuck off faggot
A grizzly bear eating Timothy Treadwell.
formerly la chuck
Thank God Disney isn't gonna touch Monkey Island.
It's disgusting that they legally can.
Manchild detected
I have to agree. This shit read like "My 8 year old asked me why white people are upset at mexicans for coming here illegally after their ancestors came here illegally" propaganda. And I agree with how obnoxious this sanctimonious shit is. It's just ridiculous to imagine a 10 year old being so precocious as to say that.
super was complete shit
It was like if you got deviant art to remake dragonballz
What? Sauce me.
wasted digits with your stupid fucking samefagging
It was making the rounds in ylyl threads in /gif/.
1st ones me
2nd ones me defending my position
3, 4 or like minded sane people
>I don’t understand how you’re going to be 41 and be buying this SHIT
Some people shouldn't have kids. I feel bad for him.
>And I said, “Yeah, well, we didn’t. We tried really hard not to do that, and I think it’s a real … ”
lol what a fucking psycho. Why can't people just be honest with themselves? If this was made 10 years ago Ralph would've just been gay. It's a gimmick, just play it for what it is and you won't have to so poorly defend your position.
His reaction gives me hope that maybe two pieces of shit can produce something that might have some worth through unintentional reverse psychology. This made him internally vow never to buy kid shit in his 40s.
It could be a sign that the cycle might actually shift.
based. i love you, addy
Maybe you didn't.
>Its just a cartoon!
>Its just a song!
>Its just a movie!
That's how ideology is promoted. Art is propaganda.
buyer's market
what? what do trannies have to do with leftism?
how many Bergs and Steins worked on this
Fucking kek
the camaraderie of absolute delusional ideas
>This is the part where you boogie
>This is the part where you dance
absolutely fucking everything
what rock have you been living under?
Don't expect intelligent discourse here. There isn't a brain cell between this entire board, especially when /pol/ comes out.
why would a children's cartoon include trans anything?
any and all explicit sexuality is stupid and out of place in any non-educative media meant for kids
>jews are jews
>non-jews are also jews
just remember, /pol/ is always right
D*sneys reach knows no bounds
>just use the pronouns, dude
>it's just the law, dude
But only if they see money in it.
They don't see any profit in Lucasfilm/LucasArts besides Star Wars, at least until their losses hit.
Give 'em an inch and they'll take a mile.
he cute.
Trannies are dumber than 10 year olds. You can't make this up.
So you admit to defending baseless pseudoscience and enabling harmful mental illness.
star wars tlj did this too. hmmm
I hope she sees this bro
omg no!!!!!
right here. Also wow WHAT A BRAVE POST. YEEESSSSSS