Just drank half a fifth of bottom shelf vodka on an empty stomach

>just drank half a fifth of bottom shelf vodka on an empty stomach
Post kino about the inevitable hangover I will have tomorrow.

Attached: puke.jpg (258x195, 10K)

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Kudos i wouldve puked my guts out after half.

i drank 4liters of beer took 25 seroqyel and 500mg+ of codiene and doxylamine last night and i not only didnt die but i dont have a hangover at all im just pissed off that im alive

it's definitely not inevitable unless you are a shitskin

just eat loads of food, drink loads of water and have a positive attitude
hangover gone

>not drinking a liter of vodka everyday

Attached: m_5b785c721b16dbab714c71be.jpg (580x580, 62K)

Drink water, you fuck

can't have a hangover if you never stop drinking

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Lmaoo why are americans so bad at handling alcohol

How did you get a pic of me?

Watchu know about that? Probably tons.

I drink half a liter of bottom shelf vodka every night

>half a fifth
So a tenth ?

>half a fifth
Is this some American autism?

So it's normal for Yuros to drink an entire bottle of cheap vodka and be swell the next day?

yeah cause they have nothing else to do but drink every day

Just drink a Gatorade


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A fifth means 750 ml. It's not American , but British. Everything retarded about America is British in origin, we just cling on to the retarded anglo traditions.

Not only is it normal, it's encouraged

It aint' called a Polish abortion for nothing.

>not a superior Powerade

Attached: pff.png (710x577, 30K)

Half a "fifth" (retarded measurement in the first place) is like 7-8 portions of alcohol, which is barely nothing even for a (male) teenager.

>ok class, for tomorow I want you to finish the work we did on addition and subtraction of fractions, the different states of matter, and drink an entire bottle of everclear or 150 proof whiskey, your choice. Class dismissed.

>7-8 portions of alcohol
that says absolutely nothing

>Halloween a few years back
>Me and my friend go bar hopping down town
>Realize I didn't eat anything
>Literally falling on my ass to the parking garage
>Moment he starts driving I puke all over the inside of his car

A "fifth" just means 1/5 of a gallon.

Shouldve ate the candy.


well lah dee dah

dare you to drive

lrn 2 vodka scrub

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We went somewhere to eat pizza, but I don't know if it helped or made things worse.

Fuck you, that's my post. Give it back.