

Literally no one:

Not a single soul:

Me: fuck women and blacks

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>youtube comments
kill yourself idiot

Everyone: fuck blacks, though

Ew you fuck niggers? Haha

fuck women
some blacks are chill though


im thinking he's based

>Me: fuck women and blacks
holy b*sed

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when will Yea Forums finally grow out of its edgy ironic racism



fuck little girls

don't mind if I do!


OP: hey imma post this thread
literally everyone else: hey nice thread imma reply



White women with daddy issues say fuck me blacks, tho

if literally no one is saying nothing then everyone is saying something. and, by sheer numbers, chances are one of them is saying fuck women. and one is saying fuck blacks. and another still is saying fuck women and fuck blacks

>using this meme format



no one....
literally no one:...

when bl*cks return to africa

I know you do

Oh laaaawd he CUTE!

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yeah, we'll do that after all the crackers go back to europe

seethe zoomer

Damn this unhinged boy is sexy!

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I'm black, why do you hate me Yea Forums? I just want to shitpost with you guys

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fuck off we built this country

did you vote trump

I actually don't hate blacks, I just think it's funny making fun of them.
Just have some fun and don't take thing too serious.

race mixing with white women

I'm a virgin

literally impossible. right now as i speak you are fucking my would be wife with your 8 inch dick

>it's just ironic and fun racism guys
Yeah until some incel reads your post and then goes out and buys a gun and the PoC bodies start piling up in the streets.

My dick is actually like 4.5 inches. Imagine being black with a small dick, the worst of both worlds

do you have a sister
god i wish i was black and had an ebony sister with perky tits and bubbly ass and one day id catch a glimpse of her cute pusy haha how awkward would that be

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Name one silent film where this happens



I don't know you.

Characters who are literally me

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Good point. My brother Adolf saw an episode of South Park and invaded Poland the next morning.

more like fuck the black's women

A state-mandated gf would solve both the racism and inceldom problem. Why isn't Trump working on this?

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You joke but prostitution should be made legal and long term incels should be given vouchers for free visits

>Literally no one:
>Not a single soul:

Can someone explain to me what this garbage means? Is it the new epic meme?

majority of mass shooters are black and latino

>(white) women fuck blacks


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its a twitter nigger meme

Stop this meme. Yes, but that is gang violence mostly. White boys are shooting up walmarts and cinemas and schools, its a whole different thing.

Like, just stay out of the ghettos and you aren't going to be part of a mass shooting from a black but you can't avoid shopping etc.

so are you a cuck or a negro?
And which is worse?

>tfw you remember your /pol/ phase
Glad I grew up but it still hurts sometimes

>White boys are shooting up walmarts and cinemas and schools
Statistically irrelevant. Ghetto mass shootings happen every week.

>it doesn't count because it goes against my indoctrination made by school and media

>grew up
>still on Yea Forums

Just don't join a gang lmao
It's completely different

Got to breed the black out of you somehow.

hes a chinkcel

I don’t hate you. I don’t hate all black people.

I do hate straight up niggers, I hate ‘woke’ black people that demand nigs constitute 50% of television jobs to pander to 13% of the population, I hate everyone who voted for Obama just because he was black, I hate liberals for pandering to blacks, I hate people who pretend black panther was a good movie, I hate JJ Abrams for casting that extremely ugly monkey in TFA (not that the movie had a chance to be good), I hate every black (and liberal) on twitter pretending like the little mermaid being black isn’t completely retarded, I hate people who pretend miles morales is a good Spider-Man character, I hate Tessa Thompson and literally every person in Hollywood who has cast her and every reviewer who pretends she’s remotely attractive or talented. I hate everything and everyone involved with the utter lie that is BLM.

I see a black guy walking with a suit and think nothing of it, no judgments or dislike. One of my 2 best friends is half black and i flipped a shit at some white trash who called him a nig on the basketball court when he did nothing niggerly.

I pity starving African children. Unfortunately, regardless of what Aid we give or infrastructure we provide, like Zimbabwe, blacks will fuck it up as hard as niggerly possible.

I hope that helps you understand how most whites (not the white apologist liberals) feel about you and your race. Unfortunately it’s jews and self righteous liberals who prop blacks up as ‘can do no wrong,’ and make us start to disdain you as a whole. And they’re the real racists, since they think blacks are so inferior they deserve a pat on the back when they learn to tie their shoes in eighth grade, when they’re already like 16 years old at that point

I won't, but nigs moved into my city.

Nigga how new are you?
We do the same thing on black Yea Forums.