Ahhh Bendigo. Beautiful Bendigo

>Ahhh Bendigo. Beautiful Bendigo

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Tfw I joined the club activities to have an excuse for going on with my comfy NEET life but now it's no longer tolerable and my parents are forcing me to get a job


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Who was in the wrong?

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There weren't nearly enough ice addicts and alcoholics to be a real depiction of Bendigo

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>My home town is mentioned on Yea Forums for the first time

Why are all mining towns such shit holes

He's right tbqh.
Basically every depiction of Australia in tv/film (especially comedy) is a giant meme.
The country is literally just America Lite with a different accent unless you live outside of metro areas (where hardly anyone does).

There's nothing that cultural makes Australia unique so these Australian writers/directors always feel the need to pander to the stereotypes.

They're full of fuckwits, not that cities are any better it's just there are so many fuckwits you stop noticing

I think the people in the city keep their fuck wittery to themselves, while people in the mining towns go out of their way to let you know they're fuckwits

Fuck off faggot
Sydney and Melbin is true but that's it
Also fuck the gold coast

This happens with every country desu

my american friends joked we should go to bendigo so I drove them there.
they were really disappointed it wasn't like that.

t. Smelly WA boong

Damo and Darren>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Bushwolrld
Fight me

>he's never been to a south west sydney pub

Thanks to fly-in fly-out it's basically the same people now

100% this.
Most Australians lack a cultural identity especially with multi-culturalism being lauded by the mainstream.
You will get some guys on here claiming it's only Melbourne but it's false, literally all the metro/suburbs are like this and the rural areas still aren't super unique either.
People here love to be caricatures of what foreigners think of as Australian, gives them something special.

You know full well its true
Stop being so desperate for Americans/Euros to think of you as culturally unique, it's pretty pathetic.

put the widgieworm on ye cock

check the comments on the youtube vid for Bushworld, I haven't looked at them but I am willing to bet a large amount of money there is at least one "Accurate depiction of Australia XDXD" type comment by someone who is fully aware its not true.

>Nah mate I said cunt a lot in an impression of a bogan I'm so funny this is totes how I naturally talk haha I'm such a hard cunt *sips latte*

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Because all cities with a fairly high quality of life are more similar than they are different.
Australia isn't the least bit multicultural. It's multiracial.

You’re a part of Anglo world. This is your identity. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately and this is the truth.

Australians genuinely believe the rest of the world has its eye on them, when in reality nobidy gives a fuck

We like to think we're very important

australia is like southern california or a sunny version of canada. not america in general

Bathurst for life

Also we are unique, I have done plenty of travelling to know Seppos and Yuŕopoors are not like us at all

You intercity faggot triple J listening shitcunts just live in a cultural cesspool

I'd agree to that.
Australia is a colony, we've inherrited a lot of our systems from the UK.
We like to pretend we're the hard-knock wild child of the anglo family but truth is we're still under their thumb and still doing similar shit to them.
Until we fight for independence we're always gonna be kind of cucked.

get me a paddlepop mortyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


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You can't soiface everything

nah they got cowboys in Australia

seems pretty appropriate.
shitcunt is such a poser phrase, literally always 5'7 soiboys trying to be funny.

>we are not unique! God I want to be brown! Ugh we are so racist!

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not really

But you will still have same language, culture and mentality more or less. Same thing with Canada. When I hear “this English speaking actor/writer was Canadian” I think well who the fuck cares? How is Canadian culture any different? Same goes for any Anglo country.

You are a poser

>n-no stop this is how I really talk STOP NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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It's the opposite. Australians conceive of the country as being a piddly little colony protected by the US and UK, unaware that Australia has the 13th largest economy and military expenditure world wide.

We compare ourselves to China and the US because they're the major players in SEA, unaware of the country's own weight.

>gonna make this post after the footy

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have been to bendigo before, ask me anything

I know a lot of canadians
They don't understand us culturally or linguistically unless it's simple language and no collquialisms

any depiction of australia that doesn't have at least 90% of asian cast in the movie/show is unrealistic.

australia is a chinese colony.

>t. Non Australian thinking he speaks for Australians
I don't give a fuck about what cunts think, especially you, you mutt cunt.

t.b.q.f. they probably just chose Bendigo because of the silly name, the literal nowhere in the middle of the outback is more like Alice Springs, although Rick and Morty don't get murdered by Abos so its not entirely accurate for that town either.

Bathurst? Lel. What a shit hole.

Did you get the cube?

The animator is Australian retard

Outside of Sydney and inner city universities there really aren't that many Chinks percentage wise

only 4% of the population has chinese ancestry. There's twice as many scottish descendent lol.

>I don't give a fuck about what cunts think
you might not. your countrymen and media sure do

>t. Guy who can't read census statistics

Melbin fags need not reply
Get raped by a Sudanese gang

>my entire identity is based around a car race


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>Australian """""culture"""""


I don't even watch the race
Rural master race

yep, good stuff.

So this the Australia thread then?

See that poofta There's Something About Miriam killed himself?

I know that, my point is he obviously knew Bendigo wasn't like that but was making a clip mostly to appeal to foreigners, so he just chose the most silly and stereotypically Australian name regardless of the fact it's nothing like the place shown in the animation.

Not from Melbourne. You Bathurst fags are literal smooth brain ooga boogas. It's a town of retards.

Well I guess the same could be said about Scots and Brits. But in the end of the day they still understand each other.


Australian culture at its best.


Come on down to the cow downy fair

Based tranny suicider

Any other ausfags hate this Mick Malloy cunt on the radio and that dried up cunt on the show?

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yeah it was obviously a joke.
Michael thought it would be funny to pick a modest yet in no way undeveloped town for the setting.

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>Bathurst fags are literal smooth brain ooga boogas. It's a town of retards.

Yeah fuck I am on suicide watch

>listening to radio
dumb boomer

>radio personalities
They're all shit

That guy is an unfunny yuppie wanker. Literally takes the piss out of the working class. The guy is a onions latte sipping onions mouthed faggot.


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>listening to talk radio
>listening to (((people's opinions))) in current year

SBS chill is all I listen to

>Tranny reality show from early 2000s(?)

We really are ahead of the curve.

How are you even getting internet? Didn't you guys just get electricity last year?

Come on down to Michael's kissing booth. And remember, kids kiss for free.

>The winning contestant was put on the spot and asked to decide if he would go on a vacation with Rivera and collect the $18,000 prize money or forfeit the cheque and holiday, all while the contestants who weren’t selected literally laugh behind his back.

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Got NBN here

Boomer: 1950-1995
Gen Z: 1995+

What's with this brainlet way of thinking? 30 year olds aren't boomers.

same tho

no 30 year old is going to listen to the radio instead of hooking up aux/bluetooth and listening to a podcast

Could have had fibre if dumb fags didn't opt for the LNP's trash tier model.

t.bunch of fat americans talking about what australia is like

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i live in bendigo ask me anything

Lol (((labor))) could have promised anything that election
They were never going to win

I love how they pronounce it Bendigay and the keeb

The boomer meme has gone as far that literal brainlets believe GenY/millenials are called boomers.

They already had the plan set. It was 100% going to happen, but the LNP got in and opted to keep the ancient copper network. And you're a fucking retard because the (((LNP))) are the jew slaves.

that was always what the meme was ya dip.

>It'll be cheaper if we use copper!
>Ends up costing even more
And that's why the Liberals don't build infrastructure, they literally can't do it

I voted Anning

It's a meme, you dip.

The problem is Libs were fucking mental about the network.
They paid almost as much in fees for cancelling contracts as they save by not just doing it.
The end cost of the shit network we have now (which is slower than the Telstra owned network was before for some people) cost about what the Labor plan was going to cost.

They scrapped all this privately owned infrastructure to make a government owned company that is fucking dogshit at what it makes in the hope of selling off said company in the future.
Fucking genius
Meanwhile all the regional areas they said they wanted to help are getting satellite instead and all the suburbs/inner cities are stuck with what is essentially just coaxial.

>literally got us more debt than has ever been accumulated in the entire history of the country
Like seriously how can anyone been so inept. The only reason anyone buys the >muh economic management meme is because they're in Murdoch's arsehole

The brainlets don't understand this. People literally voted against their own interests.

honestly, i wish murdoch carked it a decade ago. no doubt that he's 50% of the reason this coutnry is so far off the deep end.

>I voted Anning
>Senator Fraser Anning (Qld) last night filed a Notice of Motion with the Clerk of the Senate to the effect that Australia will recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move our embassy to the western side of Jerusalem

could have been worse.
Abbott literally wanted to axe the project.
Not just "fix up the copper and call it NBN", he wanted to scrap everything, have literally every worker just drop their tools and leave the network in whatever state it was in.
Turnbull "salvaged" it in a sense but it's completely fucked still.

What really gets my goat is they tricked the public by saying "if anyone wants fiber they can still pay for it".
This deception is so nefarious it makes my blood boil.

I was tasked by my boss to research getting fiber to his business, we want to do off-site backup and such.
Okay so first you need to pay a $650 fee to get NBN to inspect the property and give you a quote.
Then, this quote can be $20,000, it can be $150,000.
It is such an outrageous fee that it may as well not exist, but it does exist, just so they could tell the public that upgrading was possible.
According to the senate, only like 50 australian properties have had this fiber installed, simply because it's so absurd in its pricing so as to make it inaccessible.

>Like seriously how can anyone been so inept.
They're not inept.

Bad public services = public becomes reliant on their private donor mates.

Growing government debt = constant stimulus for their donor mates.

All their whinging about efficiency, better economic management, yadda yadda yadda bullshit is just a smokescreen for them funnelling the public's tax money to the donors that pay for their campaigns. Then, after collecting their free money and politician's entitlements, they parachute into a comfy private sector board job where they get 400,000 p.a. to connect their donor mates to the next generation of politicians.

The LNP are dodgy as shit.

I have no idea what is this thread

I know, its just sometimes more comforting to ignore the fact that they're nothing more than a business consultancy firm. I mean I live in SA and I knew that considering Marshal's entire platform was 'time for change' I knew we were fucked.

another kosherservative faggot. shocker

honestly surprised he has much of a following with the ten-gallon hat

I don't mind missing off the mussos
Fuck kikes too though

Protip: The CIA has been running Australia since the 70s.

Wadiyatalkinabeet ya fuckin druggo

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I know right
>falling for the whitlam dismissal meme
never trust a mutt

Honestly this episode is a few Abbos from being the perfect representation of literally any part of Australia outside the major cities

I lived in Bendigo for almost ten years, and they were the happiest years of my life.
If you’re a cunt, it’s not the place for you. But if you like making friends and spending time sharing interests, it’s pretty fucking sweet.

Small cities are always better

Bendigo isn't a mining town idiot

S’why I live in Tassie now.

Yeah nobody ever found gold there and there was never a red ribbon rebellion that predated the Eureka Stockade or anything, and it’s not like there’s poppet heads, mine shafts and a FUCKING TOURIST ATTRACTION CALLED CENTRAL DEBORAH MINE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF TOWN YOU CUNT

>Triple M

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Any of you blokes know what happens if you don't pay Wilson parking tickets? It says on the back it's technically not a fine

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I saw the title and got the wrong idea.

Say you want to take it to court, they give up immediately

Imagine living in Australia

stuck on an isolated rock, thousands of miles away from any real culture, everything they do is irrelevant globally


Bogan Rick and Morty confirmed for living in Wollongong!

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And still they get refugees. I'd literally rather live in New Zealand.


Is that like an indian name or were you guys drunk as fuck when you named everything

So where’s uncle Barry’s cave located?


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Only relevant thing a out australia or what makes it relevant is that they speak English other is kangaroos and koalas everything else is complete and utter nonsense. I'll never meet an Australia in real life which is good because my experience with them online has been dreadful

Every city is america lite now. Euros will seethe if you tell them this but its 100% true. The only place I went where everything didn't feel America-lite was Italy, and that only applied to Florence and Sicily.

That's where we're sending our refos, have fun with our literal scraps

Australia is culturally much closer to Britain than America. It just has hot weather and no old stuff.

That map actually perfectly summarises Australian naming convention, half boong words, half Anglo names and then a national park named after a Polish revolutionary

Ballarat is worse

this looks like your standard fare middle america town,I don't get it

>Bendigo is a real place

Trips me out how everything here in the US still has its indian name. TEN NAH SEE


Almost literally every state and most cities are native American. Kind of weird considering we obliterated them. We went from "new York" and "Virginia" to "Michigan" and "Arkansas"

>Australia is a real place

t. asian melbournite.

Way better than bong names

This was a parody of Snowtown right?


Yeah, Australian towns are more like this

Somehow I've never even registered them as non-English names. They just make sense in some "Well we fucked up over the Atlantic and we made up a bunch of names as we went along" kind of way.

my gf btw

Lakemba is in Sydney you fucking dropkick


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they put a boot on your wheel next time you park there (in any wilson car park)

I fucking hate Muzzies so much bros

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>you're a foreigner who wants to harass people going about their lives with a camera crew
>police tell you not to go harass people, which is something you are clearly intending to do
>that makes it a "no go zone" with "sharia law".
shouldn't she be banging out children to preserve the white race?

You cunts better fucking vote Labour next election. They even let in less foreigners than the Liberals. Despite that being a Liberal selling point

>Despite that being a Liberal selling point
That hasn't been true since the 457 visa's introduction under Howard

>throw away the 'ticket'
>ignore letters that aren't a legal summons
>ignore phone calls (not that they usually call anyway)
They have no legal basis for collecting "fines" or compelling you to pay them. The only possible recourse they have is to sue you in court for a breach of contract that 'depriving them of revenue', but any half decent lawyer would beat it, "If there were any signs, they were obscured, also, my client didn't sign any contract, there were no barriers to entry, there were dozens of empty spaces, therefore the parking company lost no revenue, and had no contractual agreement with my client in the first place"
Their business model is based off retards paying them despite having no legal requirement to do so, and retards who respond to their letters which puts them on their radar.
If it's the council or state government then that's different story.

snowtown was in an on bank in south australia, this has nothing to do with it.

It's all native. Detroit, Chicago, Illinois, Colorado, Wyoming, utah. Etc


Could also be in Broken Hill.

My favourite is Kansas and Arkansas, pronounced entirely differently

States don't allow booting of vehicles in Australia.

Detroit is French and means "the strait". There are lots of French place names in Middle America actually.

>You have to lick my balls, Mharti! The saliva needs to be warm and fresh!

Pud tha widcheddy grub on ya cock.

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This was the redemption arc I always wished Jerry got. Seeing him laugh with Rick was heart-warming.

I hate Australians so God damn much

Nah, there's grass and hills around Morty's house when Rick picks him up. Only problem is that Wollongong don't seem to have any real slummy areas. Please tell if there is though.

Albion Park is super bogan.


>all the freshies in this thread

didn't morty say 12 hours away not 8? that would put them somewhere like Port Macquarie or Moree.


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I had a really nice banana smoothie at the big banana a few years ago. not bad at all.

Ooh, burnt me fukkin' 'and

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happened in Bongland here, sign was obscured, parents got a letter in the post going 'you owe us £200' or something 'but it'll be £70 if you pay now' and they were barely over the limit, I told them the company had no right to do it, especially as a 3rd party for the store that hired them (though the area is always busy and they had CCTV to prove it was busy) so I told them to write back, say they're old and infirm and provided a receipt that said they took 4 mins to get from the checkout to the car (and the store never has enough staff anyway and is always full to the brim) and they dropped it. Had they not, I'd have sent it to the press saying that the company was discriminating against old people who may need a little longer to get around stores and shit.

I fucking hate this stuff.

this thread is out of context

gulla gulla gulla gulla gulla gulla gulla


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If you travel to a few different places in Europe you will realise that there is a pan European culture. White people generally like the same things.
Blacks are definitely a bit different but not drastically. Same for asians and Hindus.

What a monstrosity

Coffs is fucking shit number 2 unemployment in the country

Non lumpy bonnetlet Barra fag detected youtu.be/FKkC7L3Blq8dunno how this never got memed guess it tried too hard

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anyone else here watch Friendly Jordies? I have to admit everything I know about Australian politics came from that cheeky cunt.
>butter chicken
>dole bludgers

I never realized the spanish are native to Colorado.


thankfully that was irrelevant to the quality of the smoothie

Officially unemployed, lots of illegal hydroponics in Coffs



>Albion Park, Bogan
>looks up place
>finds this.

das it mane

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ye but wollongong is sounds better.

I was a student in melb about a decade ago.
I'll never forget down swanston in one of those new bloated trams sitting amongst these old school australian farmer types, looking like they were only in town for some business and it's back to the bush. I sat there listening to these relics from an age soon to pass:

>i took a wawk up burrrk and thought I woz in bloody shanghoi!
I feel bad for that aussie, because it's true.
It'll just keep getting more and more like shanghai.
Red chinese really ruin everything.

The 1870s? You're not wrong.

Dunno about historical towns, but the actual mining places in the middle of nowhere are real fuckholes.
Lots of pay, but nothing to spend it on but prostitutes and booze, and the fact that you're out there mining opals or whatever means you're already a misanthropic fucker anyway that probably can't long-term plan.


You outed yourself as a kiwifaggot

Holy fuck lmao

Why did they reference big banana anyway? Why didn't they make more bushworld? Can't stand the main series past s1 where it became a pseudo iq meme wqnk
So hard to chuck milk powder and bananas in a immersion blender m8
Shame I don't smoke anymore keep greening out

ya always pocket me lighter

I haven't been into the big smokes since 2014 thank fuck it's always horrible when I do
Gonna move to based Qld outback and channel mad max even more

I knew this finnish girl that had moved there with her mother.
Fuck she was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.
I wonder what happened to her?

Yet they go on about muh asylum seekers and muh refugees, which catches the eyes of bogans everywhere. It's a selling point for them, because they can use those statements to obfuscate the 457 visa which is about importing cheap labour.


I've talked to a few people who lived that kind of live, not mining opal of course but welding and shit. Even though they all made serious bank, easily pulling in 100K USD a year, often without even finishing high school, they spent it all on expensive hotel shit, drugs, booze and gambling and they all end up with massive amounts of debt somehow and its never debt thats for paying off a mortgage or something, its always "Oh well I can totally afford these 300 dollar shades because last year I made that in a single day." and then when they've saved up a bunch of money they go to thailand or something and spend like a years worth of savings in a single month. Its crazy shit.

Ass fucked by debt meth and unironically niggers most likely
I only ever voted for Labor and smaller based parties
Sadly we are all lefty as fuck yet no social safety net with robo centerlink debts so it's the worst of all things + mad max irl except not as interesting

>all worth 200,00000000000,0000000 dollarydoos
fucking burst already you mother fuckers I actually want to move home before I fucking die god dammit fucking chinese raising the prices and the landjews egging it along fuck all this
if I could I'd move to the US and buy a fucking country estate for the same price as a grannyflat in any habitable part of ausfucklia.

Gen y boomer her glad I missed out on that meme Tbqh fuck work and fuck the culture here it's shit
Either shit pay + ethics or no work

>mfw house been on the market 6 months haven't even had a real offer
Fucking faggot hipster tyre kickers I hope the market collapses just to piss them off

>Ass fucked by debt meth and unironically niggers most likely
Meth I can believe but more likely getting fucked by apprentice Ando (aged 28) that still goes down to the skateboard to smoke bongs.

Ass fucked by debt meth and unironically niggers most likely
>Ass fucked by debt meth and unironically niggers most likely
Just thought to look her up.
Nope, surprisingly wholesome considering last I heard she was doing some arts crap at melb uni and then went to some impoverished african village for aid(s) work for kids.
Married prototypical aussie chad-man (truly a big-guy), and has had two kids.
Her milkers became genuine bona-fide milktrucks.
At least aussie chad's getting some.
Probably will get skin cancer though, I always did fucking warn her about the aussie cancer-star.

I'm 28 and still chuck skids smoke darts with teens stop being a normie mate

>DURR grow up
And why can't afford a house ever let alone find work or a gf/life
Post her milkers

I've lived in Burgerstan for five years and I miss Australia so fucking much but I can't move back because the cost of living is so much cheaper here in the States. Holy shit I just want a house in a small QLD coastal town close enough to Brisbane to visit friends.

You could buy a country estate in the middle of fucking nowhere basically anywhere. The money I have I could buy one in bongland really easily but if SHTF then I'm fucked as it's like an 1hr+ drive to the nearest hospital. I guess they'd send an air ambulance but who knows. Also, real fucking horror film shit, somebody attacks your place and hunts you throughout the rooms. My house, technically, has 21 rooms (as in, places you can stand and shut a door behind), in reality more like 15. I live in a town and have a huge private garden. Ain't gonna throw being in a town with a hospital and shops to go live in some country estate in Wales because I like the idea of a big house. Maybe if I became a billionaire. I'd hire hot maids to work in it just for the sake of it.

It's shit Tbqh the cost of living is insane and the faggot govt expects ppl to live with the world's highest debt/cost of living in the world

Don't come back I wish I never did

If its any consolation for you aussies, in Sweden I'm paying 1200 dollars a month for rent on a 3979 dollar a month income before taxes. Buying a house in my area is like 750K and I need 10% of that just to take out the mortgage. I'm thinking about finding some sneaky way to buy some property off the government to build a cheap ass house with like 2 floors and a basement though, I know a lot that's literally right next to a cemetery so I think it'd be pretty chill.

How did they fuck everything up so bad?

>mining tax breaks
>corporate tax breaks
>fucked up NBN
>selling all natural resources to china instead of taking advantage of them domestically

We could have the best internet in the world, a nuclear powergrid, and no debt. BUT NO, THE MINES GET ZERO TAX WHILE WE HAVE TO PAY %30000 TAX ON A BOTTLE OF BEER


>libs reeeee!
I learned long ago that austrlalia is fucked no matter who is "running the show".
Both parties, no matter what their rhetoric, kowtow to the mining groups, because they're the only ones making real money at the end of the day.
Sure there's farming, but they can keep the farmers lean and hungry for a long, long time before there's trouble.
Any real decent industry is gone. It's only the mines left, and both labor and liberal will suck that gravely teat at any given opportunity.

Labor started it with white Australia immigration policy going bye bye in 1976+ with Geoff whitlam deep chink state stooge
Howard fucked it up even more with surplus meme gst coffers and now we are a laughing stock of the entire globe with Africa literally overtaking us in broadband speeds and education/social security and debt being the rost I nthe developed world not to mention teen/male suicides and the highest undocumented unemployment/underemployment sitting between 20-50%+ depending on region (nsw and Qld been the worst)
So idk I hope I get to see mad max irl before I die

Take a refugee instead what a racist???????

>>libs reeeee!
>I learned long ago that austrlalia is fucked no matter who is "running the show".
>Both parties, no matter what their rhetoric, kowtow to the mining groups, because they're the only ones making real money at the end of the day.
>Sure there's farming, but they can keep the farmers lean and hungry for a long, long time before there's trouble.
>Any real decent industry is gone. It's only the mines left, and both labor and liberal will suck that gravely teat at any given opportunity.
U forgot about the service/realesate bubble popping
City fags are royally fucked

Australia is like this

The way it looks - America
The way people think and act - Britain

I have actually though about renting the place out that I'm currently renting to a refugee family and charge like 1800 dollars rent per month and just couch surf for like five years until I managed to build to cash. This would be legal but I literally can't stand the idea of actually living with someone else unless I'm fucking them on the regular.

And by "looks" i mean the buildings and streets etc not the country, Australia is unique there.

So what I barely get 22k in cenno a year and when that runs out I'm fucked theres no work here so I'll end up homeless and die
Gonna take some faggots with me make a neet crew hopefully

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Are you shitting me? Why the fuck would you want to give them your place? I would never do such a thing. Not to those savages at least. No thank you

When I went to london for the first time and wandered about for a bit I was struck by a sense of deja vu: I was taken back to the years I had spent in melbourne years before.
I don't know about sydney, but melbourne is modeled after old school england more than any american city I've seen.

>I have actually though about renting the place out that I'm currently renting to a refugee family and charge like 1800 dollars rent per month and just couch surf for like five years until I managed to build to cash. This would be legal but I literally can't stand the idea of actually living with someone else unless I'm fucking them on the regular.
I can barely stand living by myself or with my mum
I'd kms with regular faggots living with me or them
>Australia is like this
Mad meth shithole irl
>The way it looks - America
South - bc maybe
>The way people think and act - Britain
No way Aussies are their own breed of apathetic dumb faggots especially the (normals)
Only redpilled cunts are the fringe younger-older bogans like me
Hate our houses too shitty cheap pine fibro chink retrofit shit asbestos meme

>Why the fuck would you want to give them your place?
Because I can just kick them out if I feel like it. Legal right as the contracted rentor.

I’ve never been to any Anglo country. Am I missing out?

>When I went to london for the first time and wandered about for a bit I was struck by a sense of deja vu: I was taken back to the years I had spent in melbourne years before.
>I don't know about sydney, but melbourne is modeled after old school england more than any american city I've seen.
Oof spent couple of days there + eu for a few months hated every minute and that was 6 years ago I hate to think how bad it is now

As an American who went to Australia I can confirm it's basically America with a neat accent

Toss me a VB you fucking cunt

Depends where your from odds are any given Anglo hell-hole is actually worse
Lmao Aussie here we have squatters rights so renting or letting is fucked

At least we'd be slightly less fucked with Labour. As with any goverment in the world you pick the one that is the slow death, not the fucking Liberals who are speeding up the decay at an accelerated rate.

>cheap imported labour
>incompetent schemes like the sydney light rail
>adani coal mine
>raping whatever natural beauty we have remaining thus fucking the tourism industry
>QLD cluster fencing subsidy raping small town industies

Also support your fucking Unions, you cunts.

Nah toss a VU ya dog cunt slack arse bugga drongo donga noonga boong
Aussie here why are we so similar? Based convict foundered societies? Neato either way I love wierd seppo/aussie accents
T. Half pom white African

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Seriously, some of you guys should genuinely consider moving to Sweden. We actually have jobs and shit. I mean you talk like fags and your shit's all retarded so you'll fit right in.

>went to australia in like 97 with me family
>visited melbourne and sydney
>ate of alot of fried squid rings
>saw some topless chicks at the beach
>walked around the harbor and saw the opera house and a statue of captain cook
>went to several aquariums
>mfw they didn't have ketchup in australia, only tomatoe sauss

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Fuck canada, and london. Specifically that city. You can visit the rest of GB but that place is doomed. I'm just waiting for the pound to drop even lower to I can gorge myself on the last few niche things the english and scotts still actually make that are worth buying.
America is all that's left but that's its own microcosm so it really depends on where you go.
Never been to NZ, probably never will go.

what's in bendigo

>tfw not big titted aussies

>At least we'd be slightly less fucked with Labour. As with any goverment in the world you pick the one that is the slow death, not the fucking Liberals who are speeding up the decay at an accelerated rate.
>>cheap imported labour
Labor unironically started this in the 70s post white aus pol dickhead
Once our boarders opened (to majority no white) we got fucked
>>incompetent schemes like the sydney light rail
>>adani coal mine
Who cares gbr/oceans have been in a death spiral for decades now
>>raping whatever natural beauty we have remaining thus fucking the tourism industry
What fucked tourism was our horrible depression and bad customer service
>>QLD cluster fencing subsidy raping small town industies
Nsw here fill me in I have no idea what that is
>Also support your fucking Unions, you cunts.
I don't work there is none here wagie
Thx but I went to eu and the winter sucks + everyone and everything else sucks too
And I'd miss home and my shtbix cuntdore
This where is my bbws

I grew up in rual QLD and those girls are the types that like shit-for-brains 'farmers' that spend half of their time mustering, the other half drinklng a ridiculous amount of sugarcane champagne. They also all went to expensive as shit private schools and came out with nothing to show

Yoomer here wish I got to do that before this place got fucked in the late 90s
Only got to do some of this and by thr time i did in the 00s it was all gooked tourism ruined + 10s hipster faggots

no Australia is a weird hotter Britain with sheds for houses and german style apartments

actually Australia is more like an affluent south africa

>sugarcane champagne
What manner of witches brew be this?

Now listen here dickhead, the white Australia policy had to end at somepoint in time and by the 70s it was already a skeleton of what it was, effectively being ended in the 60s when they started letting in wogs, who at the time weren't considered white.

It is the 457 visa that royally fucked the country immigration wise.

Rural nsw here same I hate those farmers cashed up spoilt crotch droppings
Always treated me like shit (I'm still poor) fuck them
Thank Howard and Rudd for massively expanding it m8
Oh and that faggot Keating and hawke as well

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Slang for rum. Like the caribbean Australia has a lot of sugarcane plantations, espescially in North QLD, so rum is the most popular spirit.

The meme goes that Australia is a country you meet down the pub in England.

>no Australia is a weird hotter Britain with sheds for houses and german style apartments
Shed house here it's comfy as fuck even as it falls down around me because I can't do shit with it because no money
>actually Australia is more like an affluent south africa
Bout right the africans (white) I know here say the same thing except we ain't affluent no more it's all a front the avg 1mil worth pp is because of housing inflation not personal wealth which on avg is the lowest in the world since we have the highest personal non essential debt levels and 2nd highest in meth use

>Rural nsw here same I hate those farmers cashed up spoilt crotch droppings
>Always treated me like shit (I'm still poor) fuck them
What is worse are the concrete cowboys that work in the city at some commodity trading centre but since they are from a family that owns 10,000,000,000,000 hectares of land they dress all up in their RM Williams shite and attend rugby union games with their other meat head friends.

Fucking cockies, they act like they are so much better than the rest of the country. Fuck given those pricks subsidies, they are out there trying to earn money for themselves, don't give them money for that FFS

Yeah I can spot suburban rural wunnabes too and hate them plus their folks always prop them up despite their constant bullshit

Idk shits looking pretty bad long term for this country I'd get out but I can't and wouldn't know where to go if I did

American here, that Grill'd Burger chain is amazing. Please bring that shit over to the States ASAP.

Meh I don't remember it
I'll miss nandos tho
Why is food here such over priced anaemic shit?

I always thought Burgers have the best burgers

NYC has the best burgers, the rest of the country is Maccas and Hungry Jacks

As far as chains go I'd say the Aussies win. We don't really have a good Fast Casual burger place here in the States and there's no comparing a a well made burger to a fast food burger or a smashburger.


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You're a fag who obviously cried over a mutt meme


Guess what? There are Australians who look like the person you posted.

that's the joke dumbass

Population wise maybe. There's arabs and niggers and asians in all big cities unfortunately.
Culturally, not so much. It's getting worse though.

>QLD outback
It's a complete shithole but the decaying corrugated-iron sheds, wrecked Commodores, wasted farmer/miner Boomers, and Vietnam veterans oddly give the general area soul

It also depends where. South-East is on the edge of the desert and full of meth.

The north is in the forest and full of meth.

You sound like the type of uppity cunt that would mouth off in a rural pub and get glassed.

>tfw still won't get the nbn for another year

>mfw Bushworld Adventures was funnier and more memorable than any episode of Rick and Morty

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Might as well ask here since there seems to be a lot of you:

Heard that the

>rick and morty will have 4th season and there won't be more bushworld

Pretty much this. We should be standing tall like we always have not adopting other cultures when ours is so u beaut farkin gross mate get farked u cunt nah ur alright hey ur a mad cunt nique

More memorable than Summer's BE? I don't think so, bud.

Anyone have the one video where some abos show off their stick playing abilities to some libshits?

In holland there was a sect who believed the earth had been taken by aliens already, that would explain that much. i think if the aliens are not racist we can have sex going, I mean you would still be a virgin like other species does not count
