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Do Koreans really do this?
Liam Young
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Ayden Myers
When I visited Italy 15 years ago my cousin there put ketchup on his pizza
Jaxson Ortiz
Eat carbs?I seriously hope they don't.
Ryder Kelly
i sometimes do this if it loks a bit dry. When I've left it in a few too many minutes desu.
Lucas Moore
Keto is a MEME
Nicholas Lopez
Eurofags ruin all good American food. Like those Amsterdam people put mayonaise on fries too
Hunter Jenkins
Korean pizza always looks fucking disgusting and like an insult to actual pizza. Why the fuck is it so yellow? It always looks like a piece of plastic or a toy for a kid's grocery set
Juan Torres
Mayo can be fantastic with fries but the mayo needs something mixed in it, whether it be peri peri sauce, Sriracha, herbs or whatever.
Blake Reyes
Yes, they put hot sauce on pizza. They also put corn in pizza, and put sweet potato on the crust of pizza and call it "golden." They'll also toss shrimp on it, which isn't bad, and spray mayo all over it, which is bad. Oh, and don't forget the huge chunks of potato they like to toss on there, like a full wedge of potato.
Oh, and they're super overpriced. $20 to 30 USD for a normal sized pizza.
But if you ever have to eat Korean pizza, go to Pizza School. They have decent toppings and the prices are actually reasonable. Unfortunately, no delivery (which is a bit unheard of in a country where you can get McDonalds delivered).
Julian Johnson
Whoops, almost forgot the pickles on the side. Can't eat Korean pizza without pickles.
Thomas Russell
Easton Ramirez
never had korean pizza in my life and now Im intrigued and want to try one
Oliver Powell
For me? It's Pizza Hut Japan
Xavier Davis
Yeah taco seasoning or even just plain black pepper can turn mayo an unexpectedly solid dipping sauce
Nolan Gomez
>I'm Picke-Ho bitch!
Logan James
Yes I'm thinking this is based.
Hudson Davis
what's wrong with hot sauce on pizza? is this bait? AM I REPLYING TO BAIT?! I REALLY NEED YOU TO TELL ME user
Bentley Carter
WTF, Japan?
Carter Stewart
All Asians do this. Ketchup then shitloads of oregano
Josiah Long
Take another look at the picture.
Hunter Torres
>normal sized pizza.
I'll need the inches on that
Cooper Peterson
tx pete hot sauce on pizza is fucking godlike
Juan Collins
but the toppings are 100% alright why the fuck would anyone ever have a problem with any of those
unless they are some sort of simpleton of course, but I'd never expect someone like that to post on Yea Forums
Caleb Reed
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with that.
Cooper Scott
Ah, you're a faggot, no wonder you don't see anything wrong with it.
Nathan Gomez
if liking pineapple pizza makes me a faggot i'm a huge fucking butt pirate
Brody Lewis
italian pizza is the best. just a simple margherita or ham n mushroom
the american and turkish and korean or whatever is all shit compared to italian
Julian Wood
>burger patties on a pizza
Haha what is wrong with Burgerstan, don't they get enough hamburgers in their other meals, do they really need to pile them on their pizzas? USA is the only country in the world that would actually serve people that crappy, fatty gross food, and the only country in the world where people would eat it. Fuck.
Nathan Lewis
Korean pizza is really good. I miss the corn and crust stuffed with sweet potato. I wish i could get korean hot chicken pizza.
Gabriel Martin
Korean pizza is shit. Korean fried chicken is where it's at.
Brandon Reed
Man, and I thought Australian Pizza Hut was weird for having sausage rolls crusts
Gabriel Richardson
Bait? That's in Japan.
Jason Myers
theres this italian pizza slice takeway selling single slice by genuine italians from rome and sardegna
every time the pizza is so divine I cant believe people eat american and british pizza
the dough, the cheese, the frequence of the toppings. The ratio
americans throw too much shit on a pizza, it looks and tastes like shit
it was originally supposed to be an entry before other food. you have to taste the dough, sauce and cheese when you eat a pizza, not be gargling on mayo, pineapple or too much sausage or whatever
what the fuck. have some class, some elegance
also italian margherita rules. just the simplicity of it, genius
Mason Green
Alexander Jenkins
yes, they do.
Brandon Taylor
wtf has there really been a case of a dude being chemically castrated for taking some pics?
Joseph Gutierrez
Korean law don't mean shit. In Korea, all sorts of things are illegal (like prostitution, porn, and abortions) but they're openly done because the police don't act on them. Drugs are illegal, but they're not openly done because the police actively bust people on drugs.
So they can have whatever law they want on books but if you think they're going to pour acid on your junk over a few sneaky pics, get serious. They busted a guy for doing that shit last year and all he had to do was write an apology. It made news because the guy was the head of his university's feminist club.
Alexander Mitchell
yes but it's not shitty american mayonaise
Logan Murphy
South Korea is almost like a version of Japan that didn't have a strong enough identity to weather being smothered by western influence. So now it implements all western features with wild abandon and simultaneously has no underlying natural basis for self-restraint. Look at kpop or the fashion industry over there, and how they mimic the same trends from elsewhere but seemingly have no choice but to amplify them to a ridiculous degree. Same thing with this.
Michael Hughes
>French fires
Levi Cruz
Japan didn't resist western influences. Jpop exists and is the exact same shit as Kpop. Japanese fashion follows western trends, it's not like your average person wears a kimono these days. What the fuck are you even going on about?
William White
Chemical castration just means they inject you with shit to make you less horny.
It does not actually mean spraying acid on your junk.
Michael Russell
>it's not like your average person wears a kimono these days
>being this ignorant
Aaron Davis
I know. I was making a joke.
Levi Garcia
>Jpop exists and is the exact same shit as Kpop
They are very different
Jonathan Bennett
I live in korea. Common toppings are sweet potato(yellow) and corn. There are plenty of american style pizza toppings too (pep and cheese, supreme/combo etc.) but it feels like the general preference is potato and corn among other different toppings you dont see in the states. Its not disgusting though, just different
Robert Nelson
The only difference is jpop failed to become as popular as kpop.
Brody Ramirez
No, no, its very disgusting.
John Campbell
Because most Jpop is made for the domestic audience while a lot of Kpop is made with the west in mind, hence the stronger western influence
Jacob Perry
South Korea is like a feminist dystopia. It was literally being run by a shadow government puppeteered by cult of feminist billionaires. When it was discovered the puppet president was ousted but damage has been done.
Carson Young
Korean pizza is worse than microwave pizza. Koreans have great chicken and ice cream, though (and the ice cream is cheap as fuck, especially given every grocery store constantly does sales).
Justin Martinez
No. They tried really hard to market Jpop overseas and failed. It's failed to even really take hold in Asia. To be fair, Kpop didn't really catch on outside Asia until PSY blew up on Youtube with Gangnam Style (which completely pissed off guys like JYP, who had been trying since the 90's to get an act to work successfully in America, then some fat fuck waddles in with a silly song and becomes a worldwide hit).
Gabriel Bell
Most Korean snacks like chips or cakes are god-tier too, and completely compatible with a western palate
Jason Ramirez
>Kpop didn't really catch on outside Asia until PSY blew up on Youtube with Gangnam Style
This is bullshit.
Kpop blew up years before that with SNSD singing Gee.
Easton Ross
>They tried really hard to market Jpop overseas and failed
What groups?
David Rivera
Good bait is scientifically indistinguishable from true retardedness
Brayden Harris
Asians love these Choco pies. They always leave them at Buddha statues.
Isaiah Scott
Eh. Sometimes. It's real hit or miss. Their potato chips really suck, though. They all taste like lightly flavored packing peanuts. I don't even think they're really made out of potatoes.
They taste like they're made out of 90% air.
Recently, I bought 육개장 chips after hearing some people say they tasted great, and I dunno, maybe I got a bad bag of them, but they had zero flavor to them. None.
Oh, and Lotteria really used to suck back in the day. Their menu has gotten slightly better but it's still garbage.
Adrian Young
It never helped that (outside of niche audiences) jpop was always quirky and too much of an oddity for a worldwide market. Meanwhile kpop has its armies of slut robot drones doing a dancing fashion show with flashy lighting. It's a lot more cut down and easier to peddle something like that beyond its place of origin.
Elijah Collins
huh who knew moon pies were big over there didn't think they like oats
Parker Parker
In America? No, Gee wasn't a popular song there at all. Your average American has probably never heard Gee. Your average American has definitely heard Gangnam Style.
Jonathan Richardson
You're kidding right?
You know SNSD appeared on late night talks shows on big networks to perform Gee right?
Luis Thompson
>american food
My napolitanean blood is boiling
Austin Thompson
We (belgians) fucking invented fries you retard.
Mayonaise is the patrician choice.
Dutch mayonaise is pretty discusting though.
Lincoln Morales
Yes, they did try (and fail) to promote SNDS. Show me how they did on the US Billboard charts. Show me how well their albums sold in America. You're out of your element, kid. Go and talk about something you're actually knowledgeable on, because as far as I'm concerned, I'm done talking to you.
Hudson Torres
Yes, my ex korean gf did this all the time. Her idea of pizza is double the usual cheese and piles of toppings. In fact, she woult melt corn and cheese with mayo and eat that too (corncheesuh), which is nice with korean bbq, but by itself?
Their fried chicken is fucking awesome though.
Aiden Garcia
Dude your icecream sucks
Mason Parker
It's kind of hard to say pizza isn't American food when the idea of pizza people have worldwide is the American version unless they're from Italy or close by. Same with hamburgers. It's just dumb to say these foods that America has made internationally famous aren't American.
Jeremiah Lopez
>It does not actually mean spraying acid on your junk.
no shit retard, but it's not less horny, it's literally almost the same as having no balls, might as well call self an eunuch, a fucking tranny dream
Jacob Allen
>invent fries
>let French people take credit for it
are you cucks?
Luke Watson
No its not.
Fucking google it yourself.
Kevin Mitchell
That's strange, in my experience the potato flavor is usually more apparent than with a Lays etc. It might be due to them being less salted? I'd agree they're definitely not overpowering the same way that a Doritos or a Lays are, though. More understated and usually a cleaner kind of savory taste.
Mason Hall
>We (belgians) fucking invented fries you retard.
>a fucking fried potato
Woah, greatest invention since the wheel huh. I'm sure no one on earth thought of frying a potato before the Belgian intellectuals combined their minds to "invent" this
Connor Collins
I'm not really talking about Lays or Doritos. Those are fine. And Korean Pringles actually taste like potatoes. The tortilla Pringles are also good.
Do you remember when the Honey Butter Chips craze? Must've been a few years ago now. I never got the hype, they were mediocre chips at best, but people really went nuts for them.
Landon Lewis
do germans really do this?
Angel Allen
Kinda. The Korean environment produces Korean film
Angel Hill
Yeah, they threw Seungri under the bus and then swept the rest of it under the rug. Shit was diabolical.
William Howard
they put pineapple on pizza..... nuke these fuckers
Carson Johnson
americans are disgusting
Joseph Sanders
Your brain needs carbs retard, fuck off with your meme fad diet and kys
Josiah White
wtf i love germans now
Ethan Davis
Japanese never wore kimono's all year around anyway. Unless you were rich and lived hundreds of years ago, you'd just wear "normal" clothing (would still look odd to us now). They wear kimono's for ceremonial occasions and certain festivals, but that's not something that was changed because of Western influences.
Noah Cruz
But that's germans.
Henry Campbell
They still wear kimono for festivals and special occasions.
Jeremiah Cook
> They wear kimono's for ceremonial occasions and certain festivals
Yeah, that's what I meant by this sentence in my post.
Adrian Reyes
Oh the way you wrote
>but that's not something that was changed because of Western influences
makes it sound like they don't do it anymore but it wasn't because of western influences.
Isaiah Sullivan
koreanon here. yeah the pizzas can be pretty nuts. some are good for maybe a bite but its definitely bastardized pizza. costs a lot too which is dumb when you could eat cheap korean food and drink soju for less than a dollar a bottle
Brody Gonzalez
>Japanese never wore kimono's all year around anyway.
That's incorrect. You can say "well they wore yukata in summer" or whatever but yukata is a type of kimono. And if you're trying to be pedantic, that post also doesn't say they wore them all year long anyways.
Mason Reed
this guy gets it
Kayden Turner
Not him but only people who sat around all day wore kimono year round.
Peasants and farmers would wear pants and a tunic.
Blake Scott
Probably, I've tried their noodles and that shit's so fucking spicy it's inedible.
Colton Nelson
And again, if you're being pedantic, it doesn't say "EVERY Japanese person ALWAYS wore kimonos" so what's your point? Japanese people wear western clothes these days.
Ian Jones
Everyone wears western clothes these days. Even niggers in the middle of bum fuck africa.
Joshua Rogers
Oh, I see what you mean, my bad. I meant that Western influences were not the reason for Japanese people wearing normal clothes in the day-to-day, they just did that anyway.
Ayden Sanders
Yeah, like a quarter pounder with cheese. How do them frogs call it?
Alexander Sanchez
Yeah, it's almost like basically the entire world has been westernized. Wow, imagine that.
Isaiah Turner
>japanese just coincidentally started wearing western style clothes and eating western style food and listening to western style music and watching western style food and living western style lives
It's a (((coincidence))) you guys!
Brandon Ross
"western" style clothing doesn't exist, it's just clothing.
Justin Perez
That's right. Western things are so common place in the world now that you can't even really call them western things. I'm glad we can agree on this.
Jace Martinez
Please explain to me what "western style lives" means?
Bentley Brooks
>nigger country
>can only steal food
>inb4 wiener in a bun
Owen King
Nothing compared to putting mayo on your zza.
Nathaniel Brown
A western style life meaning their lives are full of western style things as previously mentioned.
What unique identity do you think Japan has? That they use chopsticks. So what? Lots of Asian countries use chopsticks. You can get chopsticks in America. That they make anime? So what? Cartoons come from all sorts of countries, Japan wasn't the even the first to come up with them. That their kids wear school uniforms? Again, so many countries do that.
At the end of the day, that fact is Japan has pretty much no unique identity.
Adam Morris
>What unique identity do you think Japan has?
Stopped reading there.
Nathaniel Lopez
>heh i didn't read what you had to say so i won heh
Jose Butler
Actually I didn't read what you have to say cause its retarded.
John Barnes
i used to work with coreans and my boss always ordered pizza with pineapple on it. those gooks literally use scissors to cut food as well. i hated that shit
Camden Nguyen
Jack Nguyen
Nips aren’t that unique, they behave in general like the other Asians except they’re the most well-behaved around whites, which is to their credit
Dominic Sullivan
A guy at my old comic shop had gone to Korea. He said they claim that pizza is a Korean invention.
Yeah. If that's what they consider pizza, I guess they invented that garbage.
Noah Thomas
Dang. I keep thinking Lotte is Japanese like Glico is. They seem to have a lot of similar stuff as Glico.
Sebastian Ross
>He said they claim that pizza is a Korean invention.
There was a comedic advertisement for Mr. Pizza where they made the claim that pizza is Korean, but it was a joke. Apparently, though, not everyone got that it was a joke, given that when I looked it up to find the videos, there were articles seemingly taking it seriously. Like, the universities they get their experts from don't exist, the paintings are made up, and the fucking ending talks about how an old statue features "free garlic bread promotions" (and then claims Koreans also invented garlic bread). Tell your comic book guy he's a babo if you ever see him again. Here's the video:
Aiden Gomez
What the fuck are you even talking about you fuckin weirdo
Thomas Jackson
I bet you like fucking picles and mustard
Parker Morris
Lotte is Korean but it's also kind of Japanese. The guy who started Lotte is Korean, but has a Japanese name, went to school in Japan, his wife is Japanese (but also has a common law Korean wife), and spends half of his year living in Korea and the other half living in Japan. Lotte also has a significant presence in Japan. If I had to call it one way or the other, yeah, Lotte is a Korean company, but I wouldn't be shocked if someone called it Japanese, they wouldn't be entirely wrong.
Brandon Fisher
Thats fucking practical, user.
Landon King
Founder of Lotte is zainichi.He succeed business in Japan and moved to war-torn Korea and bought all the expensive land.
Lotte is attacked by Korea for being Japanese capital and is also attacked by Japanese for being Korean.
Benjamin Martinez
I hope they don't lose their way with the Olympics looming
Jackson Rodriguez
Maybe fries aren't as important in the rest of the world as they are in america
Benjamin Murphy
what a pity to think this planet is soon gonna blow up
Landon Nguyen
>Massed produced supergroups usually with 5 squeaky-clean island chinks (usually same sex) singing in moon runes and being chaperoned by their music label at all times, curfews and all
>Massed produced supergroups usually with 5 squeaky-clean peninsula chinks (usually same sex) singing in moon runes and being chaperoned by their music label at all times, curfews and all
Very different indeed.
Julian Walker
In terms of western influence in their music. Like how rap is far more prevalent in Kpop than it is in Jpop.
Justin Rogers
>completely compatible with a western palate
nah. they put sugar in everything so every snack, even savory ones, are sweet and end up tasting like shit
Julian Johnson
Japan has held on to its culture more than any Western country, that's for sure. You can't even define what a western style thing is.
Bentley Hughes
That looks great.
Connor Howard
oh my god~
Henry Bailey
Jpop group is like 40~50 members
Kpop group is like 5~10 members.
Beside this, its same shit
Ian Thomas
Ah. Well those are cultural differences that go way beyond their music industries, primarily due to the US assistance in the Korean war. 1953-onwards, the Japanese were NATO allies who could still recall being the regional leaders dominating the pacific before being Hiroshima/Nagasaki being ENOLA GAY'ed into oblivion. But South Koreans are more positive towards the US due to the help.
>The Japanese still have religious, linguistic and social autonomy.
>South Koreans have English as their non-native/secondary language of choice, Christianity is widespread, and they're the only country outside of Israel, the Arab world and USA/Canada to chop off their dicks.(circumcision).
Ryan Kelly
Dude.There is literally tons of English loan words in Japanese.I mean,they fucking use English loan words really A LOT.
Caleb Collins
we have Gangam guy and there was a Korean boy and on SNL like 2 months ago
Aside from that the only music Asia has ever produced is konya wa hurricane and that string plucky stuff they play in the slanty parts of epcot
Dylan Collins
Yep. There’s also a lot of German loan words in Japanese as well as Korean. “Arubeito” meaning part time job comes from the German “arbeit” meaning to work.
Jackson Rivera
Who else /salt/?
Jordan Perez
Of course.Every language use loan words.Other East Asian also use English loan words but not as much as Japan.Japan's use of English loan words take it to extreme.Dont try to sell 'Other East Asian use it too'.No one use English loan words as frequently as Japanese
Chase Garcia
That's not salt.
Its cheese.
Levi Brooks
Do you have numbers to back that up? Because personally, I can’t say which language, Korean or Japanese, has more English loan words. As I recall, both languages have them, but most of their loan words come from Chinese, not English.
Carson Williams
Loan words are there because there's no equivalent in the original language. Going to Japan would be fucked outside of the tourist/hospitality sector without a local translator, or at least a rudimentary knowledge of hieroglyphics and at least some stock phrases.
Evan Clark
For old words,its Chinese.Japanese use English loan words for modern words.You will just learn how Japanese use english loan words in daily conversation
Julian Edwards
That’s parmesan cheese you fucking moron.
Nathaniel Watson
That bit about no equivalent isn’t true. South Koreans use English loan words but North Koreans don’t. The word for ice cream in South Korea is an English loan word but in North Korea it is just the Korean words for ice and milk. They absolutely can use native words but just choose loan words because human beings do whatever.
Aaron Wilson
>Going to outside of tourist sector Japan would be fucked without translator
You just described every other East Asian contries
Dylan Watson
Koreans use English loan words and phrases in conversations, too. They say okay and thank you and shit like that in English as a joke to one another in addition to English loan words. So what? I’m failing to grasp the point you’re trying to reach.
Logan Reed
If your pizza doesn't look like this, then you've been scammed
Ask for your money back
Cooper Miller
Is that a pizza for ants?
Ayden Watson
i'm hungry
Ryan Hernandez
If anyone is from the uk and wants that style mayo they have it in the polish section in asda
don't use it for other foods though it doesn't work like savory mayo
Aaron Martinez
Rock is also western genre, user.
Zachary Foster
>Go to red light district anywhere in SEA
>Nothing bad can happen to you except spiked drinks for you and tour friends and harvested kidneys, or even worse, the girl you picked out from a line-up turns out to be a tranny
>Go to red light district in Nation of The Rising Sun
>Before can even say "hi", surrounded by manlets with tattooed necks, they scream incomprehensible rubbish at you and beat you with sticks.
>Get Kidneys harvested anyway (no sedation)
T-thanks, Island China...
Agreed. Nice to know about ice cream, but surely there are political and psychological undertones as well. I mean, historically and linguistically Korea/gogoreyo.whatever has been one nation and ethnicity going back millenia, but the past 50 years, one half sees the US as a great liberator, and chooses to embrace the culture, while the North Koreans have been isolationist, hence less chances to pick up loan words.
Zachary Thomas
Maybe if you don't hang around in Yakuza infested areas you won't get fucked.
Xavier Anderson
South Korea doesn’t unanimously see America as “the great liberator.” In fact, I’d say that’s a very unpopular opinion. South Korea just uses English loan words because the government doesn’t tell them they can’t like in North Korea, and because English is the language the rest of the world speaks. I’m not talking with you right now in Korean, am I?
Ayden Wood
Men hate slut who suck foregin cock.Its men's nature.So only cheap whorse fuck foreigner.
SEA is exception.They are cucked nation.Their economy run around red strict
Xavier Peterson
You're speaking english but this is an english website and posting in other languages gets your post deleted.
Andrew Taylor
And yet a good chunk of this site isn’t from English speaking countries. Fancy that.
Eli Foster
based Pizza School poster. stuffed crust pepperoni pizza, hot sauce and that dip with the yellow lid is perfect
also Lotteria > McDonalds
Christopher Brooks
Yes but they only speak english because you are required to speak english on this site outside of /int/.
Bentley Hernandez
hot sauce on pizza is patrician tier though
Isaac King
Its shit
Liam Butler
Maybe for niggers.
Joshua Hall
What’s your point? If the rules changed and you had to speak Korean, would you suddenly, magically know Korean and start speaking it? Or would you be shit out of luck?
Michael Morgan
I'd do what a lot of people on Yea Forums do.
Use google translate.
Easton Gomez
And you’d sound like a retard, so n change there for you.
Anthony Bell
No. I don't know anyone who believes that pizza is an american food. I am an euro and my country is culturally close to Italy though so maybe that doesn't count
Jack Gray
>implying most people on Yea Forums don't sound like retards
Charles Phillips
No, you sure are like most people on Yea Forums. Congratulations.
Owen Smith
I see. Suppose I'm in downtown multi-million metropolisthat's not a capital (e.g. Buson/Incheon) and wanted to catch public transport to get to a hotel or stadium I know, how fucked would I be?
>The reason I ask is out of interest, and for comparison with Japan, due to seeing semi-documentaries like Top Gear/Jackass and Enter The Void (Gaspar Noe film), it would be extremely difficult.
And also, re:liberator comment, I'm not from the Americas, I just worded it wrongly. I didn't mean it like "AMERICAN BENIS BIG THANK YOU FOR SAVE US", I meant that historically, Japan would be more conflicted in their feelings towards NATO, while South Korea less so.
Jaxson Cook
Not at all fucked because even in rural places all the bus routes are in English as well.
Would Korea not be conflicted? Because a lot of Koreans blame America for the Korean War.
Owen Ross
i'm too stuffed now brehs...
Matthew Howard
i'm both pro salt and parmesan, don't let them get you down user