
Rugby League Football

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post the ukie cheer sluts

Attached: elite.jpg (745x412, 33.56K)

who is this buck breaker?

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I love this webm so much

Made for BBC

>mutts law

she looks too much like Erling Haaland.

Attached: seethe.jpg (1278x990, 111.13K)

Please watch our sport

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Cup game this weekend:

Attached: 2022 cup.jpg (1080x619, 127.23K)

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giga staceys are incredibly off-putting. it's like there's no one in there. absolute p zombies

Jannies be warned that this woman is employed by the Cronulla Sharks who play in the NRL and is therefore ON TOPIC

Sauce a bro

agreed. I feel cheerleaders should always be on-topic in a sports board.

You know remember Bronson Xerri

Attached: bronson xerri.png (1495x773, 993.53K)

so blatantly juicy

Good to see him maintaining his fitness for his Roosters return

Dumped by the bf

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how women don't feel ridiculous doing these moves?

When you're an attractive woman you can literally do anything you want.

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Silly dances are the authentic female expression, in the Gynostate there will be a Ministry of Silly Dances and their choreographers will be acclaimed as heros amongst the great writers and artists. You should memorise the dance moves to at least one dopeyu girl song as an icebreaker with women you don't know, like a Spice Girls or Aqua.

>Warriors are top 8
What a time to be alive

Watched the first two bronchad games and then forgot because being an alcoholic normalfriend fan is rough sledding as an american. what happened?

Broncos got found out for their lack of talent in the positions that matter. Reynolds showed how he was always a bog average injury prone shitter

latrell going in on that white dog scomo

Round 3 and 4 were choke and refball fests respectively. Round 5 was decent but they still lost.

I bet she fucks surfers


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>Latrell Mitchell to miss eight weeks with hamstring tear
rabbits bros...

>cancels world club challenge because scared to get btfo by Wigan and St Helens

>tfw you do your hammy by kicking too many old women in the face

>8 weeks

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Milford to the Knights effective tomorrow

had to watch it 3x before I counted they ran 5 runs because I kept getting distracted by the fielding

Why do their bodies move like spastics but their feet stay stuck in the mud

>dickhead that ran onto the field yesterday with a flare gets 3 months in gaol

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Have these whores been RUSSIAN'D yet?

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good fucking CHRIST they did it again

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What the fuck is this
Americans went too deep into the rabbit hole

How so

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please watch our sport

No he didn’t cunt

bevo the buck breaker

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*speaks in high pitch mocking voice*
>No he didn’t cunt

Attached: gaol.jpg (819x721, 99.98K)

No00o0o0oo0oo00o he didn't caaaaarrrnnnttt
>He pleaded guilty to two charges in Sutherland Local Court on Monday.
>George was fined $440 for entering enclosed land without lawful excuse and sentenced to three months in prison for possessing a bright light distress signal in a public place.

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cheers to the family member who posted all that operation mallard stuff last night, was very very interesting m8

I miss bevo bros

he is here with us forever

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>post 4 words
>get a screen shot response
>get a c uck to type out the article
Yep I’m thinking I got em on a string

As someone who investigated these twos catalogue I can confirm this is their best work and nothing comes close.

>gets btfo
>haha just part of my plan

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BroncGODS finna boutta gonna end the poothers season


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someone post that female streaker shitbox
and then millie boyles cunt

KEK good one simp sydney customer

Can anyone else see a reality where Blake Taaffe keeps the fullback spot when Latrell comes back?