Forrest Gump 2

>Forrest misses a flight to LA. That plane later crashed into the World Trade Center

Attached: forrest-gump-paul-tagliamonte.jpg (900x720, 76K)

>forrest becomes a janitor at a small Colorado high school. The next year when he leaves, some boys shot up that nice school.

gorg tindr

>Forrest finds a cure for AIDS, 3 days too late, destroys the research and swears vengeance against the world.
>Also, he goes to the White House....again...
>And he meets the President...again...

>Forrest says there ought to be a place to share funny pictures with each other online
>Accidentally creates Yea Forums
>"You know, sometimes people just wanna shitpost"

forrest plays fortnite

>forest accidentally finds a stash of porn videos featuring jenny
>she insists they are art pieces and her lifes work
>uploads them to the internet in her honor after she dies
>accidentally created pornhub

>Forrest accidentally walks in while Bill is getting a BJ from Lewinski

>Forrest helps two nice men clean their rifle, because he learned in the mi-li-tary
>Later I saw him on TV, they where awfully angry with him, something about shooting a Beltway

Goes home and mentions the story to his good friend and neighbor Robert Drudge, who then tells the story to his son, Matt.

quality thread

Forrest get ipad

Fuck you faggots I have the best gump cameo for his character:

>gump has a seat in front of the fence when Dale Earnhardt dies

>forest is confronted with the fact that forest jr is not his
>"Never speak to me or my jennays son ever again!"
>and then i ran and ran and ran

Forrest gets cucked
Oh, that already happened.

>Forest slept through the November 15 Paris attacks after being so tired helping the nice band he met set up at a local theater.
>Forest has a hard time remembering faces, brings up the idea of a "Face... book?" to a young Mark Zuckerberg.

>Forrest loans a pair of gloves to his best good friend OJ Simpson

>One day my mower stopped working, so I went to the store to buy a new one. I ran into this nice fellow named Craig. He said he couldn't remember what he was there to buy. I told him perhaps he should make a list so he remembers - call it "Craig's List". I wonder what happened to that nice man.

>Well thuh Chinese invited me ovah for ping pong ball again
>Sure was cool tourin all these places, this Tiara man Square sure seems awfully roudy though

>Forrest meets the writers for the Simpsons and tells them they need to make an episode about rural life.

I dont get it.

> Meets a businessman. "With that attitude, you could become president."

> Has to tell his stories online after talking at people these days has resulted in dozens of harassment charges.

>Forrest comes upon a nice young man of color beating the shit out of a white supremacist spic
>he yells to the nazi beaner
>stand your ground!
>and the poor innocent child is shot dead

He was inspired by his time in the Vietnamese countryside with Lieutenant Dan, Formerly Captain

>"Ay met a handsome gentleman named EliOT"
>"He was mad somethin' fierce about being lonely. Apparently he hadn't been intimate with any woman befor'"
>"An' I jus' said: 'It ain't fair that a nice man such as yo'self ain't had no woman.' Downright injustice was what ah said."

>I love you Jan-nay

Uh, there already is a Gump sequel. He jumps the Berlin Wall, kidnaps Saddam, then dumps him off, then meets Tom Hanks, then does cocaine so ghost Jenny can bitch at him.