who the fuck is this dickwad
Who the fuck is this dickwad
The entire RLM needs to be sent to a fitness camp.
Cinemassacre should be priority
This board needs is ass kicked so it shuts the fuck up about macho bullshit, nobody is fooled, beta
Mike and Jay
The morbidly obese dying early is something to look forward for there, so no.
don't forget you are paying for their healthcare (dotors visits, medication, surgery, mobility devices, special accommodations in public spaces) until they die, it would be better if they got healthy
Damn Rich lost a lot of weight
>paying for the entirety of anothers' healthcare
look in my eyes waht do you see I got the shit kicked out of me
reeeee is a newface i don't like it step away from mike and jay reeeee
The biggest self-mark there is.
Jay hit the wall hard.
it might not be directly, but you're still paying somewhere
he got extremely fat within one year somehow
probably drinking more
Whoever he's dating is a feeder.
stopped doing whatever exercise he was doing is drinking more
Good. Fat Jay is better for HitB
he's putting on weight for the winter
Is that CM Punk?
Dude's in his mid-40s. He had a good run and can always console himself with the fact that he's not Mike.
Celebrity guests suck
Why does he look like CM Punk?
Jay: At least I'm not as fat as Mike.
Mike: Did you say something?
Jay: No.
>Jay: average dad bod
>Mike: typical American bod
>Rich: ascended god bod
semen skunk
Why is CM Punk there?
The guys called wrestling fake and joked about straight edge kids being weird last episode
what celebrity are they schmoozing this week?
Peter Bogdanovich
real answer: milwaukee connection
>all the posts talking about Jay's decline were deleted
Rich Evans looks disgusted
I own this board you pukes