What’s the spookiest thing that’s happened on this site?

What’s the spookiest thing that’s happened on this site?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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One time someone posted The Grifter

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speaking of


Holy schizophrenia

The Philmarilion

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Does this count ?

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That fucking picture.

Yes goy, schizophrenia h-haha

bro I spent years thinking that shit was just a meme but somebody posted a webm of it on a /gif/ rekt thread a couple months ago.. shit literally made me feel sick

No, the UTV shit was just autistic boredom, not really spooky. It was also the first thing that came to my mind, too. Fuck this place.

meant for

that time ur mum posted her noodz lol

someone told me to have sex

what the actual fuck am I even looking at

I stumbled upon it on tor and haven't been able to get a moment of sleep since. the voices they won't stop calling me.....

that thread about this video

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The rabbit hole

Part 1: desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/40670530/
Part 2: desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/40686926/
Part 3: desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/40690562/
Part 4: desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/40692103/
Part 5: desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/40693930/
Part 6: desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/40697565
Epilogue: twitter.com/LittleMannCam

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w-what is the grifter?

just pretend its a meme and move on.. dont look for it, trust me user

You don't wanna go down that rabbit hole user. I can't even close my eyes with images of that god forsaken fucking thing flashing in my mind. it's life crippling.

I ain't reading all that shit, especially when I can't single out all the OP posts in the threads.

Remember on Yea Forums when that one guy sowed his legs together to rat organs or some shit?

It’s the perfect meme for newfaggots to spam because they don’t have to have any idea what they’re talking about they just post some stupid shit about how it’s sooo fucked up
Have sex incels

if you post some paranormal shit with some sort of gay curse attached to it, the Janitard will inevitably see it, effectively ruining his life, so it’s ok.

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Number 15: Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce. With the statement: "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on. But that's even worse.

The post went live at 11:38 PM on July 16, and a mere 20 minutes later, the Burger King in question was alerted to the rogue employee. At least, I hope he's rogue. How did it happen? Well, the BK employee hadn't removed the Exif data from the uploaded photo, which suggested the culprit was somewhere in Mayfleld Heights, Ohio. This was at 11:47. Three minutes later at 11:50, the Burger King branch address was posted with wishes of happy unemployment. 5 minutes later, the news station was contacted by another 4channer. And three minutes later, at 11:58, a link was posted: BK's "Tell us about us" online forum. The foot photo, otherwise known as exhibit A, was attached. Cleveland Scene Magazine contacted the BK in question the next day. When questioned, the breakfast shift manager said "Oh, I know who that is. He's getting fired." Mystery solved, by Yea Forums. Now we can all go back to eating our fast food in peace.

user I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy I don't even think it's technically legal to post it please just turn back now and don't inquire further

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What a retard

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Multiple threads about Golden Area killer two weeks before he got caught.

the one time the mods put a screamer on Yea Forums at halloween

That shit was spooky

I dunno man, imagine being whoever UTV is. You just occasionally shitpost for giggles and little do you know somebody is so obsessively cataloging everything you do that they've planned an imaginary apartment with you, pretend you're already involved in their life, write a fucking RANSOM NOTE, and make a goddamn minigolf course about you. If this was a less anonymous website you know damn well this guy would have made a serious effort to kill the dude.

>retard got mad because user outed him as tiny dick
that was absolutely top kek

well, i don’t know who you are and im making a serious effort to stick my black dick in your mom

spoonfeed me please

Found the newfag

yea this was so crazy. I live near him too

The day an alien was posted and the whole site shut down for a little bit

It's all started with a bunch of threads about famous serial killers and Golden State killer specifically. Threads became so frequent we even had a "hide golden state killer threads/ do not replay to golden state killer theads" variation of that picture and joked that the guy himself makes those threads. When all of the sudden, BAM, he got caught. And they couldn't catch him for 30 years.

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Show me

I remember him being caught and that posted here. Never and threads about him. Was it in Yea Forums or something?


And like said, at the height of the EARONS posting frenzy some user started sperging out when old victim statements showed the guy had a small dick
So everyone started mocking the virgin nightstalker for having a tiny dick and how he’d never match the Chad zodiac, pic related
So, some user started sperging out how that wasn’t true and how alpha the EARONS is/was, and in the process revealed some information only the EARON would know. Fruedian slip. Everyone picked up on it and started the rumour that nightstalker was in the threads, some compelling evidence was added up. Other people where calling the whole thing bs and we’re making it up
Then a week later he gets caught...

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Okay, I read the philmarrillion years back and thought that was some of the weirdest shit on here.

Then I found out about the tile fucker.

Then Dr ass marbles.

At this point I shouldn't be surprised.

But seriously, what the fuck?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

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That time the German 20 something murdered his neighbor's kid and he posted a thread on Yea Forums with a title of something like "this isn't as easy as you see in the movies."

he murdered the mom not the kid, the kid came home to find her body

Every tripfag deserves this treatment until they stop using a trip btw. They should feel unsafe if they decide to use a tripcode.

fuck i remember this. nigga tried to fuck his mom. not sure if it was fake or not.

>has enough money for a nice and to commission an artist
>has had sex and even produced a child
>has enough confidence to post face and doesn't care about inevitable ridicule
Any old Hollywood chad would do

I thought he murdered his gf.

Ok this is genuinely Chad

>tfw i was in that thread
2014 right?

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Sides gone

Still a better love story than Twilight

that user who proved the Vegas shooting was actually a failed Saudi Assasination attempt, he had all the proof and everything

Legs in freezer

That time /x/ summoned a tech demon

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rebirth of the nazi party

I just wanted to play video games.

The same popular crime book that inspired police to start looking into the case again inspired the conversations around here. It was released in early 2018, "I'll be gone in the dark".

but then came FEMINISM

Can I find this thread in archives?