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I sent the song to one of my gfs friends who is one of these turbo thots. her exact reply:
"desu i want to be romano"
I bet you none of these girls have watched that movie.
yes this shitty cartoon comic book video game movie ruined an entire generation of women by itself and not decades upon decades of subtle brainwashing with it's roots in the french revolution
r7cky you fucking idiot,
indie girls, riot grrls existed in the 90s. and they're EXACTLY THE FUCKING SAME as art hoes.
ramona was BASED on them.
I have no idea why my video is getting posted all over the fucking place if it's not even my song.
I doubt the movie ruined anything because literally nobody watched it other than beta losers who self inserted as Scott.
t. second estate
>people in the comments blaming jews instead of women
>implying women aren't jewish
Hypersexuality with the advent of social media is the real culprit but I love this song
millenials have less sex than any other generation
>she saw Ramona Flowers and felt so empowered
Firstly, it's very tongue and cheeck, secondly, that lyric doesnt really suggest that movie changed the type of girl in question, just describes her.
That’s because women are whores and not in a good way
>making a music video about how much you "totally hate" these girls rather than just having sex with them
Not based, as a film bro its my duty to protect art hoes
Funilly enough this guy has a video on sam hyde
Stop shilling you ugly Indian.
>literally unironically saying have sex
r7cky i have a tip for you to get indie/art hoe pussy, its what i did.
befriend or join the staff of your college radio station, go to all of their events. eventually a arthoe girl who's part of that clique will fuck you.
you need better grooming though. shave your spic hair between your eyebrows. no soul patches or chin goatees allowed. only fully shaved, full 2 month beard, or 3 day stubble is allowed.
Can you honestly tell me this video would exist if this guy could have sex with any of the girls in the video? He's just a typical whinger, he even has a video about him getting rejected on tinder lmao
funnily enough you posted this just last night
The guy didn't make the song you nut
oh god the cringe - that song is so bad I actually might vomit.
It doesn't matter who made the song, the video, or both
Nobody wants to listen to somebody complain that they can't get laid
The movie wasn't popular enough to do that.
Instagram is what ruined the latest batch of roasties.
he clearly states he'd fuck then anyway just pointing out the flaws of these women roastie
fucking based
The song should be that it ruined a generation of men.
people my age were sold on bpd girls being sexy, when really they're just succubi
i remember this faggot complaining on /r9k/ about how he got no matches on tinder. now he makes this? pretty pathetic honestly. no wonder he's alone
I feel like this is true based on my personal observations. Kind of odd considering the mass behavior itself has become sluttier.
It's a doggy dog world we're living in.
come home white man
Thanks for the link, will downvote.
lmao OF COURSE it's this guy making this song. his tinder profile is pretty cringe, all his photos were tryhard uncomfortable photos with hipster musicians . this guy wants to be the cool hip guy who listens to art hoe music and bang them but has none of the looks to pull it off so he's bitter as shit.
It ruined men too, turned them into cuck beta orbiters.
He's not even incel. He's a sex addict and claims virginity resets every two weeks.
nuke this thread
I wish these cunts were all Romanovs as well.
kys brainlet and nuke's version was better
imagine unironically taking ironic schizoposts about sam from here and turning it into a video while trying to steal content from the squad to get your view count up you absolute ugly goblin autist lmaooo
Imagine taking a shitpost channel seriously.
imagine taking my shitpost on \tv\ seriously
Don't worry, I didn't.
Stop giving this cunt attention
The girls in your post are trying to look like rebels, the ones in OP's movie look like literal methheads