Was it scripted?

was it scripted?

Attached: Replay 2022-04-10 19-23.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

the whole sport is scripted

What the fuck is his problem

the game? yes.

autism or coke

yes; its clear the league wants to keep it interesting. pep nhas a handshake deal to still win it at the end

pep is such a strange guy lol

this guy

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>pacto de manchester

>the whole sport is scripted
Wouldn't there be at least one piece of proof if this was the case?

>Klopp saying "amazing"
there's the proof, lad

Chad energy vs G*rman autism

Pep is always

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Geniuses usually are

slapped like will smith

Why does Klopp look mad after the hug?
Why was Guardiola leaving to the dressing room before shaking Klopps hand?
And am I getting a gf this year? I'm tired of being KHV at 34.

I'm beginning to think the whole thing is a farce. Calling it right now, Arsenal last game will be against Spurs and the winner decides who gets 4th

you will miss him when he's gone.

>manlets puts all his strength in an angry handshake
>klopp doesn't even flinch

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he's mad. he worked weeks for this game and he can't win it, klopp didn't even work for it.

>I'm tired of being KHV at 34.

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he was mad because he's german

More like hyper autism vs autism

Klopp could have killed him with ease here...

Hold up a sec...
Hey German guy, do German people get mad?

game respects game

> what the fuck Miguel, I gas you up and you make me look like a puta. ay carumba


Still yet to see a single shred of proof that any top level sport is scripted, rigged, or uses PEDs on a broad scale.

Like most neo-nazi conspiracy theories, there is no evidence. Now fuck off back to r*ddit and give me my website back.

was a joke you oversensitive fanny

You havent seen any of the FIFA bribery stuff?

Klopp spent his time preparing to whine at the officials, and did plenty of it during the game.

only very rarely

Seeing this thread, Klopp fans seems on par with Emma fans, some weird stuff going on

El Cholo got into that bald fraud's head. Comeback imminent.

Is Pep autistic?

Attached: Pep.jpg (2042x1346, 679.95K)

We did once and nobody liked it very much.

I'm sure it makes sense in spanish

he's mad as fuck

Maybe Guardiola feels he found in Klopp his equal, which he couldn't in Mourinho.

>Why does Klopp look mad after the hug?
Because a draw was worse for Klopp than Pep you autist

pissi cuckitini

you can tell the baldie was FUMING like always

All too easy.

mad cause his hair transplants didnt take like klopps did

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This shit is too autistic to be scripted

he only decided against hitting floppo in the last second 100%

Hugh Wizzy pls..

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post webm of him having sex with Cancelo on the sideline

You know Serie A was fixed for years, right? At that time it was the most popular league in the world. Juve even got relegated because it

That doesn't count.

Any other examples? I thought not.

kek I wanted to post or reference this but didn't know if anyone remembered. awesome

Robert Hoyzer was a Bundesliga ref who was convicted for match fixing and one of the other refs involved in the scandal is now head of our the ref association.

Pep is a passive agressive fag, Klopp was just unhappy he couldn't win

Is Pep a marrano?

It's weird how many people don't realise pep is seething here

korea 2002

not what weird if you consider that autism is real when it come to Yea Forums posters

It's not, but the referee were instructed to make the game end with a draw.

No he's catalan.