any good daddy daughter kino?
Any good daddy daughter kino?
Wow, she is smiling too fondly.
what the fuck is wrong with wh*toid?
I wish I was her.
Jews won't let us get some cunny
If Anglos aren't white, who the hell are they?
Is kissing your children something that triggers an am*rimutt?
kissing on the lips yes
Yeah, I don’t get it, other than the slight tilt, it looks like a dad kissing his kid to me. Fucking Yea Forums
I wish I can kiss my 18years old daughter on lips later.It must be orgasm
shes 18 right
daughters should always kiss their daddies on the mouth, if she's a good girl daddy might even slip her some tongue
What is westermarck effect
Theyre in love
Post the full image next time.
>bongs are pedophiles
more news at 7
What’s it like for a girl to have a hot dad? I wonder if she’s aware of how many people Beckham sexy?
can we talk about David Beckham clearly having a hair transplant and paying off the tabloids to not say anything?
He’s English they’re all bald, Lewis Hamilton had it done too
delete this
Anyone else planning on slipping something strong in your daughter's first drink at 18 so you can French her pretty little mouth?
no, we're not women
Whats wrong with having transplants? Women arent judged for doing 100000 plastic surgeries to enter the bogmode but god forbid a dude fixes one imperfecfion.
this place is worse than the daily mail for celebrity gossip.
ofcourse were as bad as women
A white male being in contact with a white woman is very offensive for Americans.
If it was a Jew kissing a white boy they wouldn't care
What are some good adult daughter/dad movies? There seems to be so few of them, is it because women aren’t close with their dad past puberty?
Not just Americans. Most of the world isn't Afghanistan or the UK where such behavior is normalized.
meant for
why do americans hate their children so much? they treat them like commodities and abandon them as quickly as possible
I'm not an American and I don't really know what you're talking about.
does he fuck her
There was a reason why no one in Europe wanted bucklehats.
What are you talking about? kissing people on the lips was very common everywhere before Amerishart jews invented homosexuality
You’re retarded. It’s children that hate their parents. Every young adult wants to live independent and move far away from their parents. However once they’re broke and struggling, they try to leech off of their parents even though they constantly shit on them.
>p-please give me more money and let me stay with you again
>dumb boomers do it anyway because they have biological imprinting forcing them to take care of their child
get flossed on
Kissing on the lips is considered a romantic act in the Western world. I don't expect a 3rd worlder like you to understand.
It literally wasn't so until the 19th century when Americans spread their mind virus into the world
>amerimutts have third world immune systems because they're scared to trade saliva with their kids
hopefully this kills you all off eventually
I remember how much outrage this caused. Why is it okay for a mother and son to be affectionate but not father and daughter? So many fathers are falsely accused of being pedophiles it’s ridiculous. It’s even considered wrong for a dad to hug their daughter past a certain age
link to outrage?
roasties arch enemy is the cunny
Modern man is completely pussified since women are the prime tool of societal control of the elites
t. pedo
But women are judged for plastic surgery
Based. Dads need love too.
>have widow's peak
>fixes the issue
>hey, why would this rich person in constant media limelight get a hairtransplant
really a conundrum for the ages
Why would you kiss on the lips? It’s just wierd. Peck on the cheek or hug or something
Each individual hair folicle has a lifespan of like 3-5 years before it falls out and is replaced, that's why people can lose an average of 100 hairs a day and not be completely bald by the time they're 10. Sometimes because of stress or sickness more hairs than usual will enter the shedding phase and the scalp will look less dense with hair. This usually clears up after six months.
if anyone's gonna fuck my daughter it's gonna be me!
look at those fucking mutts, disgusting
A kiss isn't inherently sexual.
can't decide which I should be more disturbed by
I thought i was fucked up. Look at all these mofos kissing there children on the lips like theyre lovers
>being disturbed by anything
fucking normalfag
Youre right and non sexual kisses dont involve locked lips
Their lips are firmly shut, so the kisses are non-sexual.
Yea Forums looks like THAT?!
next you fags will be telling me wholesome blowjobs with your daughter are wrong
No we look like this
When my daughter kisses my penis it isnt sexual cuz she doesnt open her mouth too wide
how do you resist the urge to fuck your sexy daughter?
Kissing your child for a second on the head or cheek isnt weird but when you kiss each other on the lips...
by doing it at least 3 times a day. always gets rid of the urge
>that hairline
Why live
>sexual assault
two different things
#reps for zhezhe
she was 16
a step above down synsrome
golems. They are made of clay.
>legal here
legality has nothing to do with pedo. If you are purposefully going for youngest legally allowed (which isn't legal where he lives) you actually want to go lower.
if you don't want to go lower than the aoc you are gay
based and mommypilled
She's sitting on his cock in this pic
It should be more accepted. The pullback that dads engage in when their daughter becomes a teen out of 'respect' is probably pretty harmful to dad daughter relationships.
You should keep hugging, kissing and nuzzling into adult hood even in front of her fiance.
This. Suddenly when they turn like 10 they aren't allowed to sit on your lap anymore.
>If you are purposefully going for youngest legally allowed (which isn't legal where he lives) you actually want to go lower.
logically impossible. everyone has their preference and for some people that will match roughly the age of consent in their country
Thank god for the arrow, otherwise I might have missed the point of your post
I'm of the opinion that men should rape their daughters because they have first dibs.
>everyone has their preference and for some people that will match roughly the age of consent in their country
lol no. beauty is objective.