Late night spooky thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want to fuck the Ring Girl

any good 2019 found footage

>t. theremin

I want to fuck your mom.

>found footage
pick one


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Did anyone ever figure out what that WorldCorp shit was?

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What are some movies with this feeling?

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I recently saw a movie with this feel. I can't remember the name of it. The monster came from the closet is all I remember.

It is literally CP someone edited into a viral video.

ghost story is pretty rad

this isn't that spooy cause its nip land so its just some homeless dude trying to upskirt school girls most likely



Are there actually good "atmospheric slow burn bone chilling" horrors?

post more spooky stuff pleas

Vietnam war horror movie

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fuck off

nice tan jar jar

The ones from A24.

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she looks happy for a spastic
how is this scary?

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the part where it peeks into the bedroom door is great
this fucked with me for so long


>just got back from Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark
Funny world when a PG-13 horror flick based on a children's book series is one of the better scary movies I've seen recently.

where's this shit from?

that is spooky

He sounds like The New Storyteller.

oh shit, it was good? It looked awful. The overarching plot connecting everything seemed so thrown together that I assumed it was going to be just jump scare scenes strung together loosely for 90 minutes

>you will never be a teenager spooking yourself to Skinwalker stories late night on /x/ again

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Used to love watching the original slenderman youtube series when it was coming out weekly and talking about it on forums. Can't remember the name of the channel anymore but it was really well made for a series nobody watched at the time.

Yea Marble Hornets was based

It's good for what it is, a kids scary movie. Half the monsters in it are slow moving inevitable death types that can't rely on jumpscares.

Reading /x/ at 3AM is still a trip, though it's not scary.

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>though it's not scary.
Yea that board fell off hard. I know there was always a number of mentally people on /x/ but it seems to have exploded lately. Way too many succubus and tulpa threads. I miss the good ol days

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Based. I want a spooky gf so bad.

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learn how to summon a succubus

I'm not mentally ill or a larper so it won't work.

That comes later

this is my ultimate nightmare

So some kids were fucking around in someone saw them and starting fucking around with them and they started to scream and cry?

What the fuck?

>tfw you still have cursed audio from /x/ back when it was actually good and not full of kids and tumblr whales
>each time you play it weird shit happens
What do?

firebase whatever it's called

what kind of weird?

they were getting chased, the guy rammed the car

Post it




fucking qu im glad they got their ass kicked at the end

>Hey guys everyone I have a great interesting thing. Listen to me talk vaguely about this thing I do have
>Anons: Post it
>no response
Typical /x/ faggot


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Pretty fucked up he's gotten away with this shit.

I ain't clickin that

Like 10% or 5% of the threads there or less on average are actually very interesting. Some occassional thrrads where an user types paragraphs and paragraphs of connections he's made between research on some shit from old ass documents or sightings or videos and posting a bunch of it.
Like one was connecting the myth of giants to how all peoples just about all over the worls have myths and sightings avout them and supposedly the Military finding a red haired giant in Iraq and then covering it up (or trying to)
Or how flat earth societies were unironically funded by Government organizations during the same time when hollow earth just stsrted being talked about more, as if they're trying to distract from hollow earth theory. How there's connections from Norse mythology to Hindu to Jainism on a supposed advanced race of people that lives in a great city inside the earth while flat earth discounts all of this.
Just some thoughts, call me schizo.

Idk what that is but, wtf is this video? I saw it posted 2 or 3 days ago on this board on another creepy vids thread too. Is this supposed to be Podesta related or wtf is this?

>Is this supposed to be Podesta related or wtf is this?
It's one video of a series of videos that was posted years back under the channel WorldCorp. There channel and website have been deleted long ago but the videos are still out there. The website was weird as shit too and no one was quite able to figure out what the fuck it was. Some claim it was a child abuse / pizzagate sort of thing but no one can say for sure. It's one of the few internet mysteries yet to be solved. Here's another vid of theirs if you look around you might be able to find some more.

Has any movie showed someone trying to punch a ghost? I'd like to see the other end of the flight or flight response, for once.

>pizzagate shit
fuck off

that's just one of the theories you sensitive faggot

The podesta stuff is pretty deep. Infinity chan followed it very closely before it was just taken down.

people like this are the reason no investigation will ever be done. they defend these monsters with their lives

>clearly a ripoff of Alien

How did /x/ die?


Post spooky YouTube kino
I’m trying to find the Jurassic Park one where it’s talkig about a conspiracy that YouTube keeps taking down its videos and it’s creepy

Flooded by Yea Forums underagers and even more namefags and tripfags basically. Extreme amounts of dude weed fags. It used to be my main board and favorite one. Now it's way at the bottom with the exception of 10-5% or less of it's threads on average.
Also for certain conspiracies, every thread almaot made on it there's the exact same supposed self acclaimed "expert" on thebtopic that says "No I'm an expert on trees and the world tree stuff is bullshit" then he goes on to cite the same exact type of sources literally from reddit as he does in all these other threads.
Then this person, along with most of the time with one other person, will samefag and derail the entire thread until it reaches reply limit, dies or is deleted. I used to think that whole "Glowniggers don't want you to know stuff" shit was a meme until I saw it consistently on lots of threads for about over 3 years. Over the years, multiple anons stated they similar on there. There was an active force trying to shut down any of the more deep and significant topics or conspiracies. Haven't gone on it in a while so idk if they're still doing it. I can only guess so...

janny started deleting creepy video and cursed image threads

Oh, are you talking about Erratas? The one that DJ Rozwell used to promote that KFC Murder Chicks compilation? The compilation that fell into the memory hole because no one on /x/ thought to archive it?

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the last spooky movie i saw was cure, probably because i thought it'd be a neo noir and it was some surreal nightmare instead. introduced me to kiyoshi kurosawa
if you don't know the story, some guy on Yea Forums made a thread with the idea of "deepweb" music or something like that. it was finding obscure youtube videos and sampling them/slowing them down to make music. some guy claims to have found this. like five hundred rabbit holes later it turns out the uploader was trolling and a whole bunch of other people were with the words "erratas" and other complicated stuff that led nowhere. it was fun while it lasted though and the videos nail the spooky aesthetic

Reality is always spookier

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were were you when ghost? I turn round and nothing i turn round and ghost no

Imagine dying in a place called NUTTY PUTTY