No Hollywood movie on the french revolution

>no Hollywood movie on the french revolution

Attached: 2019-08-08 23_41_02-The French Revolution - OverSimplified (Part 1) - YouTube.png (548x408, 304K)

why would they want to inspire their own destruction?

Any time somebody feels like making revolutionary french kino they just make yet another remake of Les Miserables

Oversimplified is a kino youtube channel desu

read a book you subhuman retard

>no argument

oversimplified is a pretty decent channel honestly for people that want a simplistic version of history and dont want to get too deep into it

That's not set during the French Revolution....

aren't the three Musketeer movies set during the french revolution?

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the new vids are cringe now. too many "jokes" that takes too much time
i like the ww2 one where he just go on and on just narrating the story with little long joke scenes

meh, I don't mind some slight cringe, the vids are comfy

forgetting someone?

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>literal movie about Marie Antionette
No American movies about the French Revolution

Daily reminder that Robbspierre and The Commune were the true monsters

they really were and im glad this youtube video shows that

it's set during a french revolution

she never said that, that's propaganda

you have to be over 18 to post here buddy

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>"yeah I'm kind of a history nerd lol"
>exclusively learns from youtubers reading from wikipedia articles and partly from the sources in the articles
>the youtubers use simple shapes to animate because it's fast and appeals to children
>"the animation's not the POINT"

It’s 100% for the best.
The less history being displayed through the lens of Hollywood, the better. We’re confused and backwards enough.
Also, French Revolution a shit.

That video was so biased
Mary Antoinette never ever said "let them eat cake", and was the victim of propaganda
I can't believe that in 2019 someone still believes those lies when we have historical evidence stating the contrary

Whenever I read about the French Revolution, I get mad at what the Judeo-masonic orders did to the World, then I remember that it was mostly Fr*nch who suffered from the revolution and feel much better.

stay mad that I know like 90% of the french revolution now

Yeah, well if you’re so dang smart, why don’t tell me about what happened in the Vendeé.

I had an idea to make a trilogy revolutionary epic of the US revolution, French revolution and Russian revolution. All would be about 4 hours in length and dialogue in their respective languages. These three revolutions are the most important in the world's modern history and would be great additions to the compendium of cinematic arts.

hey man I don't know everything from that youtube video
but now I know more, thanks

I only bring it up because it’s criminally overlooked. Almost as important as what happened in Paris. Enjoy!

I dont know why he didn't put it in the video
maybe it was too long and complicated?

That’s part of it, but with the messiness comes with tons of accusations atrocities on both sides that are a little hard to verify. Kind of a “big if true” thing, but it potentially changes the look of the whole Revolution.
So yeah, messy and narratively problematic. Much easier just to focus on Paris.

the video was pretty objective, showing the revolution to be pretty fucking shitty too

Right, I wasn’t accusing them of being biased, just saying that that’s why it’s a minefield.

>not listening to the superior storytelling of the French Revolution

Attached: French Revolution by Mike Duncan.jpg (1642x1016, 199K)

have a nice night

Not hollywood, but do yourself a favor and watch Danton. Kino, has based Gerard Depardieu as title role, and has one of those cool polish posters you can put in your room after you've seen it.

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not him but that could be said for like a billion of these history channels


>hurrdff durfff

Who cares about the French Revolution? Euromaidan Revolution when?

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I wish Napoleon won..

Just look at this shit. Most kino revolution of all time.

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No Jews died.

fuck you lol

kino podcast

This would be great if directed by a Mel Gibson-tier maniac.

>Oversimplified is a kino youtube channel desu

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