What's the best it's always sunny episode?

what's the best it's always sunny episode?

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Nothing past the first 3 seasons that's for sure

fucking Nightman is shit? get outta here with that

Best episode.

i favorite recent one was the shusher episode

Oh and the extreme home make over one is funny as shit

Mac and dennis move to the suburbs

The last one because they won't make anymore that absolute shit anymore.


mac and charlie die pt1, poppers and the wedding dress make it the pinnacle of the series.

The Gang Hits the Road

Chardee MacDennis

The gang dines out.

Sweet Dee Gets Audited is the patricians choice

The gang solves the gas crisis

>they'll pay tribute

When Mac and Charlie look at each other that single scene is easily the funniest part of the series

the quarantine episode is the best of the later seasons

The only right answer

Mac Is A Serial Killer
Flowers For Charlie
The Gang Goes Jihad

>This Jew's in for a ton of work

Gets me every time.

None of them. IASIP is shit and reddit tier.

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>this used to be on shitflix but i checked recently and it's gone
Where am i supposed to watch it and where to start?

Flowers for Charlie

Party mountain, Escape room and making Dennis Reynolds a murderer is awesome aswell

Hulu and Season 1 for pleb filter

Mac bangs a tranny

>Where am i supposed to watch it
torrents, hulu, various illegal streaming sites
>where to start
S01E01 The Gang Gets Racist

Definetly the one where D and Dennis get addicted to crack

the one with the steaks, chickens, and lady checking out the restaurant was the first one i saw and still my favorite
are good too

Motown Philly back again

The gang gets invincible

Mac and Dennis Move to the Suburbs While You Question Why Glenn Howerton Doesn't Have Any Emmys

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unironically s13e2 "The Gang Escapes" all of s13 is shit except this which was golden. I think it was an old script

The waitress is getting married has always been my favorite.

and i licked her asshole a little bit. it was good- it was okay- it wasn't great, but it was fine.

Frank's Brother

The one Dee lives one day in Charlie's life
The gas crisis is pretty good too

For me, it’s The D.E.N.N.I.S. System

The suburbs. Peak Dennis

Favorite is probably Nightman Cometh or Mac Bangs Dennis' Mom

I don’t get all the hate for the more recent seasons. That one episode with Mac and Charlie get their bikes stolen by some kids and then at the end of the episode beat the kids up. Hilarious

Dennis and Dee go on welfare

>The Gang Broke Dee
>the one where Dennis is in that rehab center with Sinbad and Rob Thomas
>the one where they buy a boat
good show, going back through trying to find more gems

What was the first episode that implied Mac was gay?

Asking for a friend

Unbelievably based.

I think it was Charlie Has Cancer


This is how you sound

It's Always Reddit In Philadelphia


That's why Sunny is GOAT, you could ask 20 people what the best episode is and you would get 20 different answers.

Charlie Work or Country Mac for me

but The Gang Gets Quarantined is one of the best

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Based and Bastardman pilled.

Mac and Charlie die (both parts) are my favorite

The Dennis system, or the one with Brian Laffeve.


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Dee-centric episodes are criminally underrated
>aww you big old fat stick in the mud

Under rated episode. Its a pleb filter

>3 results found

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I use Leon Flix
Always Sunny and Southpark put me to sleep in a good way

Sweet Dee is Dating a Retarded Person

First 4 seasons

my favorite is episode 1. really love season 1 the most. it felt so heavy handed introducing devito into the cast and then we found out it literally was forced because the show was tanking and FXX wanted a big name to give it a boost. honestly think the show would have been better overall without devito or at least had him as an occasional feature, rather than a focal point.

The Christmas episode is pretty good. That bit at the Christmas Office Party and Frank in the couch was hilarious.

The gang dances their asses off or the gang gets held hostage


Im ok with devito because it explains how they can still keep the bar and do all their shit even though they never have business

fuck off im not saying devito is bad, just that they didn't need him.

It’s weird because there’s amazing top tier episodes in the newer seasons but then the majority are complete shit

>no mention of Charlie Day
fuck Yea Forums

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are any of the ones without dennis good?

Bullshit, charlie work is one of the greatest.

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But this is literally my favorite scene in the show

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The gang desperately tries to win an award was good because it was funny on a lot of levels

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you mean charlie work?

>whats in it for yourghrghrghhh

Faggot normie detected
The gang gets invincible is the only right answer


also cringe

chardee macdennis is great, the one where they try to drink 70 beers on a plane, the one where they try to get to thundregun express

Redit needs to go back. Fuck this board

ill go back, but im returning with my friends

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dennis and dee go on welfare

when he banged a tranny?

intervention is so fucking good
>did you two bang?
>no we did a bunch of monster energy drinks and dry humped. i think she gave me poison ivy


>A few people who actually like the show
>The rest are pretentious idiots screaming Reddit

Fuck this board is cringe.

You need to kys for thinking about rubbit so much

That bit where Snail is giving Frank a handjob and he says you're Just mashing it at this point gets me every time.

wed like some crack pleas

when are they just going to stop making the show already?

how is having sex with a woman gay

2 crack rocks


When they stop having fun

that's tiring

>all these zoomers posting episodes from the later seasons as their favorites

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actually the right answer. biggest turning point for sure. it shows dennis in such a more hilarious light as a sociopath

Wholeheartedly agree.
It's funny, Mac even says something along the line of "You ruined EVERYTHING" to DeVito in like the second episode he's in, kinda sounding like Charlie Kelly expressing his frustration over the forced new actor they now have to write into the script.
Would have like to seen more of what the show would've been like without DeVito

it took rob so many takes to not laugh

the burp being so foul smelling that mac has to leave is viscerally hilarious, especially paired with devito's belch-growl


when is dennis going to fuck dee

Probably the boat episode

all of them

I don't get it
they say fag and tranny way too much for anyone on reddit to like the show

Dubs of truth

gang throws charlie a surprise

The Gang Tries Desperately To Win An Award

Gang Solves the Gas Crisis

What was the last episode where they actually used tranny as a pejorative? The newest season has the godawful bathroom episode which is basically signalling that it's the end.

The first season is still rough. The inclusion of Frank really makes the cast shine. Seasons 2-3 are peak and are the best overall. Seasons 4-6 remain solid, though Flanderization happens rapidly once the Rob and the others begin to step back their involvement in production.

Seasons 7-10 have more good episodes than bad.

Seasons 11-13 have more bad episodes than good, with season 13 having only a handful of good episodes.

Really amazing episodes pop up sporadically until around season 12 where they vanish entirely.

In my opinion the best of the series are:
Mac is a Serial Killer; The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis, The Nightman Cometh, The DENNIS System, Mac Fights Gay Marriage, and The Gang Buys a Boat.

Yes, a lot of these got meme'd to death, but that's just because they're fucking great episodes.

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I honestly think Frank is one of the few examples of the forced inclusion of a big name actor working in the show's favor. The way they address his character right from the beginning felt really meta. Frank is the character who brings the money. The gang doesn't want him there at first, but they have no choice.

That and watching Frank's decline from a largely straitlaced, wealthy businessman into a wild eyed, disheveled wreck is hilarious in and of itself.

"Goddamn I hate gin Dee, y you bitch"

>What was the last episode where they actually used tranny as a pejorative?
I'm not sure that it was ever used as a pejorative. The Tranny was simply used as a descriptor. In the first season when the character is introduced the other characters are all cool with it, except for Mac. And Mac's attraction to her is used for comedic effect. In fact, Mac gets his ass kicked for accidentally hitting the Tranny by a group of well meaning Philadelphians.

I'm not sure that the characters are ever negative about Carmen. Even in Mac is a Serial Killer, only Mac is bothered about him banging the Tranny. No one else cares when they find out.

Most overrated episode desu senpai

This. Its not bad at all, just overrated

The best three season run is 3 4 5
Contains all the essential Sunny episodes

>>That and watching Frank's decline from a largely straitlaced, wealthy businessman into a wild eyed, disheveled wreck is hilarious in and of itself.
this is pure reddit

*kicks you into a well*

Real scorcher of a day

That episode was shit. People thought beating up the kids was funny but say it coming a mile away and it felt toothless. If the kids had had been black and they had initially been worried about appearing racist then it wouldn't have been so safe.

>enjoying musicals
gay and reddit

Literally the first episode. Fuck, it was even in the pilot they shot on their own.

Sooo liking Charlie is reddit?
Charie Work is the best episode. I just can't stop smiling when watching it.

Honestly? The onw where Charlie is getting the bar ready for the health inspector

Liking Charlie is Reddit
Liking Mac's brother is 4channel


Jesus Christ

>pretending to be an oracle and telling people how they enjoy the show is wrong
>getting the most basic of details wrong

>not enjoying musicals

the one where they are hiding in the asians house


Looking up facts is Reddit
Trying yours best to remember things and making honest mistakes is 4channel

>Came out in 2005
Yikes dude


It's a good show, just not a good sitcom

i think it broke the sitcom barrier, not sure what to classified it correctly

christmas special
frank escaping from the couch is the funniest scene in television history

at this point danny devito might as well not be present

The funniest moment in entire show is the creampie discussion, but that isn't the best episode.

Because of the implication



Almost like you're dumb or something

Frank Back in Business
The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award

Even if said women has a dick?

Toss up between Mac Is a Serial Killer and Frank's Pretty Woman for me

What was the one where Frank had a child beauty contest? That one was too much for me, couldn't bear to watch the culmination of the episous vide.

Never liked that episode. Honestly how is it a fan favourite? What makes it so funny? I can only remember the part where Dennis realises that Mac is hard when they’re doing the play.

Trannies aren't women.

You're gay but I think that's my favourite episode.

They're better than mere women. They're women+


My boy, Dennis' rant was the most naturally Always Sunny moment from that season

>that whole payoff with Charlie smashing the stool

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>Where did you come from?

The show was good up until around Season 10.

I don’t think the Nightman Cometh is the best episode, but I don’t how how to describe it; the most important episode? The most quintessential episode?

Clearly the most kino episode of sunny its mac bangs Dennis mom

Niggers hanging from rafters.

Really dig the Christmas episode desu senpai

For me, it's Sweet Dee's Dating a Retarded Person. I can go back to it time and time again and still laugh.

Shane the show has been steadily declining for years.

>What?! Retarded: three, not retarded: one!

>your shit's on backwards

absolute meme opinion. season 4 was solid as fuck and the only weak episode was "who pooped the bed" and even that episode had its moments. I'd go so far as to say it's better than season 3 and one of the best seasons of the show. Season 5 was less even but it had the DENNIS system which is a legendary episode and a few other gems. After that the dip in quality was pretty obvious but it was still a good show with some great episodes mixed in up until season 9 or 10.

underrated? it's overrated as all hell because it stands out for being the only decent episode of that season

The one where Dennis meets Sinbad or some shit I cant remember the name

solid choices, but i propose the gang hits the road. the scene where frank mac and dee open the back of the uhal and find dennis and charlie completely passed out from smoke inhalation is one of the funnies moments of the show

This, Charlie's song is one of my favorite scene of all time.

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The one where they get stuck in a drained pool. The one with donovan mcnabb. Anything with the lawyer. The historical episode. There are too many great episodes.

based, the dennis system is the only tru answer

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Charlie Work is kino

the gang gets trapped was kino

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>That’s my good chair!
>That’s your good chair? It’s covered in bird shit, Charlie!

This is the one true answer


The welfare episode

White Trash is kino.
>Mac’s fake gold chain
>Dee stepping on glass
>Greased watermelon
>”What kind of savages throw rocks at each other for fun?” Cut to Mac and Charlie throwing rocks at each other
>Charlie being unable not to tell Dee that they’re stuck in a pool
>Pic related
>”He’ll fish us out of here.” “Yeah, fish sounds good, see if they have fish.”
>The funeral scene
>”Sir, these people are bleeding all over the place”
>”I hope you trash bags die at the bottom of this pool like Jamie Nelson did!”

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I'm quite a fan of PTSDee

Kino choice, user.

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The Gang Recycles the Trash is kino just for this scene:

by far the best episode.

The simple arc of Dee dating the rapper guy, and she can't tell if he's retarded, is already really funny.

But then you have them creating bands, and on top of a lot of funny moments, you get the nightman and then the dayman songs.

The fact that they tried to exploit it later with their musical episode, and failed, makes it even better.

I think that episode hit personally for me when mac brought up his burner phone. It hit too close to home.

Are you felon-class, user?

>CTRL+F "Bums: Making a Mess All Over the City"
>0 results


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The gang dines out or the gang dances their asses off

The one in first person from Frank's pov

>the gang dances their asses off
that ending where Cricket kneecaps Dee is the best

You’re doing it wrong.
>Hot one today huh?

100% correct. The butthurt responses only confirm this. I was watching this show as it was being released and the cliff dive from season 4 was so obvious you’d have to be an idiot not to notice. It was even starting to flutter by the end of season 3.

Season 4 onwards is almost like a completely different show. Anyone who still likes it past that point caught on too late or is just a dumb person.

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The Gang Dances Their Asses Off. It's incredibly underrated.

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chardeemacdennis parts 1 and 2

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>Frank's Pretty Woman
The fucking culmination of that episode had me fucking sobbing when the music came on at the end.

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Sweet Dee Shaping America's Youth

Lethal Weapon 5 was so Thunder gun.

>Fat Mac
>I'm a Swedish plumber
>The part where they subvert your expectations by revealing that they were actually Asians with southern accents
>Frank whipping the vase like Indiana Jones
It's fucking based.

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Frank's Little Beauties

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>i have no idea what reddit is like
>i let the opinions of others influence my own because thinking for myself is too hard

Ftfy, bud


Talking about reddit all the time is pretty reddit.

>Dee your breath smells like shit
>A leather shop? In Arizona? Why they'd be out of business in a weeks time!
It's the little lines like that too that really make a good episode

>When Charlie comes into find them because Mac is being a dick about the walkey talkey

an entire episode focused around a callback to a passing joke from a previous season? That's shit. The second you start "playing your hits" you're done. this man is right.

>calling the fast food place "the hamburger store"
Fucking kills me every time

The outtakes for that too are hilarious, Rob struggles so hard to get through the line while he's stuffing his face

Anything with Charlie's Uncle Jack is great too
>it'll be just like when you were younger, remember how we wrestled
>That's not...that's not wrestling Uncle Jack and you don't do that with little boys

I liked Charlie work but it was very out of character. He could read their sign just fine, instead of being illiterate, and he was completely in control and competent the entire time.
Unless Charlie is just pretending to be retarded normally?

It's still on UK netflix if you have a VPN

I think it's generally understood that Charlie is actually pretty good at Charlie work and likes doing it, hence why he was so in control, he's like a savant janitor, just like how he's shown in-universe to be amazing at the piano

Charlie work is well written and tighly executed, its just isnt that funny. Only thing that was funny to me was
>allrigh allrigh allrigh

Charlie calling Dee a goddamn bitch about moving the dumpster is so simple that I always chuckle at it



But he also read the fake restaurant sign completely fine

>the gang gets analyzed

any other answer is wrong

The Gang Hits the Road

How do you guys pronounce McElhenney?

this show is for reddit scum

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Mack-el-henny? Honestly my mind just kinda glosses over his last name and settles for "Mac"

Like it’s spelled

Fuck I completely forgot about this one
The reveal that the family was Asian is such a perfect touch

Mac and Charlie Die. The scene where Mac crashes the car into the wall gets me every time.




The whole season is low quality, but the bit in Times Up For The Gang where they bring up the waitress as an example of sexual harassment and Charlie immediately starts sweating cracks me up every time.

Up until like s9 or whatever this was a show with no bad episodes. The one where they turn into black people was the first episode i thought was bad.

It's like Office for dumber people. Also, fight milk was pretty good. So was nightman., Whenever Charlie tries to read anything. Frank literally being on the screen is gold. That's a good fucking show.

One of the best scenes of the show.
Dee, you gangly bitch.

The gang dines out

Don't worry, I can handle my sedatives

When they go into the music shop and Charlie just starts playing the keyboard fluently out of nowhere was one of my favourite moments of the show, didn't see it coming and the fact it's something that can't be faked makes it even better.

The Gang Dines Out
It shows off all the characters perfectly, its a minimum set so that the acting can shine. It escalates to this absurd point but it doesn't seem over the top. Its just the "best" episode. It might be my favorite.

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That one's my absolute favorite. The entire strip show segment at the end has me laughing from beginning to end.

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This. It's a classic sitcom plot filtered through the lens of Its Always Sunny, perfectly done. Always one of the first episodes I show people to introduce them to the show so they get what it's about.

I like the one where Charlie gets the smart pill from the scientists

Thought this ep was pretty good desu

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Even though it was written by the GOT guys that we're all supposed to hate now?

None its shit

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The dumpster baby episode.
charlie sliding down a trash pile with a scimitar while ululating did it for my sides and Dennis getting back at the hippy was a great story


Gang Gets Psychoanalyzed

So was he retarded?

kys zoomzoom

Based and purepilled

No, just a wigger

>watched one episode of it today for the first time
>boot up Yea Forums
>see this
ok why you suddenly made a thread of this old series? are you spying on me?

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Yeah they full on say he's retarded

Calm down, user. It's just a coincidence. I promise. We're not spying on you. That's ridiculous

if someone is spying on me just come on in bed with me, i'm going to watch some kinos and comfy up between blankets.

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haha yeah right

Did you not watch the full episode?

best IASIP thread in years, I think I'm gonna break out my DVDs tonight


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Time for you to go create a gang stalking thread on

The one with the Nazi grandfather.

I did, the only non retard thing he does is dunk on dee at the end, Dennis states that he's retarded as shit before that

Just because he could rap doesn't negate his retardation.

The one where they hunt ricket like a street rat

Charlie Work all day, and all of the night.

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Sweet dee gets audited, in particular the scene where dee puts chilli powder in her eyes atbtye funeral and dennis mutters stop you bitch under his breath

And then at the end Dennis states "I don't think he's retarded."

yea its definetly one of their best eps

its pretty funny

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The gang gets analysed is one I always show people if they’ve never seen it before. Hero or hate crime and franks intervention work too actually.

It does though. White retards can't understand rhyme scheme.


its not on netflix


its on hulu the superior streaming service

>"You can't do a back flip, you can't do karate; you're white trash!"
such a great line, holy shit

You can get basic Hulu and spotify all for $9.99 a month. Way better deal than Netflix.

Good fucking thread. Gonna watch the suburbs one now, its been a few years

reynolds vs reynolds: the cereal defense

Hellooooooo reddit!

>Block the wind while I roast this bone
Best episode besides the Gang Gets Trapped

Ye it is tho

you banged my dead wife?

The guys buying an Indiana Jones costume beforehand and having to share it is the funniest unspoken joke in the show.

I personally love the end of third season, the dance competition

Not in first world countries

Season 9 was the peak though and 11+12 were better than anything before 4 anyway.

I'm a full on socdem with multiple trans friends and even I know if you're dating a trans woman just for your attraction to her dick you're not straight.

Chasers, at least the ones in it for the sex not the sense of power, are not heteros.


What if I'm only in it so I can feel a big ol pair of titties on my back while my prostate gets poked?

we got it in the uk tho

>he thinks the uk is a first world country

fuck you.

even last season or the one before it, had the slides episode which was one of my favorites

There is probably atleast 50 right answers to this question.

Not suprising anything past 7 is shit didnt they change writers goin into fxx ? It shows..

My friends and me actually still go "allright allright allright" to each other every now and then. It's just such a classic moment in the show.
My favorite part in that episode is the impressive long ass shot with everyone hurrying around. Then of course there's Frank's flushing things down to gain a feeling of control. Cracks me up everytime. "No, you ordered 4000 steaks" - and Frank goes "excuse me, I have to use the toilet".

this was a fucking greentext

link to blooper reel?

The episode where Mac, Dennis, and Charlie are scheming and Charlie isn't paying attention. They start asking him questions and he is just totally inept and starts agreeing with their questions.


>I feel like he's mocking us

>in response to someone who watched the show live as the episodes aired from 2005 as an 18 year old

Only boomers can see real truth to the show

Kys precious.

I'm just gonna rate all the seasons.
>Charlie got molested
>>the gang goes jihad
>Sweet Dee's dating a retarded person
>Mac and Charlie die (part 1)/The Nightman Cometh
>The Waitress is getting married
>Dee Reynolds: Shaping America's Youth
>Sweet Dee gets audited
>Reynolds vs. Reynolds: the cereal defense

dennis and dee go on welfare is probably my favourite
every time i try to get somebody into the show i show them that episode

>when they tip the baby coffin open and its the dead dog from the alley

My n-word. I would think that episode would get more love on this cunny-loving board.

The episode is full of gold youtu.be/LP864oBWxeM

I feel like Mac killing the dog and serving it in dinner is too mean spirited and not in line with the shocking resilience of animals previously shown in the series.


>slams stool

This, the first few seasons were a weird cringe comedy that made you chuckle, the rest has just been cringe.

t. Philadelphia, Mac's Tavern(the bar the main cast all bought in on) is hot boring garbage.