What’s up with all the low quality posts today? is reddit invading

what’s up with all the low quality posts today? is reddit invading

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Other urls found in this thread:


true irony

>is reddit invading
someone make one of those websites where it's just a big


My sides

nice thread

I don't know

>implying 90% of posters arent redditors

Pretty much.

Attached: RedditInOnePic.png (687x279, 84K)

It's 8ch

formerly quality

Tranny jannies banned all the funny people for just replying to shit posts. They are drunk on power

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Thanks for another low quality post

Just today? Yea Forums always sucks.

redwood is moderating Yea Forums again
as you can see the only thread to be deleted in a sea of off-topic threads up right now was
this is the type of anti liberal stuff he and his Yea Forums buddies hate
yet this thread which was made well before it is still up

Both of these threads were blatantly off topic and should have been taken down.

chapofaphouse got quarantined, probably them

Just continuously remind them that socialism is just capitalism with slightly different standards and they'll be triggered to self-destruction.

>Capitalism: I should own the factory that destroys the world because I inherit- uh worked hard for it

Yes all me bntw

I miss shitting on the jannies every night around this time. They ruined this board with over moderation


We're shitting on them now. Shit on them always. The janitors have ALWAYS been the worst part of Yea Forums. I'm convinced the Yea Forums spamposters are all janitors.


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>is reddit invading
it has for years. sneed, hoss, and janny posting are a necessity to keep the horde of discord trannies, /pol/tards, Yea Forumsteens, and redditours from totally destroying this board

>from totally destroying this board
user, I have some bad news...

user no... you must not despair..

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shooter chan got shut down so some have come crawling back

This board has been shit for as long as I've come here. It literally is the host of the worst forced memes on the site.