/motogp/ - The City of Yamaha Edition

>moto2 - 1 bong
>motoGP - 2 bongs 40 bings
>moto3 - 3 bongs 30 bings

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Did they flip the moto2 and moto3 order?

yeah, dunno why

so i can go back to sleep sooner

Moto3 is last, presumably so that MotoGP isn't late at night for yuroland




The schedule today is killing
Having to wake up at 7 for f1 and then having to stay awake until 22:30 for moto3.

That was murder

small bike babby fraud


Has he been exposed

>it's a moto2 carnage episode

Are we sure these guys are professional riders? Not some random burgers from Austin?

>only active American superbike champions are Herrin, Beaubier, and Gagne
The absolute state

Sicario currently leading


Lmao fucking MEME race


not anymore

What a shame

at least we won't see his ugly mug on the podium

did burgers fuck up the resurfacing?

>inb4 burgers paid off all the teams to let Beaubier win

Retards literally put the new asphalt over the old cracked one

>trusting burgers with infrastructure


hol up

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What the fuck is wrong with the track, is it all the spics that can't build a civilized country?

built on top of a swamp or something

the resurfaced parts are fine, but the rest is still full of bumps, by next year is gonna be a disaster again
that's what happens when you contract ilegal inmigrants to do the job

I didn't think Assen was that bad

They looked at the average North American race track and thought that was how they're supposed to be.

>Track built by spics
>Championship run by corrupt euro spics

Are we that surprised?

penske should bring them back to indy



>be american

>burgers and bikes


What a shitter

whoops dropped my burger


Lo gg Burgers, thx for 4th

God our continent fucking sucks at motorcycle racing

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Motogp at mospar who says no?

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>she's 38
>dixie is 26
tfw no mommy gf

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>God our continent fucking sucks at racing
Fixed it

wtf she's a pedo

>blocks your path

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They can win the GT class at Le Mans with some American drivers sometimes at least

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Yes, I would run when I would see him behind the wheel.

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not enough interest in the sport, so not surprising. Having a small riding population and mostly straight roads don't help either


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Why a Mayor General? What the fuck?

Counterpoint: Thailand barely has race tracks and they can win a fucking Moto2 race

Part of the mk ultra program

>Join the military user
>Die for pissrael

They race on the road.

He's the archetypical zoomer like Quartararo and I hate him

that whole region has a big two-wheel culture, their downhill stree races are insane

The whole weather thing doesn’t help

>it's a martin throws away pole episode

They're all from California, Florida, or Texas anyways, that doesn't matter really.

South-east Asians spend more time on two wheels than on their own feet.