Can they stop inviting celebrities on? I don't like when my virtual friends get new frens

Can they stop inviting celebrities on? I don't like when my virtual friends get new frens.

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Definitely ruins the chemistry for BOTW. Everyone seems a little off with the stranger in the room. It’d be cool to have them do Re:Views but nobody is gonna go out to Milwaukee just for that.

I agree but OP,patton oswald is not a celebrity; he's a fag. him and homo alone.

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>yfw they proceed to have every YouTube e-celeb and washed up comedian on as guest

Yeah. I mean, at least they were friends with Macaucau or Simon Barrett before inviting them to the show. But going out of their way to get Rich Evans from Ellen, that seemed kinda desperate

They’ve never had on another YouTube and I get the feeling they don’t want to.

How do they even know Patton? He was in space cop too.

>ruins chemistry
This. I just want to watch the guys (mostly Mike), not some d-list celeb trying to be HILARIOUS lol.
Having Rich be the guest, then cutting to Patton was a good gag, but I didn't really like him the rest of the show. He was trying too hard to show that he knows B-movie trivia.

Patton is a fan of theirs.

Why does it remind you of when my high school friends found new friends in college and forgot about you?

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Still waiting for Mark Borchardt to get his ass on there.

they need a good 4th person. jay, rich and mike are all great but the 4th person almost always sucks ass.

mike, rich, jay and jack is ideal form, desu

Culkin was ok because he was only a celebrity as a kid and is basically a different person, but I agree having someone as well known as Patton just feels weird.

>tfw Jay looks like shit now because of the stress of taking care of a baby

It stood out how Patton didn't fake laugh at the lame jokes like everyone else does

movies and tv are dead. this is just how things will be now

I don't mind Culkin but fuck I can't stand Patton.

Jack has to be drunk, otherwise he's worse than everyone but Josh and Culkin's friend.

Jack really is the best they've got, 2bh. I've come to find him harmless, and sometimes even amusing when he's drunk.

Patton Oswalt was terrible and just sucked all the fun out of that episode. Homo Alone guy is fine.

Think he was a fan of their plinket reviews and Jack had some connection with funny or die or something that got him to Patton

Culkin is the only good one. Would be fine if he became permanent/regular.

Jack seems like a good dude but he just overreacts for the camera a lot it seems

The funny thing is Wife Killer would totally have done a Re:View had they asked

I think he's probably the best guest they've had (and that includes Colin and Jim).

*blocks your path*

I'm mostly fine with their guests, out of every BotW with a guest the only ones that actively suffer because of it is the episode with Roar where Macauley Culkin's faggot friend in the blue hat won't shut the fuck up
Oswald was fine because he knew to to sperg out and try too hard to be funny or monopolize the conversation

I like the sickly gay Canadian. He matches the rest of the energy of the group. The sleep bearded Canadian is too low test and Patton and Culkin are too manic.

He might have but it seemed like he was only there one day. BOTW takes up at least 8 hours of time.

Also he was on his fag Twitter the whole time