>In your past life, you were racist, sexist transphobe on the Yea Forums board
>In front of you is a transsexual penis >Around your head are metal clamps that will crush your skull unless you can make the male(female) bust in the next 600 seconds
There's nothing wrong with transgendered people. I'd be happy to oblige.
Wyatt Davis
I know y'all dun wanna play a game
Tyler Adams
>You parked in Petsmart reserved parking when you fully intended to go to Bed Bath and Beyond >You will now be doused with syrup and dipped in a vat of fire ants with your testicles get slowly crushed by a mechanical vice
Christopher King
You are an incel on a tricycle with training wheels lmao white boy *pulls race card* *teleport swaps with saw guy* hahaha nigger just walk away lmao
Jace Roberts
>transsexual that still has a penis autogynephilic freaks who cut off their dick are subhuman abominations, but gay guys that just like to dress up like cute girls to attract men are based. I would gobble that nob
Nathan Davis
Top kek
John Johnson
why didn't this faggot target some actual degenerates like heroin addicts or rapists? Instead he targets a doctor because he informs a cancer patient their dying lmao what a fucking a retard.
because then the audience wouldn't sympathize with the victims.
Also most heroin addicts would just kill somebody else to escape without hesitating because they're scumbags.
Colton Cruz
>their dying kys retard
Henry Brooks
>The Saw >Saws >S4w >S /-\ \/\/
Jackson Davis
put 3 above 6 and 1 below 3 and you've got yourself a list
William Morgan
You think Saw 1 is the 4th best in the franchise?
Luis Lee
Kill yourself you faggot
Robert Mitchell
>I only get 10 minutes. What if I want to suck longer?
Nathan Wood
Oh sweet, I didn’t know they had a working title or release date for the next one.
Anthony Hernandez
M8 I just like seeing hot celeb grrl feet. Only reason I'm here
Adam Sullivan
The Organ Donor (Saw 9) is gonna be the best Saw film. It's a crime this shit got bumped to May bc of fucking Halloween 2
Landon Taylor
i like it a lot but compared to the other films it's so different and i just like the other ones more, maybe it's top 3 but not the best for me
Christopher Clark
May 2020. Bousman is coming back to direct it. It's getting a lot of hype for the twist. It ties into Jigsaw (the prequel, not the character) and Hoffman's fate from saw 3d
Samuel Moore
>ywn go back to autistically posting and theorizing about sequels on the House of Jigsaw forums again ;-;
Oliver Hall
Maybe it's nostalgia for me. I watched it when I was 11 and it was the first movie twist to make my jaw drop. The music gave me chills. Saw 3 and Saw 4 endings were ruined for me, and Saw 5 was shit, so when I finished Saw 6 I got that feeling I had from the first couple of films. 3 may have topped the others, had this girl not fucking ruined it on the school bus
Hudson Brown
Fuckin sweet. And I don’t even have to wait til October.
Noah Reed
what a cunt, if someone did that to me i'd shit in her backpack or something and they're all nostalgia for me, never was into gore in movies but for some reason this was different, and yeah they were the first movies with a twist for me and i just kept watching them in a row liking every single one. biggest nostalgia trip when rewatching all of them for jigsaw, which i thought was decent enough.
Brayden Foster
How long have they been on hormones?
After a while their cum becomes clear and some say it tastes like strawberry. I'm not gay but swallowing girl cum is hardly a big deal.
Gabriel King
A message from Jigsaw to specific members of the Yea Forums community:
It just tastes like cum. Sorry to burst your bubble, friend-o.
Landon Lee
>You were privileged enough to be born a wh*te male >All of your life you used this privilege to get ahead and skate by easily in life. >In front of you is a pair of dull, rusted scissors. >Above you is a vat of acid that will be dumped out and melt away that privilege unless you can gain the courage to loose your balls, >Live or die, your choice.
A heroin addict was among his first victims (and later his apprentice) A rapist was one of the targets after his death. Also he's pretty fucked in the head and his definition of "not appreciating life" is so loose it can include fucking anybody.