Does Yea Forums love video essays?

Does Yea Forums love video essays?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>click video
>nerdy 14 year old voice
never again

>thumbnail with popular or relevant movie/show
>some under 21 pseud talks over shitty music
>40% of the words he uses he found in a Thesaurus
>says things that are blatantly obvious to anyone over 12, but acts like he's some profound thinker
>also says things that are just factually wrong
>please go to my patreon

This thing has been in my recommended videos for like a month now
I still refuse to click it. Someone give me a rundown?

>Shark Tale
>cinematic disaster
Ask me how I know that guys a retarded Redditor.

did Megamind really become popular now? Why people are now nostalgic about Dreamworks movies that aren't Shrek or HTTYD?

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Yeah, but not shitty ones like OP.
I got recommended that video too but the title tells me everything, this guy is going to ramble on about the entire obvious point of the movie as if it's a brilliant discovery he made.

is basically this
>Megamind is great because Wikipedia says it has the most Laughs per Minute
>Megamind is great because it has philosophy between it
>Megamind is great because Roxane is hot
>Megamind is great because my patreon says so

There is only one good movie commentator who isn't cucked

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Same here.

>click video
>why the fuck do all americans sound so retarded boring monotone slow voice as if they are brain damaged, absolutely no real expression only faux reading from a script type emphasis.

I fucking hate people over analysing mass produced gutter trash to validate their shit tastes. Yet I put the videos on in the background because I enjoy someone talking while I'm doing something else, I'm so incredibly lonely.

It got added on Netflix around the same time the video was release.

You know you can remove videos from your recommended list right?

remember minions lol?

You mean glorified forum posts that point out painfully obvious facts or surface level screenwriting techniques? All mixed in with an annoying voice and the same lo fi/trip hop music.


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I know how you feel user. Get audio books. At least you'll have real entertainment, rather than just some dude trying to sell his opinions like facts.
Here. It's free.
Just sign up and you can grab the torrents.

It's amazing how much of an annoying dickhead this guy is.

>10 hour analysis of Blues Clues

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>click video
>deep husky male voice that makes my dick hard
Never again.

Fucking finally this retard will never appear on EFAP again. Now if only that furry faggot would disappear, too.

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Literally every video essay is either some high school loser kid or a 30yo+ who failed in the industry and cant get over it

Why would anyone write an essay about a movie? They're not important enough.

um no

I just miss every frame a painting man.

I could swear that with streaming, YouTube, and podcasts, people are moving back to an entirely oral, post-literate culture. Exclusively listening to people talk online, posting videos or streams of themselves talking, getting news and information from podcasts or video essays instead of reading it themselves. It's fucking eerie.


>The Hateful 8, I thought, was a terrible movie.
Absolutely based. Thanks for the link.

>I could swear that with streaming, YouTube, and podcasts, people are moving back to an entirely oral, post-literate culture.
Nah, it's people trying to simulate social interactions that they lack offline. The same with streamers.

I always wonder if these people actually watch good movies or do they really invest all their time into talking endlessly about 2000s CG animated movies. Like grow the fuck up.

>TOP TEN REASONS [quirky thing from your childhood] SUBVERSIVELY REINVENTED [genre]
God i hate this shit

Some faggot zoomer essayist with an Owl caricature of himself kept making female tier jokes about how gay he was. This is the difference between modern essayists and Plinkett, these new guys just aren't really funny.

I dont get it
Any 20min long video essay could be read in 3 minutes if it were in text
It's such a waste of time listening to people talk

>The Day Jimmy Neutron Died

Of course they do not watch good movies. All this stuff is entirely based on pop-culture, because it gets the clicks.

>have contrarian/retarded opinion
>make 30min video based on it
>gratis YouTube bucks
With how many people here are contrarian for the sake of being contrarian you'd think a lot of these people would be from Yea Forums but not really
It's an untapped market for losers who think they're different and special

Why do people keep taking these decent movies and putting them on a pedestal as some fucking masterpiece

That faggot soiboi Taylor J Williams had a video called "The Psychological Evolution of Cinema" or something like that, and I'm really sad he took it down. It was the stupidest thing ever, and I miss being able to make fun of it


This is why they have those Red Flag laws.

Because most people have extremely low standards and anything more complex than capeshit is high art

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>youtube bitchboys shooting up anything

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This person is getting paid by people to make videos arguing why megamind is subversive?

Thank god, one less snarky furfag

Many people would take 20 minutes to read it.

What videos did this guy make?

>haha le epic will Smith fish movie
>god I fucking love references to other movies

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This reads like something you would regularly see on LiveJournal 15 years ago.

The "furry avatar drawn in Paint talking over twitter/internet magazine screenshots" type of videos.

I know those words but that sentence makes no sense

Is he actually a 16 year old girl?

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Oh my god.

Woah, it was THAT guy? I remember watching his review for some video game a few months back. As far as youtube furfags go he seemed like a pretty cool guy. I would have never pegged him as a whiny self loathing emofaggot.


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Almost everyone who cries about forced diversity are whiny self loathing emofaggots.

Nearly all of those furry talking over a 2D non-moving fursona image channels have relatively high subscriber counts for some reason.

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i'm watching the 90s spiderman video from the other thread right now

Really? From my experience offline it's typically the opposite. The whiny self loathing emofaggots are the people who think having diversity is more important than something actually being good.

There is a difference in offline behavior between hypersocial people "who think having diversity is more important than something actually being good" and reserved people who make "the problems with forced diversity" videos on youtube. Online, though, they are completely identical.

No. They're boring and largely wastes of time. If they made a forum post about it, I could whip through the motherfucker in 5-10 minutes and get the same emotional investment. I'm not going to sit there and have some pedantic nerd ramble on for 30 minutes.

I'm with that other user, if anyone tries that pro diversity shit IRL, they're typically fat/string bean walking stereotypes. Or really really sheltered.

Avatarfag videos are cancer.
Video essay videos are AIDS.
I watch the Megamind video because I needed background noise but the problem with these videos are they're all over the place, even when they make good point they're too busy being cynical faggots so it undermines their review or whatever the point of the video is.
This little wienie goes on a tangent about "nice guys" and incels in what is suppose to be a video making the cause for why Megamind is a that deserves more praise.
For once I wish these type of videos weren't insufferable squeakers whose balls haven't dropped with superficial understanding of cinema or screenwriting.

>online they're just the same
The horseshoe "theory" is largely a logical fallacy. You can say that because you have a shallow, surface level understanding of both sides. Methodology and reasonings could not be more different.

No, pretty much every mental midget that anyone could imagine emulating the plinkett videos after watching them is exactly who was drawn to it. They're basically the new webcomics. Maybe someone will put out a perry bible fellowship at some point but I'll check back in a decade to see if it happened, sorting through all this trash when it's new sounds miserable.

This guy thinks Toy Story 1 is the weakest of all 4 films. Peak zoomer retard.

>click video essay
>some ESL foreigner
>click video essay
>click video essay
>some droning man with obvious autism who keep repeating the same things over and over

literally the pinnacle of comedy. one of my favorite videos of all time

>You can say that because you have a shallow, surface level understanding of both sides.
You absolute mongoloid, I wasn't talking about their ideas. I am talking about the content that they put on the Internet.

1) Furry avatar - check
2) Whiny, annoying narration - check
3) The "holier than thou" attitude and smugness - check
4) Total meltdown when being called out for stupid mistakes in their videos - check

>some ESL foreigner
I know exactly which one you're referring to.

You forgot
>youtuber has still images of his avatar making gestures along with what he is saying

>click video essay
>9 hour dark souls review
what the fuck. why. l2brevity

I didn't know Shrek was based

The fact these faggots use click bait tactics to get you to click on their videos is far more infuriating than the video themselves.

I can't even use the internet anymore because everything is clickbait, inflammatory shit. People don't care about the internet for education, they want to use it as a replacement for TV and be advertised to. And the malignant people use it to unironically spread hate. all I want to do is talk about anime and video games. normalfags are a curse.


Yes. Yes I do.

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>this movie does x and it's bad
>this other movie does x but it's good
>how can this be?
what a fucking retard

>Why X is an adjective masterpiece

okay this one has to be fake

>the problem of X
>the rise and fall of X
>the ending of X explained
>what went right/wrong with X
>Was X right?
>the secret genius of X
>the history of X
>is X racist/sexist?
>Why X is bad and you should feel bad for liking X
>How X changed genre
>Is X secretly Y?!!
>How to fix X
It is so tiring.

at this point he deleted his channel and is somewhat suicidal at the moment

Let's hope he never shows up on efap ever again.

What made him so suicidal? Some mean comments implying he wasn't really a wolf?

SJWs pretending to be Alt-Right or hating on shit like Tumblr for money is a thing.
Big business for dumb faggots who actually give these non-dairy substitute boys cash to bash their own.

>The day X died

Autism can be fun

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i only use youtube to watch the mortal kombat movie fight clips

He made good content until a bunch of tumblinas doxed him. He stopped uploading as much and has been acting depressed on efap and now im afraid he's gonna kill himself from the way he acted on the last efap

at least he doesn't make "essays"
he just rambles on about stuff

So are we just being overly cynical about YouTube video essays or what? They are consistently popular and nobody seems to be bothered by how ridiculous and pretentious they are. How many fucking "Why Thanos is the Best Movie Villain" videos do we fucking need before people get tired of this shit?

he got doxxed?
for what? he was just another person who wasn't part of the main stream opinion, even when there's 3 to 5 other people to dox but why only him? i thought they'd go for rags

Woah, the person who is anti-sjw warrior is a huge fucking pussy irl. Big surprise there.

Dropped. Sick of that little faggoty word

Haha woops a daisy I just subverter your culture says the jew

idk appeartly he dated a psycho fury bitch
and hes a bernie bro. thats a swing and a miss there double chan /leftypol/ refugee

>Click Video
>Shitty 80's VHS/Sad Bart Filter
>Shitty Vaporwave music starts playing
>click on a different video about the same subject

>They are consistently popular
Because something is popular doesn't mean that is of good quality.
Nostalgia Critic is popular.
Cinemasins is popular.

disappointed it doesnt exist

>and hes a bernie bro
I mean, that just makes him even more of a mentally ill person, idk what's your point.

it's 'cuz they're autistic faggots

no, really. they're all gay.

and I don't know why, but autistic gays have like a 50/50 chance to be furries

they also tend to be either virulently SJW or virulently anti-SJW. dunno why about that either.

but that's why there are so may fursonas taking to youtube to shit on SJWs. while the pro-SJW types typically take to other venues

Most of them are trash of course, but there are a few genuinely insightful ones, like this

Well it's people over analyzing popular films. I mean you can get that here, but the people on Yea Forums wont get on mic because they know their voice is awful or they're honestly fucking cowards and wont put their opinion somewhere that isnt an echo chamber.

I sat throw a 2 hour video about why Steve Universe was shit that was done by a tranny.
A male voice with a female avatar.
It was the most meta and ironic experience.

>Wikipedia says it has the most Laughs per Minute
this was a joke you retard, how would you even quantify laughs per minute. kys.

based. not him but thanks for the tip. now I can finally have something to listen to

He was fine. Rag on the other hand...

Nah, both of these furry faggots are neither smart, nor entertaining. They don't bring any unique or interesting opinions and they can talk only about a small number of topics that they constantly rehash every efap.

think yourself, zoomer.

>smug youtube avatar crosses arms
>smug youtube avatar doing the consider the following gesture
>smug youtube avatar LOL-ing
>smug youtube avatar rolling eyes
>smug youtube avatar facepalming
>smug youtube avatar rubbing chin

They still appear

Capeshiteaters can't even understand Endgame ending.

>Why did X fail?
>how X connects with Y

I like Jesse Tribble, I specially liked his Gone Girl video.

>X gon give it to ya

This is a masterpiece

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I only watch video essays on topics I have no interest in, like the 1 hour one about how a Doom speedrunner cut one second off the level 1 run which everyone thought was impossible.

They're all low T losers with fluoride poisoning, of course they sound the same

fuckin speed reader over here

Since this is a releated thread, what ever happened to the autist who was doing the desolation of smaug frame by frame analysis?

>I can't even use the internet anymore

what's wrong with megamind
don't you fucking shit on it

Did they for real wig out?

What if I'm driving fag

The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get.

Everybody gangsta til the furry avatar crosses its arms

Spiderman Far From Home ripped off the swarm of drones from Megamind.

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I can't even comprehend the mind of somebody who would even consider watching 30 minute youtube videos about children's movies and TV shows.

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are you guys leftists? youtubers are /ourguys/ who tell the truth, without them we only have mainstream journalism websites who tend to lie, then lie and sometimes lie.

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Is there one film analysis channel that provides actually thoughtful critique?

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Spiderman Drone strike from Home was kino

Why do discord trannies make schizophrenic false flags like this?

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Every frame a painting. It ended years ago but it's the channel that started the video film essay craze and all his vids are worth a watch.

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it's not a false flag, I'm just trying to be funny while making a point. if you critique youtubers you will invite those who genuinely hate youtube.

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>youtubers are /ourguys/ who tell the truth

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last... your point has been proven false

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Sounds like a really regressive thing to say. Only through critique you can improve yourself. Hell, the very thing those channels are doing is judging other people's work. It's perfectly moral to judge their work in return.

Don't worry there's a 2 hour essay on Bob the Builder

Still, I would say Every Frame A Painting is only moderately good, even though it's the best on YouTube.


>for my avatar I'll be using the colo claw fish

Uh, can you say BASED?

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When is mauler releasing part 3 of his the force awakens critique. The sheer autism of making a 6 part video essay with each part longer than the film itself is a parody of the entire community of plot hole hunters just by existing,

I dislike this trend so much that even seeing them in youtube's recommendations (which are so retardedly bad ever since they stopped letting the algorithm find smaller view count things to censor US politics) offends me.
It's infuriating to think 80 IQ normies are watching these by the millions and thinking mediocrities spewing reflexive reactions with not even second hand basic bitch review terminology are "literary critics".
It's like less talented less funny that guy with the glasses pretending to be art critics. There's little to no artistic merit in modern films, and their "criticism" adds nothing.

Only about 20 minutes total of the movie was kino, if that.

Please, oh please, define what good content is

>using youtube
C'mon son

fuck off

please stfu and go away furry

why does this dogshit allowed to exist

Based digits and blessed post

Why the fuck would a grown man decide to represent himself as a fucking anime girl fursona

Thats just how wh*te 'males' talk these days. A healthy diet of soi and black bull cum doing its job.

Schaffrillas should stick to doing ytp because he's super fucking unqualified to make video essays
normies like him because he's hip with the memes but the way he dissects why a movie is good or bad is completely all over the place and very surface level
When he went on that emotional rant about gender equality in that shrek 2 video just out of the blue, it made me feel some very strong second hand embarrassment

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>No one has posted this one yet

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>I said the sun revolves around the earth
Jesus Christ

I don't know user, what happened to you? :^)


Penis revolves around Uranus

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This shit reminds me of the commentary community in the 2000s when Amazing Atheist kind of blew up. Bunch of autistic pseuds spouting shit hoping they get attention for money.

It's mediocre, but calling it a "cinematic disaster" reeks of pretentiousness and holier-than-thou reddit attitude. What, you think you're a big shot for nitpicking all the flaws in an animated fish movie for kids? What next, teletubbies is unrealistic?

>When is mauler releasing part 3 of his the force awakens critique
Why does it even take him so long? It ain’t like there is a lot of research he hasn’t probably done. He shat out two GoT videos with no effort. Can’t he do the same for TFA?

by the time part 3 comes out, episode 9 will have already be in theaters

Good fucking riddance furfaggot.

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Most people have terrible reading skills and would rather be treated like children.

is he pantomiming silence of the lambs? thats fucking based

What a dumb whiny little fag. Just shut the fuck up, push out some garbage and get your easy money. He's going to regret this when he has to go to work every day. He'll be in bed after just turning down his boyfriend for sex because he's "just too tired". He's going to roll over dreading waking up for work. He would rather just sleep in and cuddle with the faggot next to him. And he'll say to himself "Why did I quit? It was so easy."

God this guy sucked in this video. Hurrr the bad guy is a totally problematic nice guy incel. But the villain learns to respect women. Epik. This is subversive genius!

The vast majority of video essays are shit, but what are some Yea Forums-approved vidro essayists?

Probably E;R. But he really shouldn't be. He has one or two good take downs at best.

Easy. Autism. Same reason why people don't bother to read the manga and watch the anime dub exclusively. They want audio and visual stimulation and can't quite have the imagination to keep up. Or they want to be "comfy"

>commentary about an episode
>twice as long as the episode
>wasn't even involved, just liked it

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I hate this kind of voice.
I can't stand Mr Obvious because of that, plus he's using a clown horn ans shouts in the distance.

>I would have never pegged him as a whiny self loathing emofaggot.
>is a furry

No. They're populist hacks.