What do you think of Kevin Smith?

I like his stuff. Wish he was still fat though

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Do you think Mews has analy fucked his daughter yet or nah?

Everything about him just rubs me the wrong way. It's hard to think of another filmmaker who I dislike so much.

I enjoy his old flicks but I literally haven't been bothered to watch any of his shit since Clerks 2 and his "Evening With.." series.

I'll watch Jay and Bob reboot just because.

i dont like him as a person. regarding his movies, its as if one can always tell which characters he is using as a mouthpiece. donno how he got so big

>his stuff
It's all Clerks rehash lmfao, fuck off Kevin smith

He always makes the same stupid fucking face in photos. We get it, you aren't confident. Fuck the fuck off.

why does he still wear those stupid oversized jerseys. Fucking hell what a dumb faggot

Idk if i should trust your opinion with those satan numbers

Tusk was goofy and pretty good. Its on Netflix

XD upvote

It was fucking terrible

It's funny how clerks is still a relevant movie TO THIS DAY because of how influential it was to Judd Apatow and Seth Rogen. I used to really like his movies, I think dogma is severely underrated just based on how ambitious and different it was but then like jersey girl came out and stuff and i stopped giving a shit.

I thought this movie was pretty good.

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I'm Canadian and his "Canada trilogy" and overall obsession with Canada disgusts me. I won't watch it.

I really liked Dogma when I was younger, back when it used to play on Comedy Central all the time. I re-watched it about a year ago and it didn't hold up well at all, pretty cringeworthy to be honest. Maybe it was still more of a novelty to shit on organized religion back when it was released, or maybe it was cringeworthy then too, and I was just a kid


I thought I was the only one who saw this

>I'm Canadian
Wow, how interesting.

I liked Red State and Tusk. I love comic book men.

It's a relevant point. His obsession with Canada is laughable. He's in love with the stereotypes, not the country.

>It's a relevant point
It isn't a point at all.

ok bye

>i'm a canadian girl btw

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon were lots of fun in that movie, despite its overall cringeworthy subject matter.

I've always liked Kevin Smith movies. They went above and beyond what I ever thought was possible in terms of vulgar speech.

he was cool when you were a 13 yo growing up in the early 2000s. Just like Michael Moore they're now caricatures of some other time and space.

I feel like if I rewatched it I'd probably agree but I think it's respectable to actually go and make a movie that's style in your tone of movies about mocking religion. I like the diversion from just a bunch of bros hanging out at the mall talking about stuff, regardless of the actual quality of it I think it gets a A for effort, although admittedly it's been a minute.

Also, I used to be all about those comedy central movies user, you've got some class

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>get offered birthday sex
>watch capeshit instead

The absolute state of western men. JFC

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I like the guy even though he lost his edge and became a beta in recent years. Enjoy his Clerks stuff the most. Him calling out Joel Seigel on Opie and Anthony was kino. 20:56 youtu.be/ZTOWF6OSaKY

The premise sounds outrageous on paper, but really you get all you need from a one-sentence logline. The movie itself is honestly quite boring. It feels like he's desperately trying to stretch 10 minute's worth of plot into a feature-length film. Michael Parks is a really good actor, but the endless monologues wear thin after a while. The side-plot with Haley Joe Osment and the girlfriend did nothing for me (again, just felt like he was filling time) the attempts at humor really fell flat, and I don't even know what the fuck Johnny Depp was doing here. It was pointless, ugly, and poorly executed. What did you like about it?

>pwns your dick and taint

clerks was very, very good considering the budget, dogma and mallrats are def worth a watch. chasing amy, clerks 2 were decent. red state would have been pretty amazing if they had the budget for the actual ending. his other stuff is passable besides cop out which is abhorrent. an evening with kevin smith is also surprisingly funny for a 4 hours long q&a. as a person though he's kinda pathetic, it's like he stayed in the 90s and never grew up. hes almost 50 and still acts like a 20 something fanboy, it's really sad.

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hes good at writing and editing
i wish he would hand off the directing to someone else

He's built this whole schtick around being "unpretentious" and it's actually really pretentious.
>I'm not one of those stuck-up Hollywood types, I'm just a Regular Guy from Jersey(tm), I dress like a fat schlubby child even when it's completely inappropriate! Just like a regular guy!
I remember some quote of his where he was publicly shitting on Paul Thomas Anderson because Magnolia was too pretentious. And he wasn't completely wrong about Magnolia, but it shed some light on how & why the quality of his work slid downhill from "dumb but fun" to "utter unmitigated shit."
>Haha who cares if my new movie sucked?? It's not like I was TRYING to make a good movie, how lame would that be, right guys? I'm not one of those stuck-up Hollywood types trying to make a good movie!
Fuck this guy, basically. At one point it seemed like he had potential, but he just devolved into a caricature of himself

His Q&A DVD's are kino, lots of wholesome stuff too.

He’s always like “I really can’t direct” as a self defense but it’s like, no, you really fucking can’t

Whenever they show the audience in his "Evening with Kevin Smith" videos, you will see the most hideous incels in the world. I think he noticed himself, because in the later ones they only cut to semi-attractive girls in the audience.


post jorts

That would be quite disgusting since Mews can do a lot better, but I wouldn't be surprised either if true.

>did a bunch of homo stuff with Jay back in the day
>watched a sex tape of Mewes once
>Mewes fucks his daughter irl
>Jay is her father in the reboot
I can imagine Kevin being such cuck he’d record his daughter getting railed

Used to be very based, but changed his ways when he really started to smoke pot and went on his abnormal vegan diet. Middle-aged Skinny vegan Kevin Smith is depressing.

I liked the walrus costume and Johnny Depp

i wanna fuck his daughter

Like i understand losing weight after the heart attack but he should have stayed a little chubby. Dude looks like an AIDS victim

Smith literally did one decent movie in his whole career, and that was Clerks. Wasn't a very big budgeted movie and he didn't try too hard. Dogma was cool, but in 1999.

He is based as fuck.

is Kevin Smith posting here?

I would pay 10 dollars to have his daughter sit on my face like I'm Harvey

This movie was great. So was Tusk.

Shame about the neighbor depp cameo and Yoga Hosers though..

Imagine fucking Harley Quinn Smith, and then immediately after you go watch Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back' and realized that you just technically fucked baby silent bob from that opening scene.

Why is Kevin and his daughter holding hands like they're a couple?

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> Implying he didn't casting couch his own kid

Mirin those quads

not recently
totaly when he was doing meth

Everything past Dogma is shit.

Any kinos with this feel?