/bundes/ - me and the lads at the Volkswagen Arena edition

BSC btfo in the Berlinderby sub-edition

>today's action
Storks - HIV [13:30 Uhr]
Paderbundes - KSC
Sandhousen - Dühnamo
Boycum - Neverkusen [15:30 Uhr]
Frankfurt - Freecastle [17:30 Uhr]
Bvlls - Hoffenheim [19:30 Uhr]

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Why does the scarf on the guy on the right look like it's actually one from Werder?

I would roll 500 miles...

Redpill mein these dudes, I haven't followed gladiolendivisie much in the past months

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this OP reads the signs of the time

Time for a walk.

If Brazzo buys them, they are most likely frauds, that's all I know

Easy win today, NURbros.

I missed it, what happened in Kiel?

It was supposed to be our season BVB bros...

what with refs being such absolute faggots these days?

stopping the game over such inane shit


>missed the goal because I was watering the plants outside

aka taking a piss in the neighbors garden

Do Sandhausen have a fan scene?
Also which German has the best tits

muddi meggl

I don't get it either. The pyro was tame as fuck. Compare that with the Hertha-Union game yesterday. There was way more shit happening but nobody gave a fuck about it.

was in the stadium in Bremen vs Sandhausen last week and there were about 50 away fans there. it’s just a pretty small place and for that they have a somewhat reasonable fan scene

people only ever give a fuck about it when the refs do stupid shit like stop the game over it

so it's really a ref and governing body problem than a fan problem

>Bodenfrost until end of April
really enjoying the Klimaerhitzung so far lads

well they're brown
and they're fast
and they're brown

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two more weeks and it's gonna be super hot and we are all gonna die!!!!

I think it's kind of hilarious that such a nothing place like Sandhausen managed to get into the second bundes and stay there for such a relatively long time. And as far as I know they weren't propped up by someone unlike Hoffenheim. That's why I hope they keep staying up.

unironically what is HIV's problem?


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>when your floppy frauds like Holtby and Arp somehow end up at Kiel and they beat you

tipps for today bundesbros?
:my thoughts

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always thought this was Bremen tbqhwy.


>inb4 last minute lucky punch for hiv yet again

godspeed Bremenanon

at this point they are simply not good enough. They have been in the second bundes for so long that their Kader is now only an above average Zweitligakader. For example they start with the 35 year old that is pretending to be 20 who again was responsible for the goal.

>all games today are decent to good
/bundes/bros we're back

don't bully my boy Bakery, he's still traumatised from his youth in the Rwandan civil war.

will only watch manC liverpool today
the only relevant game

yes, me too, because it's the only game on Sky

will not watch any games today and instead do the Water temple in OOT
wish me luck

>he doesn't follow the Hühnerkampf for the CL
but yes I will also watch kloppopool heh

rinku sama i kneel

>I watch Beier Lederbusen
>then I watch Stadt - Leberbecken
>then I shitpost about whoever loses the Krankfurt - Freiburg match
>then I watch Real Based

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Straubing - Mannheim on ServusTV now



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Schade Hamburg alles ist vorbei............

why is cuckburg so pathetic lads?

for me, it's this

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for me it was the season ending celebration

what did he do

what does he do indeed

Saxonysisters... what went wrong?

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>plays like shit for most of the Rückrunde, only showing up once every few matches
>fans call him out for it
>scores lucky free kick against second worst team in the league which only went in because the gk fucked up hard
>celebrates as tho he just won them something important and thereby silenced all his critics
fucking embarrassing and pathetic, same energy as pic related

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for me, it’s still this

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what do schalke and werder have that hsv doesn't?

>Leverkusen players dropping like flies
Bayerbros I hope they wont find out about the Abwasser...

quality players

anal sex


>look out of the window
>go out
>rain and snö
>come back in

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Huh, I have literally never seen that before. You truly learn something new every day

reminder that my Leverkusen dropping out of the CL ranks prediction is still warm.

What happened?

other options don't look promissing either in this regard

some /bundes/ related ass to validate my point

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Bochum penalty got nullified because Diaby slipped and the ball hit both his feet