What did Colonel Kurtz mean by this?

What did Colonel Kurtz mean by this?

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He was dying so his movement should die too. He’s a narcissist.

Why didn’t Willard stay and become leader? He was basically on board with Kurtz’s ideas by the end of the movie.

He had no fucking clue on how to deal with them though

Because the horror....the horror...

>on board with Kurtz' ideas
Is he?
When he is heading upriver he gets the impression that Kurtz is based. When he arrives there he realises that the guy is an absolute lunatic and puts him out of his misery.

It's the logical conclusion of fighting ruthlessly and unmercifully, which Kurtz talks about in his monologue about the children's arms being lopped off by the villagers.
He understood him, but seeing the level Kurtz stooped to put him off.

They were gonna make me a major for this...

I wonder if Apocalyse Now would’ve been better without the narration.


>Dude some bush people cut arms off and war sucks so i became edgy

>Literal plebian who has never been to combat
I envy your peabrain.

>wasn’t a useful idiot killing for Israel while securing a place in Hell

We should all be so lucky

Read the book man.
The whole film is Coppola making a pretty poor comparison between african colonialism and the vietnam war.
The comparison fails primarily because we never actually colonized vietnam and they aren't complete subhumans.

I think it's a case or narration done right, especially with Willard explaining the files on Kurtz's past for exposition and suspense building. As the viewer you become curious and excited about finally meeting this wonderful Kurtz

Remake starring an unhinged overweight Mark Wahlberg when?

>Haha dude I was in the army for tqo years doing pushups and looking at some satellite photographs. Like war is hell dude I have PTSD

>We never colonized Vietnam
Are you retarded?

I'm not a faggot frenchie.

>especially with Willard explaining the files on Kurtz's past for exposition and suspense building.
Yeah I thought about that after making my post. Those scenes definitely build anticipation and there’s really no way to do them without the narration.

It was more a critique at the american goverment (and western society in general) than a critique at the bushmen you so eloquently put it.

Stop coming to this website I don't think it's making you happy

>the folly of morality

grow a brain

no. the narration works

So you are Belgian or what?