Yea Forums tattoos

only based, no cringe allowed

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>only based

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Based and redpilled as fuck


At least he recognizes what he is

Why does the right, who value autonomy and self-sufficiency, concern themselves so much with what others do to their own bodies?

whats that on his right leg tho?

Based and redpilled.

You're allowed to have a tattoo
I'm allowed to think you're a faggot for it
Pretty simple m8

>Tattoos are for scumbags and sluts
So is having opinions on your clothing

now it's Banana Rick

My grandpa told me that tattoos are for soldiers, sailors, and sluts
If he was still alive im sure hipster faggots would have also made the list

At least post the original. Fine Ill do it myself

Attached: 1564698254376 (1).jpg (960x960, 81K)

You fucked up with the file name. 01/10.

Attached: brian-griffin-tattoo.jpg (644x965, 72K)

actually thats a minus 1 but Yea Forums isnt rendering the minus correctly

Attached: wolverine.png (360x480, 391K)

I have a brand of sacrifice on the back of my neck just like Gutsu

This. Only exmilitary, gangsters, criminals and whores should have tattoos.


Attached: brand of sergey.png (554x479, 278K)

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>Some incel shooped the tattoo off the girl but not his leg. Not even realizing this shirt is sold in tattoo shops

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Waiting for based ALF poster.

I'm thinking about getting a Sneed tattoo bros

Do it

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You fucked up and picked the most boring berserk tattoo you could get, there's literally multiple people getting them everyday and they are all cringe because you know they'd get ganked unlike papa gats

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you should do it


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I refuse to believe this is real, no matter how much it gets posted

No its real. He has a youtube channel.

Shit he wiped his channel clean. It was here

He had one video where his girlfriend was like Joker's girlfriend (forgot her name) and was backing her ass up into him on a bed and he was hitting her lightly with a belt.

Heres a video of him he didnt take down

Grandpa sounds based and redpilled

>To make people Under Stan

I don't like tattoos but this is pretty based.

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I don't have any tatoos but for some reason I would really like to get a Joestar birthmark one day. Should I do it lads? It's subtle and I plan on doing it only a little darker than my skin like in the cartoon version so it's not really too visible from afar.

is he genuinely delusional or doing it for the shock value

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For reference

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>Littlefinger looking like some who fingers little girls.

how do you fuck up a star

Attached: 66718595_468998110560529_7153709620573714395_n.jpg (1080x1080, 48K)

Well, guess I fit the bill then. Stole pretty much everything that wasn't bolted to the ground and tattood loss on my leg when I was 18.

No way, show us

Stupidest thing is that I even fucked it up a little.

Attached: 20190808_235152.jpg (1080x1401, 741K)

ok, this is fucking epic


Attached: 1562939797072.jpg (653x523, 124K)

is this loss

god damn you're a faggot i went to jail as a senior in high school but never did faggot shit like you did lmao

sure but I don't think such colored inks last long: aren't they super pale after 10 years?

Don't even get me started on my other tattoos. I have the name of my former work tattood on my ass, and an almost finished cat on my right leg, to name a few.

I would say pass user, reminds me of the star tattoos women get on their lower backs or upper pussys

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user, you’re gonna to explain what that means to people at times

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it varies by tattoo but almost nothing with detail and color like that lasts more than a few decades

Oof that hasn't aged well

feelin cute might delete later idk

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unironically, kys

You sound like a dumbass.

I did multiple times. Usually I just say I woke up with it one day with no memory of it, sometimes I explain the '''history''' behind it.

Also: le cate

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>Why yes I do plan on not having a future career.
>How could you tell?


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You're the vocalist of Trash Talk?

Bro you just posted cringe

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Is that his mom? Looks like it.

Do it bro

Based dedicated memer

why is he black?

How is this loss?

First day, huh?

I know the comic, how is a couple of lines supposed to be it?

How does that say loss?

Literally off Reddit front page.

Holy based
I wish my body was a shitpost

It's called minimalism you fucking pseud.


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>painted white on white skin

>motto shirt



Panel one: man running into the hospital (one vertical line)
Panel two: man talking to receptionist (two perpendicular lines)
Panel three: man talking to doctor (two perpendicular lines)
Panel four: man at the hospital bed, seeing his wife who had a miscarriage (one vertical and one horizontal line)

Not even him, but get your eyes checked.

>being this retarded

he can cover that shit up with a shirt.

it's the fags who get neck/hand/face tattoos that look stupid at job interviews.

He's in a hardcore band anyway. I doubt he gives a shit about his future prospects.

I just got a new tattoo, rate it

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kind of funny but please trip

You can always become a techno Dj, so who fucking cares.

proof Yea Forums is pure reddit

Been here longer than you, pal.

Imagine unironically walking around a mall in that shirt ahahahahaha what an utter faggot

Imagine unironically posting on Yea Forums on a Friday night hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Holy fuck why is my /int/ trip still on

spoonfeeding newfags..unironically KYS

you look like a 14 year old

Attached: underageban.png (117x223, 44K)

>friday night
it isn't friday night anywhere in the world

>no one has posted the pasta yet
I'm disappointed in you, Yea Forums

>implying my neck is that long

Oh shit I juyst realized it's thursday and I need to work tomorrow
It's 1 AM

Attached: jessica biel tcm tatto.jpg (1080x1080, 95K)

I'm seriously considering just getting the word Sneed somewhere, maybe on an asscheek or below one of my pecs

this, people with berserk tattoos are as basic and embarrassing as you can get, yet they think they're cool because it's "unique" (even though so many people have it) and "le minimal"

The only based tattoos are from military service and/or tribal. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't.

there ya go champ

I'm nearly blackout drunk and need to wake up in three hours

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might as well go all in on the boozing and just call in and apologize later

I'll just use the shart excuse then


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Nigga what

That’s something a norteno gang member would have.

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Fuck off to reddit.


2/10 for trying, see me after class.

One star per abortion lmao

upvoted, kind sir

christ, i physically recoiled

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Doesn't get more Yea Forums than this.

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Holy based

Somebody needs to get a Vince tattoo.

Attached: tex_hansen.jpg (853x660, 35K)

what a shit roster

Is it like the start of alien where the vertical lines of the word appear first

you were that kid at school that got a tattoo set right

No, he was the meth head that occasionally showed up to smellike weed.

I want that shirt! None of my tattoos are visible and it would piss everyone off.

user is a joestar?

this. fuck off leftyfags

Sneed is irrelevant, get a Mask tattoo. In all seriousness tho, get that Sneed tattoo

You were a prostitute, I asume?

>not getting little finger on your little finger

Thinking of getting a Sneed tattoo, y'all Anons have further Suggestions?

High functioning retard with a safety net if I remember correctly

Chuck on one hand and Sneed on the other

I want that t-shirt

Finally something that's Yea Forums related

that guy looks like a cabbie that eats people

this is so infuriating

don't people have any dignity?

Farmers #1 and #2, one on each asscheek

Recently watched the Timothy Dalton ones and I kind of liked them. They were clearly too dark for the time tho.

>tribal tattoos
get a load of this faggot

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that's a long neck

This one is pretty cool.

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greetings from /o/

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Fuck man I nearly shat bricks. I didnt thank gnome it was friday yet.

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There is only ONE word for this........................ EPIC!

Get a chuck tattoo

then later return and pay to cover up the chuck tattoo with a sneed tattoo

Literally anyone beat this

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why the fuck would somebody get a tattoo of Jaden Smith?

>that Randy on the shoulder

Attached: bane-randymarsh.jpg (500x659, 63K)

He's one of the greatest thinkers of our time, user.

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Extremely based outlook but wearing a shirt like that is extremely cringe

it's actually NOT based because the guy actually has tattoos and he's wearing it ironically

He does?
Where are they ? I can’t see them

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I can't stop laughing holy shit

Is that meredith? Why did they make her look like she’s 20 kek and why did they give her a perfect vagina when she’s literally an elderly roastie.


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I would never, under any circumstances, get a tv or movie related tattoo.

You know that's really fucked up that people actually have tattoos like this.

You don't see video game nerds getting Mario tattoos, or geeks getting tattoos of Zelda

Tattoos are supposed to have meaning.

When I was in the army, I didn't even think about getting a tattoo until near the end of my deployment. I've seen and done some horrible things in my life so when I came back to the states I did a lot of volunteer work which prompted me to get two tattoos of the words "angel" and "devil" in chinese on my left and right wrists so that I can remind myself that I am capable of doing both good and bad things.

10 years from now I'll look at my wrists and still have profound thoughts of what went through my mind the day I decided to get these tattoos but the idiots who got them because they like videogames will only see an outdated, obsolete franchise.

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Damn this actually sold me on tattoos. It would be good to have one with meaning like that

Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's tattoo

chicano here

rate my tats brehs

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finally. this is a tattoo done the right way.

woah man so deep

where's the pic where the BR got a tattoo that translated to "baka gaijin" and they told him it said "god almighty"?

>look like this?
get tattoos
>dont look like this?
kill yourself

Attached: best body for tattoos.jpg (500x711, 96K)

nice pasta

anyway, if you have to blow away a van with suicide bombers and kids in it you gotta do it

Thanos reference

>omg tattoo culture, heres my little factoid im so underground, If only the cool kids from school could see my life style now but they have boring families

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The only tatoo itt that looks good and I've never even seen that show.

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Now womb tattoos as seen in /h/ are great.

Funniest shit is that tattoo inks are most often not tested if they are safe for humans or cause cancer so these basedboys are walking healthbombs

Opinion t-shirts are worse than tattoos. If you have an opinion, at least have the decency to have it hammered into your flesh until the day you die, you dithering faggot.

>13 minutes of pure cringe
I can't do it anymore.

I doubt he's sophisticated enough mentally to be delusional. Just a retard going for shock value.

Wtf how did this dude pull this chick?

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There were screenshots from facebook. He had two women fighting over him before he went with her. Screenshots will be in some 1-2 year old Yea Forums threads

One of the easiest ways to make a girl undatable is smoking, having a kid, and tattoos

Somebody post that tattoo of Ryan Gosling's name. Pretty tasteful IMO t.b.h.

man i was totally addicted to smoking 3 months ago when I quit cold turkey. I stopped thinking about it. no cravings at all except when i see old friends. thanks for reminding me I did something good.

Jesus. I've never been more certain that suicide is the logical thing to do.

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logical for him or for you?
its not logical for him as he has a hot gf. though maybe no career prospects but i bet nobody in his area does.
its not logical for you because if he can get a hot gf then you can (if im reading your comment right).

(I say 'hot' but her tattoos are disgusting and she is likely retarded too. them seem a good couple desu)

Top tier bait that will NEVER be appreciated properly

I wanna say the cword

Is that... Is that pickle rick


This thread is only based allowed can't you faggots read

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>getting a funko pop version of anything tattooed
for what unholy reason

>have chance to get a cute anime girl tattoo
>instead go for an ironic tattoo featuring a tween cartoon boy
He blew it.

Objectively based

for me? its embroidered minions edition of my favourite subject

Attached: This embroidered Dragon Ball Z minion tattoo.jpg (1076x1058, 458K)

> there are people IN THIS THREAD who dont have embroidered Yea Forums tattoos


Attached: Couldn't think of a better place for this, yes its a tattoo..jpg (1226x1220, 283K)

Damn. This is tough as fuck...

Still less retarded than a funko pop tattoo. Those embroidered tattoos at least look like what's on them; it's just a shitty texture on top. The funko pops look like demon from hell versions of what they're supposed to be because it's cheap to make dolls like that and add a few identifying props. Why the fuck would you purposefully get something that looks like those unholy abominations.

Sal lost the episode, remember?

Nevermind I just noticed it's not a minions tattoo, it's a minion styled dragon ball tattoo. I don't even.

Me and my friends all decided to get matching 28 Days Later themed tattoos.

so deep

I'm thinking based is back on the menu

Get ya John Carpenter Movie tattoos up son.

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this one aged well

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there’s no such thing as a non cringe tattoo

I got these for my last birthday.

Attached: IMG_20181226_024416.jpg (1536x2048, 274K)

It only costed me $280 to get this done. I'm glad I paid a bit extra for the quality

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wand looks like a bull pizzel

Attached: Extra-Thick-Bull-Pizzle.jpg (960x1280, 448K)

I'm so glad I was too cheap to get tats when I was younger.

>getting a high quality tattoo RIGHT next to several very shitty ones
why bother, you just made it look awful and further devalued the others

>2 different women in the comments claiming to be in a relationship with this person
how does he do it bros?

the guy asking about a sneed tattoo should do a Chuck/Sneed in this style.

>getting a cheap, commercialized rendition of a tattoo of a show that everybody laughs at

> there’s no such thing as a non cringe ta-

Attached: Friend of a friend’s tattoo, or someone was trolling my buddy. Either way I think this belongs her (1125x2001, 158K)

>Fallout Assassin75
>2 months ago
>@Maqsimous I'm friends with him and she really is his wife the one that said he was his gf before this young lady which is now his wife is his ex

both are decently attractive ladies. And he married one within a year of meeting her, after this incident.

Seriously thank fuck, 16 year old me wanted sleeves and shit.

I'd imagine this is what Muslims feel when they see degeneracy. May merciful Allah strike you dead

lol I told you guys... wish the video still existed

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nice d-cups faggot

I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Socialists are right tbqhwyf. We need to put a stop to this infantilized consumerism.

>"For a sec I thought that was Natalie Mars."

not gonna lie I kinda want Rust's tat

Attached: rust tat.jpg (526x789, 48K)

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It's a well done tattoo technically but holy fucking cringe YIKES

wonder how he feels about this after the show went to shit

I hate normies who don't know anything about cars so much

Nice tattoo faggot


that looks more like body paint tbqhwyfam

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