Shit movies you got tricked into watching

Shit movies you got tricked into watching.

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i enjoyed it

Comfy familly blockbuster desu

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Agreed, it was painfully mediocre

>certified fresh on the cover
why does this trigger me

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This was really shitty
Couldn't even stand it while eating. Had to stop the movie at the first appearance of the girl, can't even remember her name.

Wasn't that bad, but the villain was trash, CGI was garbage, and it was too long.
I liked the characters and tone though.

Edge of tomorrow... fuck you Yea Forums

It was good.
The only thing that was shit about it was the nigger cunt whose character was written like she was a man. But it was still a funny movie

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This one is the classic Yea Forums bamboozle and I fell for it

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Best capeshit of 2019 so far and it's not even close

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OP's a nigger

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I hadn’t seen any marvel movies for years but I was dating a girl who liked them and went to see Thor ragnarok and I actually enjoyed it despite the shit west world actress
I was skeptical about pic related because i expected it to be a kangstravaganza, but a friend of mine said it was really good and since I had a few months before seen a superhero movie I enjoyed I thought I might as well see it given how much people I knew went on about it, I thought it would be ok
I’m still mad at myself for seeing it, and even more mad at the friends who recommended it to me

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The Man From Earth. It was AWFUL.

Alita battle Angel

I got 15 minutes into dragged across concrete before I shut it down.
I don't know if I was tricked, though. I hadn't seen it posted here before that

Shazam was kino

It was a 7. Not great, not terrible.