He shakes your hand. What does he see?
He shakes your hand. What does he see?
the bodies in t. cellar an woods nearby
He needs to lose there I said it. I know it’s fatphobic but it’s true
My other hand strangling him to death.
You know in the few things I've seen him in, he still acts well.
Why doesn't he do more?
Maybe he doesn't give a shit about hollywood and is just going to live off his 6th sense money forever...
A whole lot of years spent on the computah.
Me jerking off and not washing
pusy juice
Me fapping to tranny porn. Unironically
That I haven't washed my hands after wanking.
My mum hitting me with a cheese grate then making me stay at my aunt's for 14 years while she slept around the bahamas only to come back and ask me for money when I left school
How much would that be though? It's a 20 yr old ok tier film.
That I think he's kind of cute.
Big wew if true.
does he empathize with people? I'd think of the saddest stuff possible to see if I could make him cry
Nothing. I've been in a constant state of brain fog for years now.
The cummest of brains, guy might get an instant hardon if he sees about the vast array of milkers I think about on the reg
Imagine how puffy and sweaty that hand is.
first post based post
>862 days until Avatar 2
I would have so much respect for this man if he didn't live at his mom's
my incestuous relationship
You re fat
Me cumming onto a picture of him from the 6th sense.
After seeing him in Spoils of Babylon I can tell you that he has way better comedic timing than 100% of the fat female comedians that are being shilled to us on the reg. But him in more comedies plz.
You now understand women.
lol degenerate
His face looks like an IRL Woll Smoth shoop
He'd see the unspeakable act I committed when I was 16 that absolutely no one else knows about, and I would have to kill him.
Except I wouldn't be able to kill a person, so I would end up in jail if he wanted to convict me.
engines, slavic girls, and a wicked sense of humor
I wonder how much he makes off Kingdom Hearts.
He sees my obsession with Yea Forums and its culture across each board then all the shitposting on /mlp/, then he sees the pony porn, tulpas and mental break downs. Afterwards he sees my sharp turn into National Socialism and a denoucing of my past self steadily getting a gf a job plus respect in my area of expertise which ended with me leaving my gf because I thought I was homo, only to realise afterwards that it wasnt really my thing this follows a long depression into drugs mostly shrooms before diving into becoming a sucessful trap making bank off of other mentally ill people. I quit being a trap now and cut all the gay shit now I just bang girls and travel doing my expertise along the way, you can still find my trap pics on Yea Forums sometimes i find it all quite humorous.
I've had a weird life so far, probably gonna get weirder.
eh tl:dr
But my aunt is based and treated me like one of her own.
two niggas kissing
I bet he's the faggot that played a DPS and fucked up and then said "so what?".
Fuck that guy.
The bottom is your td;lr you read it anyway you filthy maisie lover.
My totally not gay experiments when I was little and watching American Pie with a black kid.
I'm genuinely paranoid about the existence of psychic phenomena, so I've created a habit of interspersing my thoughts with disturbing imagery to throw off any potential mind-readers. I also draw upon my memories of acid trips to aid in this goal
did they mention why he was never allowed to see his kid?
anyway...he's kinda fat but he's actually still a good actor.
I would like to see him in more stuff. Too bad Amazon didn't pick up that SCI-FI show he was in with Faora
Pedophilia, alcoholism, self-hatred and parents committing suicide.
If he lost weight he would be so handsome.
An alternative version of AI directed by Stanley Kubrick.
I always feel like I dont belong in social situations. Im terrified of someone asking "what are you even doing here?". I think its because when i was in gradeschool I sat at this lunch table for a few weeks until someone turned to me and asked me what I was doing there. Then everyone at the table looked at me weirdly because I never talked. I never had a place to sit at lunch all throughout school.
The time I fapped and came all over my mcdonalds burger. I still don't know why I did that and yes, I cleaned and still ate the whole thing with no regrets, its junk food anyway
Whatever happened to ai portraits anyway?
Somethin's in my room. It's like a small figure, hoverin' over me. Gettin' closer. It's touching me. Down there. And I'm nervous. 'Cause I'm not ready. But the figure tells me everything's gonna be all right. 'Cause the figure's a Libra too. And we start dancin' and it's beautiful.
Sky rockets in flight!
How can a man that spends so much time by himself have raped so many women?
stop posting my picture
My disgust whenever he appears in a movie/show
Could he beat Batman with enough prep time?
my cunny stash
best answer