Name something more pretentious than nature documentaries

Name something more pretentious than nature documentaries

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kys burgerbrain

Your opinion of yourself.

Name something more smoothbrained than not being fascinated by nature

imagine being so pathetic that you go out of your way to shit on fucking nature documentaries. kill yourself

I actually enjoy nature documentaries though

Oscar bait movies

capeshit ratings

ok bud

A24 movies

Name something more brainlet than calling everything you don't understand "pretentious".

There's nothing pretentions about being comfy

Attached: pepe comfy.jpg (728x724, 93K)

you'd like Round Planet

Attached: 80212704-us.jpg (665x374, 95K)

>nature "documentaries"
>footage of animals is edited together in order to create a "story" that never actually happened
>some footage is literally filmed at zoos

I don't know about pretentious, but nature docs are the definition of dishonest

Flicks about the holohoax!!!FACT!!!

>David Attenborough is supposed to be a genius
>every single documentary is either elephants, penguins, monkeys or lions.
change the fucking record you boring old fart

What's pretentious about them?


What a faggot lol, on par with pic related.

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I heard he eats the animals whole once filming is wrapped up to maintain his immortality.

Michael Moore Documentaries

i stopped watching the attenborough ones when they were all him giving cutesy narratives to whatever thing was being filmed in super ultra HD vision and then everything was overbearingly scored with nonstop incredibly cheesy movie music to try and milk emotions from pleb robots

they're better without the fake voiceovers

>Name something more pretentious than nature documentaries
That's easy, the Oscars/Academy Awards

It's true.

Attached: BBC Planet Earth 2 Viscacha.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

This quasi-intellectual boring literal dogshit I watched the other day

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The new Savannah documentary on Nat Geo is unwatchable for this reason

Don't think you're using that word correctly, guy.
