What movies depict the ravages of time?

What movies depict the ravages of time?

Attached: oneyeardifference.png (670x461, 369K)

looks like before and after an evening of drinking, what are you on about

How fast the looks of a person can deteriorate within a year.

W-What happened to Jay?

Attached: lil fucboi.jpg (293x362, 19K)

yeah they can do that but not in that case, he literally just looks a little bit more tired in the second one. like at the end of a long day

Anything with a female lead

someone tell lauren that it's actually happening this time

You’re fucking retarded

>look how different he looks under two completely different lighting setups
Maybe you should stop obsessing over the physical appearances of 40 year old e-celebs like you’re a middle aged housewife reading grocery store checkout magazines, you fucking faggot.

go to bed, jay


>40 year old
really? he looks younger.

Imagine being so autistic that you pretend you’re actually talking to your internet friend simulator.

nice black shirt wonder why he chose to wear it this time

It took 12 years to make

you're not fooling anyone, jay

Hi, Jay's boyfriend!

>tfw we're all dying lauren

Hey OP, you could at least capitalize the first words of your sentences when you’re replying to yourself but trying to make it look like another person is responding.

You could also stop making autistic RLM threads.

hAve sex, jay

>you could at least capitalize the first words of your sentences when you’re replying to yourself but trying to make it look like another person is responding

look at this, a true professional samefagger

>lighting change
>not wearing makeup in second pic

Yeah you're dumb op

right unironically looks better. with jays manchild frame and face he needs that little bit of edge to his his appearance.

Based I always change up my writing style when samefagging

It’s not a movie but The Joy of Painting fits the description more than any other. It’s the greatest show of all time, it’s so calm that it’s soothing. Some people like to watch their favorite youtubers while eating, watch The Joy of Painting instead. It’s highly enjoyable. Bob Ross has his own youtube channel where he uploads the show

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I gotta say, I dont think that Bob Ross runs that channel

What do you mean user?