What does kissing a girl feel like

What does kissing a girl feel like

Attached: 1560657351710.jpg (259x194, 8K)

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salty milk

bags of coins


weird when your teeth bang

Pretty good if she doesn't have bad breath

put your lips around your flaccid dick and wiggle your tongue
that's how it feels

nice and soft.


Like kissing an otherkin without a penis.

The sense of warmth and connection you don't get from making these threads over and over again

i always move my head around too much when i’m kissing

Like licking a wet frog.
Thread got dark fast

warmth throughout your body
all in one

Yeah me too. Or I get too licky during sex

Nobody google this
Friendly advice

Attached: eww no you cant kiss me.webm (1280x720, 878K)

I unironically don't enjoy kissing,

Attached: Elizabeth Olsen kiss you.webm (960x408, 3M)

do big boobies actually make a sloshing noise?

this :(

Attached: Sarah Gadon kiss you.webm (1920x800, 2.99M)

do you guys think humans kissed each other before dental hygiene came about? everyones mouth probably full of cavities and rotting milk and crooked teeth creep me out.

Attached: 05cf65761f51db3c3ded23d3c8de739a-imagejpeg.jpg (250x247, 6K)

what the fuck did I just watch?
is this porn?

same, but when it's intense/romantic I really dig it

Attached: 1505363613243.png (501x501, 241K)

Truth is, he was doomed from the start.

People's teeth weren't as bad back then because they didn't eat processed sugar. It's a myth that everyone in the middle ages had poor teeth and shat and vomited in the streets.

I get maybe being dealt a bad hand and not getting laid until after high school, but who the fuck makes it to adulthood having never kissed a girl even on accident?

I just don't leave my room that much

Attached: 1564063297244.webm (360x360, 587K)

I am 25 years old and I never even kissed a girl

Were you homeschooled?

it's a myth that they didn't have shit teeth. just having crooked british teeth that isn't probably aligned is enough to create areas for cavities to flourish. yeah they didn't have processed sugary treats but they didn't have fucking mouthwash or toothpaste. unless you're going to tell me that every peasant knew how to mew and had perfect 10/10 jaw bones and teeth

Where do I kiss a girl then?

Nope. Normal childhood and upbringing, public school, never bullied or anything like that.

bags of salty coins