Itt PERFECT movies

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If you look closely, the skull on the moth is made of naked women.

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an instant classic

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These guys are cool. You should listen to them.

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Mars Needs Moms

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What are some other movies with sexy accents?

is that guy who's obsessed with that alien chick still around?


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sure smells like reddit itt

I suppose your idea of a perfect movie is some shitty black and white French noir from the 1940s.

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mine's a movie with nice children jokes and formulaic screenplay


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...and right up there

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Are we being serious or just meming? Legit curious if it's any good

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It's painfully bad. It tries to be a current-year wokebent version of Superbad... right down to casting Jonah Hill's sister as the lead, who may very well be the worst thing in movies ever.

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The movie is alright, but the soundtrack is absolute kino.

The movie is amazing you fucking faggot

Best part of the movie is how fast bad ass Magua gets owned by the Big Chief

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Well ofc, that gun stalk weapon is incredible.

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No dubs?

Nah mate.

Shit? Nah, contrary twat I think.

Okay that's what my impression was initially thanks

Pather Panchali

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sure i suppose it is a perfect film, but at what cost? the horror stories behind the production of it are simply too repulsive to ignore.

great script, terrible direction by that TV hack Sidney Lumet
above average. Predator is better.
meme movie

>no jump scares


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Both boring as fuck and overrated

love these but they fall just a bit short of perfect for me

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pleb and double pleb

>no jump scares
the cumshot made me jump tho

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Why was the girl fucking all those dudes for riceballs?

How can it be perfect when every human being with a soul recognises the superiority of Manhunter?

Third act dragged on.
Excellent movie though.

I never got why this movie was so highly regarded

Now this, this is a man of tastes

no doubt about it, it's a great toss.

Kino, has it all.

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That poster has not aged well

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The best trilogy of all time.

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God I fucking love Seven

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Mads Mikkelsen is a far, far better Hannibal than either of the others.

It's slow and ultimately boring, Kubric made one good movie.

what does kubrick have to do here

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now i have to watch again

Well done.

platoon is better

Same here. Far superior to Zodiac.

neo flying at the end knocked it down to a 9

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Best psychological thriller seen in a long time.

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Fatty Brando ruined it

ok, not that one.

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This one was good as well.

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Watched this couple of times, really liked it.

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babadook is trash

would have been better if keitel wasn't fired

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Came here to post this

>92 replies and no one has mentioned One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Neat
The absolute state of Yea Forums