
Khamzat 1, 3

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I hope this nigger gets heemed


Yan by hate crime.

awesome fight, good win by khamzat. title shot next.

he gets heemed by both Colby and Usman. Also, Burns 2 and 3

Comfy pls

we can only dream

burns humbled him its over

I’ve never wanted someone to lose more in my entire life. Aljo is insufferable.

>Bet 150 dollars on Dern
>Didn't even watch it

hopefully khamzat got humbled and wont go all in in the first td attempt against top 5 guys

Drake dropped 10k on Aljo LOL

hope aljo actually wins, people are being so disrespectful..

Robbery. You got lucky.

>pillowfist colshit
>heeming anybody
colby's ONLY path to win vs khamzat is to out gastank him

>heemed by Colby

colby is no threat from the ground, so khamzat can just play his gnp game. burns is like a uniquely good khamzat counter, and he failed.

Colby would absolutely dominate Cumshot

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>colby is no threat
yeah you got that right. pitter patter and position wrestling


Khabib is ducking Mark Madsen

mark madsen is the worst of the 3 major danish fighters (soren bak, mads burnell, madsen). det er ikke engang tæt.

when is sterling going to say that yan called him a nig so he can cry about his loss?

you are probably right but for some reason khamzat chose not to keep the fight on the ground. if he did it probably wouldve ended sooner. thats why his coach was yelling at him in the corner because the coach knows his wrestling is his best weapon

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>he's hurt he's hurt
do blacks just live in perpetual delusion

Fuck that nigger


Yan Bros...

Can someone confirm buck status?


yes, coach was pissed like ive never seen a corner be pissed lmfao

i guess it was good that he showed how good of a chin he has

yeah he was fucking furious

When will Khamzat play again?
Im new to heem

my boy aljo at least won the respect story

Aljo is such a faggot lol


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There will be weeks and months of negociations. Just let each fight go. A moment in time. The fighter will be back when you least expect it.

yep coach was yelling 'don't fight him'

lets go aljo choke this slavigger out

i love underdogs b

ask your mom

Aljo's amazing at taking the back. It's nearly instant.

That's hot

THE neck injury?

but he takes his back and does nothing with it lol

>they genuinely thought he was going to lose

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Aljo gassed

>Aljo gassed out again
im honestly disappointed

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>spend 10 minutes backpacking your opponent
>dont finish
>get gassed

>68 IQ fighter
Yeah it's a hard pass from me dawg

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Aljo absolutely loves being on his knees in front of Peyoter

>pidor yawn

aljo literally has the worst style of "fighting" I have ever seen, wrestlefucking crotchsniffer but gayer

Wtf I'm gay now

meh, Pee Odor won but who cares. he couldn't even finish a gassed wrestler

Russian guy got smoked

The state of poofc