ITT: Movies where the villain wins
ITT: Movies where the villain wins
>Ray Croc
He provided affordable reasonably-high standard service to millions
how is he the villain?
Any WW2 movie
Any documentary about the 2016 election
He literally stole two brother's business right underneath them. Pretty scummy.
Any movies about Walt Disney?
The patriot.
imagine watching a movie about mcdonalds lmao
fucking burgers
It’s not about McDonald’s it’s about business
>right underneath them
They had MULTIPLE opportunities to get in on it but they chose to stick to their little corner.
Capitalism is evil.
It’s about real state
Thank you for smoking
though personnally I like to smoke from time to time :^)
You are an idiot just like those two brothers. Ray Kroc wasnt a villain
No shit sherlock
Socialism is evil
did you even watch the movie
sneedism is feedil
I enjoyed The Founder. There wasn't a clear hero or villain. It was just an entertaining story that deserved to be told.
this cartoon is ugly as shit, whats with that mouth
>Ray Kroc was alcoholic
>movie demonstrates this by showing him having a beer when he gets home after work
nice job reposting reddit Trump REEE shit
Transforming a local business that was never going to expand in the first place beyond a handful of stores isn't evil.
>me too, guys
>hang on let me hold up the flag too he's about to take the picture
>come on
>not finding the rise of major corporations interesting regardless of which company it is
Aaron Eckhart is an underrated actor, I actually thought he was as good in the Dark Knight as Heath Ledger.
3:10 to Yuma
look son there's me on the left!!
>Virgin brothers VS Chad Croc
Capitalism is the only system that works.
>da joos
How is Walt Disney a villain?
Dude Aaron Eckhardt did NOT play Heath Ledger in TDK
>he was *as* good in the Dark Knight as Heath Ledger
based retard
He is the creator of one of the greatest evils and dangers to creativity and art
>villain's name is literally Crook
Who writes this shit?
This is the most forced meme since Burger King Foot Lettuce.
She is freakin gorgeous.
Yes, extremely evil
I only watched the movie once but I think the nazis are fighting americans not jews
I don’t get this image
>we can't laugh at a woman because she's hot
The mindset of a beta male
not a film, but philip glass made an opera called "the perfect american" focused around Walt Disney and his ego, hunger for power etc. etc. based on a german book called "Der König von Amerika" by some guy called Jungk. Not the same experience as seeing it live but still very interesting imo...
Kroc did nothing wrong. He literally turned their corner shop into a multi-million dollar business and one of the most powerful companies on earth.
Me ether
>literally rëddit tier criticism of Americans
Try again commie and ill get the keys to the chopper
that's why it's the best
i like being evil, it makes me happy
>ITT degenerates who think defending Capitalism is great because muh Communism/Socialism
good going slave, maybe you can suck more billionaire-dick to please your masters
I'd rather take that over starving myself to death while attending mandatory commie pronouns classes in area with worse murder ratio than Somalia.
Capitalism is evil but it's the only system that works because people are naturally capitalistic. Everyone will always want to be better than someone else and everyone will want to own things.
I'm sure you'll offer a compelling alternative that is both remotely feasible and has not resulted in massive human rights violations every time it's been tried.
>needing more than 2 people to pin a simple flag on the ground
kek @ ameritards
If there are no alternatives does it make it not evil?
I think that if you have a beer when you come home every day, you actually qualify as clinical alcoholic.
Somebody has to be in power user, better burger peddlers than leftist nutjobs
If it has no alternatives, it can't be evil or not-evil as there is no comparative system.
>unironically being a natsoc post 1945
It makes the complaint pointless. Capitism is evil inasmuch as it anticipates people are greedy fucks and tries to channel that big dick energy into something productive. Most abuses occur when said greed is underestimated and poorly harnessed.
Jesus, Tarantino is such a cringy faggot.
>hundred times folded baseball playing jew
No, youre just too stupid enough not to exploit it wagie
Take a picture of your room right now and post it within three minutes. We'll see just how much you hate capitalism with all the merchandise and bought goods you own.
Never ceases to amaze me that the same people that cry “the West is dying” are vehement supporters of capitalism
national socialism
everyone in that unit is jewish, it was specifically made to only be composed of jews that go out to scalp nazis
West is dying because leftshits shove their cancerous shit everywhere. Gotta dismantle the systems of oppression, soudruh!
Maybe that's because capitalism can and has been reformed to address its problems, which led to continued Western dominance. Or do you seriously think we still play by the Industrial Revolution ruleset? Meanwhile socialism (I mean the real kind) cannot reform itself without going capitalistic or collapsing outright. Ergo, sticking with and fixing capitalism is the better alternative.
The west isn’t dying it’s being transformed, and at least we are fed and feted by fast food and entertainment all the while
>national leftshittism
Fuck off Bernie.
Failed each time it was tried and resulted in massive human rights violations. Next.
Ack I posted the soundtrack cover, too busy trying to right a thinly veiled /pol/ thread
>defeated in wars because they couldn’t into supply chain or communist zerg tactics
lol. If you seriously think that having a single beer a day makes one alcoholic, you qualify as clinical retard.
Taranfeeto's nigger dick fetish and other im not racist™ rhetoric in his movies is always cringe.
Based krecik poster
All forms of government and anarchy are evil. Pick your poison and shut the fuck uo.
The ending score fit perfectly
Terrible human being
>movies where the villain is a hero
Elysium if you consider the pods to work on copious amounts of electricity and resources and not magic like the movie implies
That is what doctors think you mongoloid, not me.
The brothers were luddites & Croc had constantly made good faith efforts to bring them in to the chain before he became soulless.
they had several opportunities to get in on the action and didn't, and in the end croc gave them a fat settlement for the name.
>literally the only one to actually try and franchise the concept
>pays them exactly what they wanted
*that works for a long time
and the price is that it literally kills the planet
Not an American but you can try again
Yes, it is and anyone who defends it is a bootlicker.
However, I doubt that we will ever find out a system that ""works"" with big populations.
>people discussing socialism as a good thing itt
Fucking commies i swear
big populations are the root of all problems
urbanization was a mistake
did you retards miss the part where he gives them a handshake deal that he never honors? I bet you'll come up with some excuse for that too since you people are sociopaths.
banfilterchan getting erased unleashed all the leftypol chapo tranny house retards on us.
>less government, more freedom = bootlicker
Remind me who wears the boots again?
None that would tell you the truth
man I watched this movie several years ago and never again. if you're going to be stating shit that happens in the movie at least be specific. Only thing I remember him doing wrong is divorcing his wife.
That does have sense. Look at China. They don't even beheave like humans anymore
Urbanization is the result of a big population, not the cause of it. Are you retarded?
>omg you people are sociopaths
I didn't. It's stupid because there's no such thing as handshake deals. They conned themselves in the end. The Kroc character was the one who built the whole thing, he only wanted the name.
You, for defending a system that let 1% of the population hoards more money that they would possible need in 100 lifetimes only because it permits you to buy big titties anime figurines
sapience was a mistake
Based and redpilled as fuck IF true.
As opposed to what?
urbanization and welfare enables it. niggers wouldnt have 10 kids if they couldn't be hood rich from it.
national socialism
Yeah, he was being a dick there. But it's not like they weren't dicks to him too and let's face it, Ray did most of the hard work that actually led to the company expanding to today's size.
You are free to hoard money too.
calm down alkie lol
How would that work exactly? There isn't an American nation anymore.
Most of that money is Amazon (and other) stock and how much the company is worth, with millions able to appear and disappear in an instant. Brainlets believe that's how much they have in a bank account or if they have some sort of Scrooge McDuck-like pool full of dollar bills.
you kill all the jews and put the non whites into extermination camps with camras hooked up to a live stream for the hit internet show Minority Report™ if the nation isnt american anymore then you have to make it american again, legalise full autos too
Go to school christ
The brothers lost their brand and their business and you're like "but he did loads of work" as if it didn't benefit kroc and only kroc.
t. Hugo Chavez's rotting corpse
How does some people having a lot of money harm me, exactly? The only way it would harm me is if I’m seething with envy like you are.
>hoards more money
So you don’t know what investment is. Not surprising.
Why don't liberals understand basic economics? So frustrating.
Of course he did it to benefit himself, what was he slaving after for, to aggrandize their name? The point is if it was just up to the brothers all they would have had is what they were left with anyway, their name and their shop. He paid them for their name and sent them on their way.
>I wear the boots
What did he mean by this?
>oh no, they got only 2,7 million dollars in 1961, poor guys
as opposed to anything. I'm not saying we should go full communism, socialism whatever. Just pointing that capitalism is a shit system too.
You fell for the "you can be a billionare too!" meme.
Walt was based and possibly redpilled. When the Jews took over after his death they twisted Disney into the evil MegaCorp it is today to poison his legacy. Same thing as what they did with the Ford Foundation.
>tfw when socialism will never work because central planning and price controls always lead to scarcity and inflation
>tfw socialists don't know what this even means
It's all so tiresome.
>people are naturally capitalistic
yeah, in the mouth
>because it permits you to buy big titties anime figurines
why are you projecting your own tastes unto others? not everyone shares them you know
>no u!
>How does some people having a lot of money harm me, exactly?
>You fell for the "you can be a billionare too!" meme.
I'm just being realistic. Somebody is going to own all that shit and that someone is going to use it for his personal benefit too. It's better to be honest about it in capitalism.
AI will solve this problem
The majority of billionaires are self made. The top 1% is an ever fluctuating group of ppl.
>if you’re not a commie you’re a nazi!
You retards are a living parody of yourselves.
lol all those assblasted bootlickers defending their overlords
nice reading comprehension
>more idealism
When will they learn?
nice samefagging
Cool. Everything good ever happened because of capitalism.
There's a reason the countries with the most economic growth/ GDP per capita have the wealthiest people in them. I'll let you figure out why.
what did he mean by this
>implying capitalism isn't a simulacrum itself of natural ecology
>letting a machine rule over you
disgusting, I bet you also want it to run on macroshit wangblows.
>economic growth
Literally meaningless.
you are already being ruled over by a mechanistic system, AI will simply know the outcome ahead of time and adjust the parameters to the satisfaction of all
>implying AI can keep up with the millions of minor price changes that people make every day based on their preferences, and all the interrelationships between resources when changes are made
Fuck you faggots I just wanted to talk about the funni McDonalds movie. Why did you do this?
lmao retard. Free trade has been around as soon as people realized certain things had values
Yes, that is what I'm implying.
>You retards are a living parody of yourselves
>literally meaningless
>economy grows
>more GDP per capita and purchasing power
>standard of living rises due to economies of scale and added value to the dollar
This is why they should teach Econ in high school.
This is your brain on communism.
read capital
>people only started trading in 1600
lmao what
That was a Yea Forums meetup from like 2014
so this is the power of the white race?
>capitalism is buying and selling shit
A man can dream I suppose.
prove it
>he doesn't know das kapital contradicts itself between volumes
>he doesn't know it supports the retarded labor theory of value
I bet you haven't even read it, commietard.
The most that conservatives know about capitalism and economics is seriously just that they have more food in a capitalist country. No wonder fat fuck obese Americans bring up how much McDonalds they eat on a weekly basis as their only defense of capitalism, it’s all they know
Even Karl Marx gave up on his beliefs after a certain point. Central planning and price controls don't work.
why does socialism mean less food tho?
yeah I definitely didn't know marx was associated with the labor theory of value, kek. which rebuttal did you read in order to pretend like you made it through the first three chapters of volume one?
>live in a country where no one starves or dies of thirst in the streets
>all because the government has a fuckton of resources and global economic weight
>hurr durr this is meaningless
nu-communists are dumb as rocks.
What is this image and why should I care.
Socialism and communism always result in economic stagnation and decline due to central planning and price controls. The only thing communism has invented is the rubix cube. Ironic since both revolve around sitting on your ass and twiddling your thumbs.
if communism is so great how come it doesnt work?
>It's stupid because there's no such thing as handshake deals.
Yes there are, you just make sure you do it in front of a 3rd party as a witness because they are easy as fuck to worm your way out of it. always get stuff in writing.
its pretty damn compelling when no one is starving and with communism its proven to often be the opposite.
what was feudalism in your imagination then?
It’s literally impossible to criticize capitalism without burgers bringing up socialism or communism. Hint, every problem that you encounter in the modern world and every turn the world takes further into liberal insanity is directly a result of capital
>The only thing communism has invented is the rubix cube. Ironic since both revolve around sitting on your ass and twiddling your thumbs.
>Yea Forums thread involving economics
>commies and socialist blown out everytime
When will they learn?
The girl is Brittany Venti. You can check the archives easily. Next time use a pic without an e-celeb to gaslight, retard.
So what? That's because capital created the modern world. Who's to say it won't have problems. Socialists and communists have never presented a viable solution, THAT is the problem.
Well yes, considering those are the 3 options? Capitalism has literally brought more prosperity into the world than any other form of social governance. You'd still be living in an agrarian society without it. And honestly, you still can! Just go set up a tent in the woods. No one is keeping you here.
the best part is how the battle went on for another month after it was taken and thousands more died including half the marines in the picture. classic ww2
Society literally didn’t exist until 4,000 BC and that’s being generous. Your argument is comprised of the Time Theory effect, and no it’s not valid; because you must also compre state of living, per capita and such. I agree with your sentiment but you’re arguing like a retard.
enjoy the future
Just because you can't raise your children properly doesn't mean I won't. Enjoy your mudhutt.
>Yea Forums meetup
lmao fucking newfags
it was from HWNDU. Only Yea Forums bro there was jesus (also the most based)
It is mexicans you should worry and not niggers.
From my point of view the Jedi are evil.
A combined political, military, and social system of the middle ages.
Socialism was btfo long ago. Don't you think it's time to face reality?
keep sucking that jew nigger cock whilst us ubermensch create a world without non whites
>creating anything
>implying half your organization isn't FBI/CIA spooks if you even have one
beep kvetching kikes
Stay hungry, comrade.
Mcdonald's was unironically a significant thing for not just business history but modern world history as a whole. For a corporation to raise such an intense level of brand recognition and manage to synthesize itself into cultures is something we underestimate the impact of now.
if it was just kikes you wouldn't have a problem, but they have harnessed the entire world and fed them well, your scrawny socialist bones will crumble beneath their oiled leather boots if you think to struggle against them
america will fall by 2030 to the euro-japanese alliance
these charts seem to show corelation of white nations being the best.
Not him but you're conflating a free market or mercantile economy with capitalism.
I liked him as Vigo Mortenson in Hidalgo
>quantifying corruption
Lol, nice meme graphs.
No Country for Oldfags
>You can’t quantify corruption! It’s literally impossible!
>ignoring all other graphs
You literally cannot, it’s not a quantifiable trait. Can you quantify color? Or morality?
Mind explained why Transparency International, the bureau that conducted the research your graphs refer to, all rate European countries the highest? Despite them also being seated in a European country? Hmmm, “definitely” no bias there. And I’m not a tripfag you retarded newnigger.
those graphs are phonier than the evidence for carbon induced climate
any materialist philosophy is evil. the best system is a form of christian socialism where people despise material goods so much that they voluntarily pay taxes for the good of the poor. this is the only form of taxes that isn't theft.
>muh human rights!
Good goy! Now pay your Nestle $2.99 water tax.
There was no proof that the handshake ever happened. It's urban legend by two guys bitter that they were too cowardly to scale their business.
Fact is they hired Ray Croc to make a franchise but they were such pussies with too high of a standard that they tried to sabotage Croc at every turn. They were willing to bankrupt a bunch of working class men and women who put their all into being franchisees because they didn't understand business.
Read Ray Croc book. The man was constantly visiting restaurants to make sure everything ran smoothly. While the McDonald's brothers sat at home and lorded him around with bone head decisions.
McDonald's shit too day but when Ray Croc was at the helm it was a well oiled machine.
The brothers couldn't handle more than one restaurant, he ran hundreds hands on.
It doesn't matter whether you have a beer or two bottles of vodka every day after work. The moment you just can't live without it is when you're addicted.
I can live without it but I don't want to
even im better at fake laughing than this.
>Can you quantify color?
Yes, easily.
the clinical definitions of alcoholism are really dumb and made up by 12 step programs to guilt people into attending. you aren’t an alcoholic until your body literally requires alcohol daily otherwise
The Trial, The Castle, anything Kafka related.
They were ripped off by a greedy christian jew.
Did any kafka book ever get turned into a movie?
>real state
nice dubs tho
*a go-getting ambitious pragmatist, who has brought the benefits of the system they would gladly hoard for themselves to the entire world
The McDonalds brought it upon themselves for being small-minded control freaks. If they wanted to stay small, they never should've partnered with Ray Kroc in the first place.
Greedy fucks like him always find a way go weasel into any business they can find, and they wont stop until its corrupted and grants them enormous peofits, which in turn pleases their corrupted sexual desires, that only ever get tingled when they feel money, or rather power in our world, flow through their greedy christian fingers
t. leech
t. (((christian))) go getter
>implying I'm a christcuck
this but unironically
ironic, when your mentality (corrupting an existing and family minded business for your benefit) is exactly the parasitic way of the leech.
>your benefit
People enjoy McD's all over the world. Ray Kroc was a philantropist, just like anyone who brought a useful product to the masses.
>the greediest capitalist slaughtering good ideas for their personal gain are now philantropists
youre so american, its embarassing.
Expanding. It's you who is content with greedy fucks sitting on good ideas which would make lives of other people better.
I'm not even american
>the McDonalds brothers didn't create their restaurant for personal gain at all
There were good restaurants everywhere in the world, serving traditional and culturally meaningful food, places where people could visit with their families and bond with each other or their friends. Now we have dirty plastic couches and disgusting plastic tablets and ketchup on the tables and self service everywhere. Fuck you, you fucking apologetic fuck, what do you gain from blowing his cock? You will never ever be like him, youre part of the expansion you dumb retard.
Near the end of the film, the McDonalds settle with Kroc in exchange of getting a share of future profits. The guy says all he can give them at the moment is a handshake because *reasons* but promises he will honor his word. He doesn't.
>The Kroc character was the one who built the whole thing, he only wanted the name.
"Only wanted the name". It's a big thing when the name of the company is literally the surname of the founders and they weren't allowed to use it ever again.
They created their restaurants because it was their passion, this Kroc guy just stole the brand that they created, because he had no creativity, he was morally and intellectually bankrupt so all he did was shit the world full with his meaningless and soulless pseudo restaurants.
>There was no proof that the handshake ever happened.
Yes there is. You saw it on the film. That's what's being discussed here.
They had one (1) restaurant. And if you think they weren't in it for the money either, then you're actually retarded. Was Ray Kroc an asshole? Yes. Was he technically in the wrong? No. Cry more.
If the money is anything to go by, they weren't in it "just for the money", whereas Ray Kroc was.
Notice how they object to him using milkshakes which have no actual milk, in spite of that saving them a lot of money.
There are good restaurants still out there. Are you too poor to go to them? I'm not. McD's allowed people to save time and money. Which they could then use to support their family.
lots of old companies go on with the name of some random who was the original founder of something only tangentially related, after mergers, consolidations, and whatnot they don't get to take credit for the whole enterprise in perpetuity just because they happen to be associated with a particular pattern of sounds. the McDonalds got paid for it and held on to their little burger stand for as long as they wanted, it's not the least bit tragic as far as these things go
The McDonalds didn't have much choice, or did they? Kroc had created something that was much bigger tham them, and offered them "compensation" (because if the McDonalds could have it their way, they wouldn't have sold the brand).
I'm not refuting that the McD bros were strictly in it for just the money, but to say something like "it's their passion" and dismiss the money aspect as some auxiliary motive is full on retarded. This isn't some weekend hobby or charitable act for them. They created a restaurant because they love it and because it's their way to pay themselves. I'm sure they would've loved to cut costs without reducing quality, like any business owner.
it wasn't theirs to choose at that point, that's what I'm telling you, ray put in the work to get them to that point, even by the labor theory of value he outstripped them, by comparison they were like landlords who demanded total control because of initial circumstances
Ray Kroc did nothing wrong.
I mean, I get where you are coming from, but I'd say the McDonalds were still pretty passionate about their business, whereas Kroc was in it strictly for the money and he lived for the money.
I'm aware. It's still an asshole thing to do.
Agreed on all points. Ray Kroc was a grade A asshole, but you can't deny that he was clever.
>strictly for the money and he lived for the money
Ray Kroc was in it for success. If he were in it for the money, he would've just licensed the system and let the local managers do what they wanted like that guy from the club.
Are you the same kinda person who bitches about Disney lobbying to extend their copyrights?
Welcome to business 101. You either join them or get fucked.
for the try hards that don't know. this is literally staged. as in for real. it is know. it's not trying to pass itself off as an original. they raised a tiny flag first but a few ours later they replaced it with a big one and had the camera guy take video of it and reenacted it. yes the battle was still going on. they just raised the flag because they took the most important part of the island, the volcano, and raised a flag for the other marines on the shore to see and be invigorated by it. marines are known attention whores in the armed forces. why do you think they had camera guys there in the first place? to produce propaganda and increase pr
anyway I don't see how you can complain the us didn't want to get into the war and the japs attacked first in a very underhanded way. also Hitler declared on on the US first too I belive.
National socialism did that and much more though, without many of the drawbacks
the drawback was they had to go to war to maintain the economy, and they couldn't win because they didn't even have trucks lmao
Well not really. Germany had to go to war to maintain its economy only because it had focused so much on demilitarization. If they didn’t demilitarize, they could’ve had a really good thing going, like they did before the war but even better with all the money from military being spent on the country
so they still lost because their system was unsustainable, just like the soviets collapsed on themselves trying to keep up with capitalist weapons research
>taking based on a true story as literal
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood is historical documentary to you
>this Kroc guy just stole the brand that they created
McDonald's wasn't a brand until Ray Croc did the footwork in franchising.
McDonald's was one local join and another one loosely related miles away.
>unironic commies in the thread
Chapo refugees?
Everyone that worked under him loved him.
Because he understood the shit they went through before and after becoming franchisees.
They saw his face regularly and he knew them by name because he trained most of the original franchisees personally.
The McDonald brothers didn't give a shit and ruled from afar with a cookie cutter approach like telling Ray to not build basements for McDonald stores in the north because they're story didn't have one.
Or demanding they follow the same inventory count despite some stores being in higher populated areas where supplies would run out or low populated areas where supplies would rot. They were terrible businessmen and anti-social jerks.
One brother use to call Kroc or store owners and just scream at them, then the other brother would play good cop to cover for his brother's shitty behavior.
In which people bought and sold shit, so I guess the middle ages were capitalism.
They were being massive faggots, didn't want to make any money at all, and accepted a handshake as a binding legal agreement. Retards got what was coming to them.
>Ray Kroc is an asshole
No one is perfect but didn't Ray Kroc and his last wife constantly give money to charity and when he died he left billions to charities?
Most rich assholes don't do that is life or in death.
Who Watch The Founder thanks to Commonfilth like me just Asking
The McDonald brothers are just like the retards who sit on an idea or spec script for years then cry foul when someone else comes up with similar idea but actually has the balls to execute it.
The handshake thing even if it were true holds not fucking weight.
They thought a few million would scoot them through retirement then inflation happened.
They were lazy and greedy and Ray Kroc beat them to the draw so people could keep their jobs.
They lost because of bad alliances and a failure to take over Britain. Their system was still much better than capitalism, it was their politicians and strategy that failed
Honestly a pretty good movie
yes, half his entire fortune. He was a great man and those brothers were fucking dribblers.
>buttoning a polo shirt
You posted the wrong war tho
People always accumulated wealth. Capitalism is the accumulation of wealth taken to a next level.
This but unironically
Reminder that the EPA would've been 100% justified in liquidating the entire population of Springfield like the subhumans they are
>tfw no Pianist-style ending to the Simpsons Movie where everyone in the town is systematically murdered by government soldiers Einastzkommando-style
I'm 51 minutes in, what am I in for? seems like Ray is kind of a dick