Who thought this was a good idea? No wonder why Netflix is so in debt

Who thought this was a good idea? No wonder why Netflix is so in debt.

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Cant wait til based Prime murders them

Netflix is willing to greenlight anything. they're catalog is disappearing so they are buying any garbage that comes their way to fill the site with shitty movies/shows. I've never watched one of the countless shitty Indian movies that flood the site yet I get recommended several of them every time I log into the site. Because that is slowly becoming the only thing that will be available to watch

>Oh! Pierce Brosnan is in this? I guess I'll watch it then.

sounds like will ferral is making kino again

3 white leads? Calling bullshit

I hope he makes a cameo appearance

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Netflix's audience consists of women and gays, so they know what they're doing.

Sounds like Blades of Glory, so it might be kino

>3 white leads
still thinks this meme is true. kek

Amazon shills are working nonstop lately
I can't wait for the damage control when then LOTR series comes out

>fuck netflix, fuck jannies, fuck trannies, fuck niggers and fuck Bezos

Will Ferrell isn't funny anymore, he's just phoning it home in all his movies for that easy pay check like Adam Sandler.

>Sounds like Blades of Glory, so it might be kino
Had the same thought.

Iceland huh? Will they protest against i*rael like Iceland team did in real life? I guess not...

It could be decent, but they really need to up their game if they want to make the music more ridiculous than what the Eurovision contest already is.

That sounds like a typical Will Ferrell movie desu

we want the Mamamia audience

Pierce Brosnan to play Will Ferrell's father ? Is Brosnan supposed to be 12 years old when he knocked someone up ? Will Ferrell looks older than Brosnan.

>yep this is real
disgruntled intern or are they self aware? this is awful.

As long as Graham Norton is in it completely drunk talking shit about everything I'll watch it

So t's about Eurovision which normally attracts drunk housewives and gay guys. But stars Will Ferrel who at his point normally attracts aging millennial's in need of a mild laugh? Know your target audience Netflix.

Do we know what songs are they going to parody?

>Ireland historically incredibly successful at Eurovision
>Even have Brosnan
>lol make it about Iceland
This reeks of being written by an American who only found out about Eurovision in the last 5 years or so. Not even a potatonigger.

t. assshurt eurovision fan
youre such a fucking loser dude

Should I cancel my netflix account?

Cry more, Virgin

don't worry rachel will get blacked by eurobulls

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You give a shit about the earnings of rich companies as if it effects you in any way please end your sad life

will ferrel can be funny again. i jsut know it.


>haha dude look how weird europeans are x D


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Cancelling Marco Polo for this shit oh no no no no no no

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