A board that is defined by mindlessly watching shit is the dumbest and shittiest board

>a board that is defined by mindlessly watching shit is the dumbest and shittiest board

Color me surprised.

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By that logic everyone one /lit wouldnt be a pretentious retard.

Yea Forums was better before the Nazis came and chased out all the pedophiles. Change my view.

Yea Forums takes itself too seriously to actually shitpost the same shit over and over. But Yea Forums writes from time to time, though. So it's not just defined by consuming something.

/pol/ attracted tons of Redditors and other scum from outside and then spilled that shit all over the other boards. Change my view.

Wow, good thread. You seem very smart, user

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Y-you too.

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Yea Forums is worse, but it's not by much

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>i know everything about the history of imageboards

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>he hasn't written a scientific paper on imageboards

imagine being this much of a consumer whore

>Board is filled with genuine pedophiles
>Is also the most/pol/ board after /pol/
Really makes you think.

Nothing to change, /pol/ went from best to worst board mid-2016.

Yea Forums may be the shittiest board but /x/ is the dumbest board

Incels were only hurt by adult females. So that's that.

Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /pol/ are all shittier and dumber.

Yea Forums is the high IQ board that is beyond a brainlet's comprehension

/film/ when?

At least /x/ sometimes makes neat things.


>Yea Forums
hey fuck you, buddy, Yea Forums is peak bro-tier

There is no /pol/ boogie man,this place was always racist AF,normie and Reddit wave fucked this whole site and you're just now seeing the effect,you didn't listen.Plus am sure gook moot also played a part

This board is at its worst when the cumbrains start making female (e-)celeb threads. They drag the discussion down to TITTIES AND ASS it's fucking pathetic and lame.


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>this place was always racist AF
This place was nonchalant about it. Now all the newfags have to make hating niggers into some sort of crusade. You fags don't need to try so hard.


>There is no /pol/ boogie man
There absolutely is. You're just parroting that.
How new are you? Be honest.


Based radical centrist /int/

>Yea Forums pass accusing "nazis" for problems
color me surprised

I get that the term nazi is tossed around a lot but nazi shitposting is very much a real problem on Yea Forums

>a board defined by bookfags is pretentious

>Reddit wave fucked this whole site
You're not wrong.

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you're one dumb nigger, you know that?

The internet was a mistake.

I don't disagree.

That is the lowest quality OC I've seen in my entire life. You should feel ashamed.


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low IQ post, nice job representing the board, buddy

eat my shit, fags

I'm not sure if you understand what you did or not.


In what way is it a problem? Just by existing?

that graph doesn't make any sense, it seems to imply Yea Forums is the most intelligent board but almost empty

Lol, no it isn't, schlomo.

>dumbest and shittiest board
>when Yea Forums exists
v is by far one of the shittiest places in all internet, you can clearly spot a v faggot posting in other board and seeing their shitty tendencies with pol, cucks and fanboyism, not joking.

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suck my dick

It's time to accept the fact we lost the war.

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>cucks and fanboyism
Says the capeshit headquarters. At least Yea Forums has to actually read shit, while you just lay around and consume the buckets of diarrhea

Extremely dumb take. Watching TV/etc. is relatively passive. Reading is active. It’s not always as cerebrally demanding as math, but it demands way more brain activity than watching TV like a big dumb retard. I mean my cat watches TV.

This seems too obvious to require citations, but have at it: academic.oup.com/cercor/article/25/5/1188/311796

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>Yea Forums pass

I appreciate the effort.

By constantly derailing and detracting from relevant discussion.
/pol/ would be fine if it stayed in /pol/, but it doesn't. It leaks constantly because/pol/fags has a compulsion to spread /pol/shit wherever they go.

>reading is active

They're not pol though, its people who got confused by ironic shitposting and thought it was genuine. Look a the state of this board and tell me if you can tell the difference between ironic and unironic shitposting

what is the x axis

i like tv and dont like blacks, it's a crossover situation

is this some quadruple irony bullshit?

Excuse me, /pol/, but can you stop living in my head rent-free 24/7?

I can't stop thinking about you and I surely cannot hide or ignore posts.

pls respond :(


I don't know how anti-consumerism OP is. But he/she is probably depressed.

have sex OP, and go back to whichever tranny board you came from

OP here. I'm churning out three paintings per week and selling them. There are definitely more depressed people than me out there. Consumerism is also somewhat crucial to my way of life.

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Excuse me, jews, leftists, people of other races, and also most anyone who's not a mongoloid like me, but can strawmen of you stop living in my head rent-free 24/7?

I can't stop thinking about you and I surely can't keep political discussion to the dedicated board.

pls respond :(

thats the point, we're ironically contrarian

>It leaks constantly
>jeqs screech about muh white males during every single awards ceremony
>made up metoo shit negatively influences movie casting
>schwubba wubba cumguzzler on Yea Forums thinks that the movie audiences will not react to that

how much do you sell those for?

Eat a can of sardines every day. It's good for depression.

It’s the stormfags who thought /pol/ was unironic. Then it went downhill from there.

>Watching TV/etc. is relatively passive.
>Reading is active.

you know that you can actively watch something, and passively read? or are you really arguing that reading harry potter is more intellectually stimulating than analyzing, for example, a tarkovsky film? of course retards watch TV for retards. they also don't read books, and if they do, it's genre trash. no one is arguing that. but trying to state objectively that reading is inherently more intellectual than watching a film is just stupid. also, i've had a lot of cats, and they've never really reacted to televisions. i think that you're not nearly as smart as i think that you think you are

Yea Forums hates Harry Potter and likes Tarkovsky. Yea Forums loves capeshit (and Harry Potter is just capeshit for women) and calls Tarkovsky """""pretentious"""""