Watching CHUD

Watching CHUD

what are you watching right now?

Attached: 51aGF85MhmL._SY445_.jpg (313x445, 27K)

I am wondering what you are watching. Would you post it

No tv today

>watching movies when it's light out
major pleb move

Im pooping

I'm at work

Says the guy lurking on a bycicle repair forum in the middle of the day

I'm watching you watch CHUD

Attached: dddd.jpg (640x534, 50K)


Oh right we're in Yea Forums lol

Report how it was when your done

I'll be there later

Hey bro come in

I'm too shy

and I have no pants on.

Alright then we'll you can see the tv from the window, you want some water or anything?

It came put with literally no straining and with minimal wiping.

>I'll be there later
I got a meeting at 1pm so you'll need to come quick if you want to catch me.

No I'm fine.

The absolute best type of shit. I wish Yea Forums would create a /poop/ board, i love poop posting

I got work at 3m so I'm omw

I've been meaning to watch this since about 1988. Is it any good?

curse of la llorana and it's shit
but I've already seen chud so don't worry

Uhhh so far it's okay, good amount of mystery and the first half is about the underground dwelling people and the overworlders finding clues about some monster dude

Yeah that movie looked like shit
Did u like chud

I've seen Chud 2. Its not very good.

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Hoping CHUD 1 gets better, will not watch CHUD 2

>Did u like chud
of course

Attached: chud.gif (450x253, 3.68M)

Just got to the flamethrower guys dying. Yeah I'm thinking I like chud

Chudupdate: shower scene is ducking kino

Also, john goodman is a random cop in the film

cool stuff

Formerly SNEK

Isn't 'chud' the best self-styled edgy leftists could come up with as an insult because they're too terrified of offending any """marginalized group"""

yes, and they also eternally SEETHE over the amount of clout They Live (a much better film) has with right wing communities instead of left wing ones.

The fuck you talking about? Government puts waste underground, causes monsters.

You trying to say they are blacks? You should go outside sometime

They Live fucking rules

CHUD review:

Story about government was kinda boring. Best part was about the underground people. I enjoyed the depiction of new York city. I like the gore. Not bad, different from what I thought it would be. Would only recommend if you like kind of shit films, because it's pretty boring other than the monsters and the underground people.

6/10 I liked It more than I thought

yea its a commies favorite insult for some reason
probably too scared to offend any gays or blacks by using an actual offensive insult