
Non faggot edition

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Based. That user is a fag

yeah, i'm thinking this is the thread

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THIS is the thread

>literally chased out of the /hoc/ thread
does this mean i win?

You know who's a faggot?
The Swift Current Broncos team.

based douggie

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This is the thread

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>scoreless draw


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guess ill use this one

>non-faggot edition
>op posts

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checking those gretzky dubs

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Nigga looks like he's about to offer your kids some candy in his 1997 white chevrolet express

Real based hours


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Name a bigger locker room cancer than eichel

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both of the threads are shit right now

only one is on page one though


is eichel the biggest bust since yakupov or what

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>not a single euro ITT
I know which thread I'm choosing

sharks'll tie it within 2 minutes


my ass

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Nice goal by garland

OP of the other thread is a latinx abomination btw

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oilers have gary's grace


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Just like my Leafs

gary will make the call for colorado. he's just trying to make it seem less rigged

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oh shi

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bigger hands than bobby probert

>scoreless draw

avs smol pp just like my islanders

love this nigga laine like you wouldn't believe

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Why are there two threads

Other OP is a spic and keeps trying gimmick threads to get more memeflags on /hoc/

this is the only thread

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Because the other one was made by a seething brownoid

This is the thread

Where's Kadri?

ded until playoffs

He's praying, it's an indian holiday

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all me btw


me (You)

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My islanders ):

my regina pats are still in it
just like Steve's Islanders

>2 scoreless periods
come on do something

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Damn pettersson post

>other thread is just dicksucking the paperboy swede
we need 2 threads every time

Cringe thread. Won't be bumping

>unironically announcing a sage or a report

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they're all very angry over there
decidedly not comfy

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Comfy is just a codeword for boring



Welcome to the real /hoc/ experience

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Looks like it's just that guy spamming so¥jaks again

It's a rite of passage to be soijak'd
it means you're saying the right things


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not that guy but it's pronounced sahgay

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He was the fan's captain

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this thread is just talking about the other thread and low effort random image posts.
at least there is extended back and forth in the other one.

If by back and forth you mean sucking off every foreign flag that walks in, then sure
I'm just waiting for the janny to sort it out

>extended back and forth in the other one
...about cricket and yuro leagues
only off by 24 minutes

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