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I can't stop thinking about cuddling with Hunter. :(

Am I gay?

Stop this garbage. The season is over, the hype has dyed down.

But ppl keep discussing other shows that aren't airing...

*skateboards to your thread*

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Who wouldn't cuddle with this cutie?

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She’s a cutie

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Straight men

>I'm really glad you asked my father permission before proposing. You know he's very traditional, and that sort of thing really means a lot to him.

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Does this actually happen in any western state? What kind of a cuck has to ask permission to be friends with a woman?

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>One slowburn atmospheric Euphoria general please

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Why do they give her such crazy make up in the show. She looks perfectly fine in real life and prefers more traditional dress as well.

They make her out to be some kinda crazy degenerate. I'm pretty sure IRL she doesn't even do hard drugs.

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I got bad news for you, boyo.

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You just wait

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Looks like Dane DeHaan in drag.

People with standards.

Wish I could have a gauntlet like daddy thanos and snap away anyone who watched this garbage

>ask permission to be friends with a woman
Do you understand what is meant by "proposing"?

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I wish I was this cool in high school.

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discord tranny summer zoomers itt(and not only) need to fuck off and DIE

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