Best episode yet?
Best episode yet?
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Is he really one of (((them)))?
I voted Trump in 2016 but I’m thinking I’m a Bernie bro this time around.
Vote for Yang you fucker.
>two rich people laugh at taxpayers
>Joe Rogan pretending he doesn't use tax havens
How stupid do you have to be to have voted for Trump?
dangerously based
Where does the thousand bucks a month come from?
the right are all bootlickers
yangs a fag he went back on his immigration policies
From being a shareholder in the company called America Inc.
I'm an actual NEET. I get almost 2k in disability. From what I understand, Yang won't give me shit. He will give everyone but me 1000 a month. Yang will essentially doom me by raising the price of booze and tendies, because every moron now has 1k extra to spend.
yay, make all the things free!
Bernie/Yang 2020 please God
Fuck the neo-con cuckservative boomers on /pol/
How could Joe not ask about the DNC ruse cruise that cost Bernie the nomination? If I was Sanders, is spend my remaining years trying to bury Hillary for that bullshit.
Americans will never accept an Asian guy as their president. They see mock Asian men and see them as weak, almost like they are women.
you just want others to pay for your lifestyle
*all the things essential to a first-world country
this, we need to give all the power and money to the government so they can fix this.
he will give you a mercy killing.
how do you actually get neetbuxs
You mean the Jews you retarded faggot? OP’s pic is literally about the mega corps paying no taxes owned by you know who.
No I just want to see this faggot wagecuck system the boomers created destroyed
>on h3h3 podcast
>ethan's first question is why he doesn't wear a tie
>yang literally just lambasted the media about this question as part of his closing statement in the last debate
valued added tax (VAT)
No we need to give all our money to Jeff Bezos and Disney and McDonald’s so they can fix this
What does the american government produce?
I thought it didn't really make anything, and just got money from taxes.
Or you could just stop buying useless crap you dumb fag
It’s a good conversation opener for a podcast. Make your own fag
From properly taxing bix corporations. Something Republicans would never think of.
Considering Bernie is a Billionaire his inability to describe how company’s use creative accounting and tax write offs to evade tax is pretty fucking pathetic
I would support Yang but I'm worried that his UBI proposal will get rid of my housing assistance.
I'm on disability at around 900 a month, but I also get housing assistance via HUD Section 8 which pays for the majority of my rent. Without that I'd be homeless.
>it’s another people don’t understand that only profits made in the host country are taxed episode
>tfw pay no taxes
>not even sales tax as I never buy anything
>government assumes I have sales tax
>gives me 300+ bucks a year as a tax rebate
>take out all the benefits I can, go for a healthcare checkup every week costing taxpayers 6 figures a year.
Gee I wonder which one is supposed to hold power in a democracy?
What you retards don’t get is that when everyone has less money to buy this shit those corporations will have to sell stuff for cheaper so they can still exist. It’s not like coca cola is gonna be 20 bucks and no one ever buys it because its too expensive. Shit in countries that have 60% type taxes companies have to sell things for cheaper so people will continue to give them business.
Bernie is not a billionaire. He's a millionaire due to profits from his recently published book. Also he's working to raise taxes for millionaires so you can hardly call him a hypocrite just for being relatively wealthy.
I don’t but the millions of other retards in the world will continue to do so so you need some sort of regulations in place
Just another rich crook, stop enabling the system.
b-but what if big corporations move out and leave richest market in the world?
it was just an ad for bernie, wasn't even remotely enjoyable
Meanwhile these retard libs love all the stupid fucking tax deductions and laws
Muh corporations
Hundred billion dollar fake fucking tax industry
Who did you vote for, o wise one?
shows complete lack of research
>Bernie a millionaire and probably pays 50%+ in taxes
>Bezos a multi-mega billionaire and pays 0% in taxes
Cuckservatives I swear
kill yourself
this image was made when hillary won the nomination and the obvious best choice between hillary and trump was hillary.
hillary was an establishment democrat, but she certainly would have done less damage to our democracy than trump has
I'm right and bootlicking is literally my fetish.
Missed my point.
My point is if you’re going to shit on corporations using completely legal loopholes to evade tax, at least know how they do it and have a plan to actually implement it
Yeah let's all vote for the OG rich crook Trump instead
What damage has Trump done to democracy? It's the Left that has become literal tyrants. All you shitlibs ever do is project. It's the
He openly admitted he hadn’t followed Yang at all the previous podcast. If anything it made for a much better podcast because it came off much more relaxed and candid
Amazons income isn’t bezo’s you moron. AMAZON don’t pay tax, and you shouldn’t have to pay tax on savings
>It's the party in opposition that are the tyrants
Autism or just haven't had your morning coffee yet, user?
You’re point became completely retarded when you so said Bernie was a billionaire so there was no point to miss
>we need a power that tells people what they can and can't do with their own money
t. bootlicker
Corporations hold power over the government, the more powerful the government the more powerful the corporations.
When the government is small, corps don't have direct power over you unless you're dumb enough to be dependent on the crap they produce. They have no say over your freedoms or rights or whatever.
it's the greatest importer and exporter of brown people
>completely legal loopholes to evade tax
Literally the point Bernies making in OPs image, retard
A small government means less regulations and more freedom to the corporations, so yes they do in fact have more power in a small govt scenario.
Look, if you hate people like me on disability and want us to be poorer thats ok and you have every right to vote for that. But Yang is trying to sell his UBI as helping the poor, when basic economics in the existing welfare state means that giving every working person 1k a month actually further impoverishes the poor.
You can vote for my death all you want, just be truthful about it.
i wonder which will shoot me or imprison me if i don't do as i'm told
inmagine companys leaving country because its cheaper to produce over there. right?
company's rule the economie, not the government.
>Do as we say or we'll destroy you
>You have no rights anymore due to your privilege
>Fuck your free speech
Yeah, left aren't tyrants.
Oh, you're retarded and get all your news from CNN and /r/politics. That explains a lot.
Bezos is synonymous with Amazon. If the company you own isn’t paying taxes and making billions of dollars a day then you aren’t paying taxes. Moron.
Surely, THIS will be the end of Drumpf, r-right?
A government with limited power over you means corps have limited power over you.
A government with a lot of power over you means corps have lots of power over you.
>reeeeeee change the laws
From what to what? All he’s doing is making the right noises for the right votes. I’m simply asking for someone to tell me what his plan of attack is, because all it seems to be is CORPORATION MEN BAD
basically a retread of what he said on JRE
waste of time
Show me which leftist says that men should have no rights at all anymore, I'll wait.
>Not knowing their one and the same in 2019
not an argument
I'm only voting when Ted breaks out of prison and anprim gang destroys all governments
>fuck your free speech
You're talking about Republicans?
I can't wait until all you conservatives are hanged while your assault rifles burn in the distance. Socialism will win. Marx was a prophet. Raise your IQ, retards.
hell yeah, bernie talking about shit that actually matters to rogan's audience of people who think MUH SJW COLLEGE CAMPUS FREE SPEECH WARS are a real and important political issue
>almost like they are women
not at all, most women are pretty fuckable at some point in their lives
Reminder that no sitting president has ever been successfully impeached
Trumps getting 4 more years and it’s fucking hilarious that the Dems are basically just letting it happen
I've been here for over a decade and you're a worthless Zoomer sub'human' who mistakes being an edgelord for being a conservative. You hold no political allegiance at all, you only care about the memes.
Didn't say it was. I'm just going to sit back and wait for nothing to become of any of that """evidence""".
3 presidents have been impeached, most recently bill clinton. None of them have been found guilty by the senate and removed from office.
how many leftists get banned from twitter, facebook and youtube again?
If you want socialism to win you need to stop conjuring images of marxists, communist dictators, etc.
I have a friend who vehemently defends fucking Mao Zedong of all people. And he expects me as an outsider to take him seriously. Not gonna happen.
Authoritarianism is never going be popular with the people. The only degree of socialism the people will accept is democratic socialism. Like Bernie.
Praise Kek!
Is that your gf, incel?
He went on h3? Yikes.
No shit he’s running a political campaign. He has certain talking points he’s going to stick to to get his message across. The point of doing other podcasts is to reach a wider audience. Did you expect him to hit the vape?
>a statist fag who opposes gats
Twitter, Facebook and Youtube aren't the government you silly Zoomer.
no, it's your local socialist leader
>He reached out to speak to his constituents? Yikes!
lol, more projecting. Pathetic.
>If you want socialism to win you need to stop conjuring images of marxists, communist dictators, etc.
Yeah I considered that inaccurate association before posting but I didn't expect an informed response, also I was trying to rustle some jimmies.
You're really, really bad at this.
>hurrrr what bad has trump done??
Okay here's a detailed sourced list of all the laws and regulations Trump has broken
>hurrrr he's not getting impeached though
That was never the original request you fucking braindead /pol/esmoker
>amazon doesn’t pay taxes on its operational money
>bezos will pay some tax on the dividends he draws as his personal income
And apparently I’m the moron
Honestly, that would be inspiring. A person looking like that being a leader? Shit, they must be saying something right.
And Hillary sold 20% of America's uranium to Russia, and Obama invited a bomb-maker to the white house.
If you want to outlaw trading your time and skill for products and services, authoritarianism is the only way to do it.
Touch Bernie.
no one here is rustled by leftists and their mania. you are a global laughing stock
>proposal of a monthly $1,000 "Freedom Dividend" to all U.S. citizens over the age of 18 (a form of universal basic income)
>The other two central elements of Yang's platform are Medicare for All and "Human-Centered Capitalism.
>He supports a carbon tax
>a-atleast its not the guberment
lmao leftist bootlickers seethe so hard about freedom of speech that they side with monopolies to own the right.
Wow. I love crew cab trucks but goddamn I hate that you conservative retards have claimed them as your own.
Right, because calling someone a "zoomer" and an "edgelord" is top quality debating skills.
I said successfully impeached, not “impeached” you dullard
Based communist. Why can't the government have everyone's money??
That's nothing compared to directly funding Muslim terrorism like Trump does.
Damn, Yang sounds based (and dare I say it?) Redpilled.
T. Thierry Baudet stemmer
>operational money
What a bootlicking fag
No, but crying CNN and reddit is.
so shouldn't that mean you're inspired by trump? he's also silly looking and has millions of followers. guess you didn't think that one through huh
Imagine being the modern Incas and Mayans. You think you're the shit but eventually roasties will be taking selfies on your Capitalistic and Conservative ruins lmao.
My point was the magic impeachment bullet that everyone is screaming about has never, ever been used successfully. The only one it may have worked on was Nixon, and he resigned before it happened because he knew he was fucked
>corporations bad
conservatives actively vote against the best interests of the people
progressives vote in our favor.
these corporate bootlickers like bitch mconnel and aijit pai are not on your side.
Not an argument
>corporations shouldn't have incentive to grow
Anyway. It looks like Joe's doing his bit to prevent orange man getting in again.
>tankies and lefties act like they have discovered some deep understanding of a never before seen loophole instead of a simple and easy to understand business module
Quarantine of chapotranshouse really shows when nobody has the slightest clue economics posts here.
You're dangerously close to the money
No, but accusations of autism and morning coffee is.
How far back are we going to go?
I actually did think it through and realized the hole in my argument but I'm trying to get hammered and wanted to post something controversial so I could wake up from my black out to some Yous. Still, fuck conservatives.
holy frick upvoated please take my money bern
MATCH ME law-abiding tax paying Americans, or else!
hillary and obama were involved in major support for terrorism. hillary used terrorists to kill gaddafi and destroy libya
>Yea Forums - Politically Incorrect
Bernie and POTUS, Yang as VP.
Back to "literal tyrants".
>My point was the magic impeachment bullet that everyone is screaming about has never, ever been used successfully.
And? That doesn't change the fact that Trump has objectively done a lot of wrong. Why are magapedes so afraid to admit this?
>progressives vote in our favor.
Open borders, free health care to illegal immigrants, abolishing ICE, sex changes for children
By "your favour", I presume you mean evil Satanists.
yeah that's definitely what's going to happen
Both Bush and Obama funded Muslim terrorism senpai
But did they directly fund Muslim terrorism that's happening in Western nations? I don't think so.
Not to the point where that user believes Hillary "the nuclear option is not off the table" Clinton would do less damage than Trump?
>corporation meddling good
>all your profit belongs to fags and degenerates cause muh society
>goverment good
bootlicker to the fullest extent, dilate and contribute commie
>actually having a relevant image to share from their archive
You already lost, Trumpfag
Yeah yeah, anyone who disagrees with you is an evil satanist.
I watched it and it was just Bernie doing his stock standard stump speech
Yang and Tulsi desu senpai
this country was founded by immigrants. Literally everyone who is not a native American immigrated from somewhere else.
Also healthcare is a human right. Everyone who needs help should receive help. No exceptions.
>democracy=overreaching central government
>corporations bad
>no, you are the commie
Your brain on pole.
come here fashy fashy. we just want to TALK!
lol you have the support of the entire mainstream political and economic establishment. you are a useful idiot for the world's most powerful people. there's nothing controversial about anything you believe or say
Or course he’s done wrong things you dumb shit, I’ve never claimed otherwise. My ONLY point has been that Dems are so laser focused on a mechanism that has never worked, and pelosi knows this and has told them to fuck off. Impeachment proceedings starting now will fuck the Dems in the election because it’ll be seen as nothing more than partisan nonsense.
And if trump goes, pence takes his spot who is objectively worse. Trump is a retard but pence is smart enough to actually start implementing the shit he wants to do, such as overturning roe vs Wade. Pence is a fire and brimstone republican
>thread filled with lefties and reddit rejects
>m-muh boogieman
Taking away one right is taking away all rights.
No, because that's an opinion instead of a non-sequitur exaggeration such as "literal tyrants".
That’s why people like Bernie. He’s just a crazy old man whose been pushing for this shit his whole life
>only liberals do inefficient, arguably "dumb" shit
Imagine being this low IQ. Have you seen Deliverance? Have you heard of Appalachia? Have you watched Live PD (literally 99% White trash)?
>Also healthcare is a human right.
Where does it say that?
>this country was founded by immigrants
Actually, the US was founded by settlers. You can't "immigrate" to a country you founded my friend.
But they *are* literal tyrants.
>tourist gets his shit kicked in
>"w-wow there's sure a lot of lefties and reddit rejects in here haha"
>b-but muh cotton industry
Well being of citizens = Broke
Slave workforce = Woke
>Native Americans
lmao what a fucking retard, tribes were at war with each other constantly, no tribe that currently exists were born on the land originally, its like saying white niggers of russia are welcome in western europe because they are all european
That pic’s one of the shittiest strawmans I’ve ever seen. 4/10 effort 1/10 IQ
>actually having evidence to support your views
imagine. cope
Enforcing background checks means I'll lose my trusty 5 round revolver. "Le slippery slope!"
>Actually, the US was founded by settlers.
Do native Americans not exist in your mind?
>Literally everyone who is not a native American immigrated from somewhere else.
Did Native Americans just magically pop up from holes in the ground? They also "immigrated" from somewhere else, you brainlet revisionist.
>reddit spacing
>m-muh fash
thats a chapo alright
>look at this twitter!
zoom zoom go back zoomer
you conservatives need to wake up and realize you've backed the wrong horse in this race.
These giant corporations don't give a flying fuck about you. They want to de-regulate everything, they want to get away with murder. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU.
"b-b--b-b-but muh taxation"
They use this point to put us against eachother. The fact of the matter is that giant corporations are paying next to nothing in taxes, money that could be spent to benefit the lower classes and society as a whole.
They lobby against Net neutrality, they lobby against higher wages, against unions. Fuck off
Get fucking real already
it's almost like you should distinguish your interview instead of making the same thing over and over, JRE/Bernie did a better job at this
I don't know what they have to do with the argument at hand?
>Have you heard of Appalachia?
you mean one of the most crime free places in america? yeah i've heard of it
>no tribe that currently exists were born on the land originally
[citation needed]
What a retarded fag
yes, every law is an infrengement. neck yourself
mfw I unironically voted for Bernie
Yay, make America into a Brazil tier Plutocracy!
>reddit spacing
They also didn’t commit genocide to claim said land, you retarded fag. They just fucking found it.
>GDP is everything!!!!!!
>Fuck what my eyes and brain see!
Sabermetrics cuck. You've already been brainwashed by the powers that be. What a loser.
>Enforcing background checks
you mean the thing that's done literally every time someone tries to buy a gun? not including demarcus who bought his gun from the local crack dealer, of course
>proof ?
>link ?
>[citation needed]
kill yourself reddit, go ask your mother a citation on why the fuck didint she abort a retard like you
Shall not be infringed.
You can vote for both, user
>giving lower classes money
(Pssst they're lower class because they suck with money)
The boomers and zoomers have been so mentally cucked at this point it’s pretty much impossible to argue with them.
haha, what a fucking brainlet
2020 will be the battle of the gibs. whoever offers the most will win. no way in hell trump can compete because we will be neck deep in recession by next year.
the left are all black cock lickers
that's right my fellow revolutionary! we will make the fascists shake in their boots!
Why yes, I did donate to Bernie Sanders, how could you tell?
>stop asking me to back up my retarded claims
>muh china trade war
Don't listen to /biz/, they're still anxious after the buttcoin fiasco.
>look look!
No one cares zoomer
>boomer posting on reddit
>boomer who ruined reddit and then moved on to Yea Forums
sink that yacht of yourself and cuff yourself to it
>Conservatives: "Retards should have guns!"
>retard kills 20 people
>Conservatives" "Sad! We should address the retard problem!"
Nobody takes you seriously anymore. This is your flame burning brightest before it's extinguished forever.
Fuck I'd love to be prodded by some hot med students. Even if I'm the retard.
also found this one
It really doesn’t matter and it wasn’t the priority. We’re barely even close to the elections yet. No ones autistically comparing his different podcast interviews except for people like you.
Well you immigrate to an area that already has people in it, you “settle” on new land.
Americans didn’t “settle” on anything, the brits rolled up and stuck a Union Jack in the ground
Let's makeout, it's been 2.5 yrs for me
cope, who cares about some fags dying
How does it feel being part of the DOA generation?
Honestly if the corporations are underpaying everyone and can't provide fucking healthcare then why be so desperate to keep them here?
Funding the brahamin class, how progressive
It funds research that is given to the private sector to be made into trillion dollar products (see: computers & the internet)
Eddie, go to bed. You're drunk and your hormones are out of whack.
Good argument
we will kill all the nazis! be afraid!
Trump ordered that retards can buy guns, kys
dont confuse me with your kids weekend dad
Not an argument.
It's an opt in program exactly for cases like yours
Maybe america no longer wants to be a nation of immigrants?
>why be so desperate to keep them here?
Because they've successfully sold conservative boomers on the lie that they are dependent on corporations and not the other way around
You'll care when your son gets gunned down in 2nd grade, dumb ass.
it wasnt, i was trying to help you find your way to the rope tree
A huge portion of the voter base cares which will actually matter come election time, you absolute retard.
I don't think you know the history of the Native American very well. Anyways, Native Americans were not the founding fathers of the United States of America.
>retard with a gun kills people
>hero with a gun kills retard before he kills yet more people
Try not to cherrypick the worst examples, you cunt.
Not yet but eventually, sure
>implying this edgelord faggot will ever breed
>guns are bad!
>which is why i want men with guns to confiscate them! only police should have guns!
>the police are racist murderers who drive around killing black children b t w
i wont because i dont live in a no-gun shithole you property of the state m-muh dead kids fag
I'm just saying that opening with a question that Yang literally just criticized is a waste of both Yang and the viewer's time. Feeding them the basic questions so they can deliver their stump speech is not interesting. And again, see the JRE/Bernie interview. But Ethan always asks surface-level questions so maybe it's asking too much.
Rarely happens, nice fantasy though
Question: Where do Sanders get his money?
Rule 2 zoomy
so kill them too, statists are people, they are the property of the state and destroying property of the state is one thing left and right agree is an acceptable property to destroy
you mean the people were replaced by an immigrant population and whose way of life was eradicated? brilliant argument in favour of immigration there
dont samefag
>imagine being so socially 2meirl that you cant even directly respond or insult someone as an user
cant wait until you get shot by a cop when death squads roll out
>cops rarely kill retards with guns before they do serious harm
Go back under your rock; you're an embarrassment to the species.
Settlers aren’t immigrants, tranny
>It's the
>Rarely happens
Ethan’s very apolitical and focuses on comedy so I think the way he handled the interview was very smart. He knows his demographic. He wanted to present Yang is very digestible way considering his viewers are generally younger and less thoughtful than JR’s.
Kek, sounds as if user struck a nerve when he reminded you that you'll never breed and have children.
rule 261, all male feminist are rapist
Literally was not samefagging lmao you’re just genuinely that big of a faggot multiple anons gave (you)’s
Nice dishonest use of semantics, you cunts. These mass shootings happen with the existence of law enforcement. Cops exists in this reality you idiots.
no, not really, when it comes to kys insult it was pretty lite, as a cub porn pronoun from discord i would have imagines you get told to kill yourself more often desu.
>i-im not samefagging lmao xd
lmao just get off /pol/ m8 before you’re the one who ends up killing yourself
so you admit cops are bad at preventing and stopping mass shooters. good to see you acknowledging the facts at least
Whites commit most crimes in America. Take that for data.
Seething lol
I wish Yea Forums had id’s
I say "hero with a gun", you assume I meant "random citizen". The point is, most mass shootings have been prevented by a good person also using a gun.
Should we ban knives and cars because retards use them to kill others?
Didn't say it was, just sayin' you probably need to lay off the HRT and booze.
Don’t you know that he raped women ? That he is a racist ? That he is mean to the largest ethnic group in the us (spic)?
>Should we ban knives and cars because retards use them to kill others?
No because a war gun is more efficient so we should do away with it for civilians
like usa does*
>dude I'm upset that other people are buying things of their own volition
>we need a strong government to set this madness straight
lmao at leftoids calling anyone else a bootlicker
>per 100,000
>sabermetrics for real shit
This retarded faggot can only argue in ad hominems and projections lmao
>Live in Pimlico
>Constantly see Eddie Izzard about with a ridiculously massive pair of fake tits
>Goes jogging with his beret on
Man's a menace.
I said Trump, not Bill Clinton.
They don't produce anything, They make money charlie
>most mass shootings have been presented by someone with a gun
>source: trust me bro
>more efficient
unironically no
Bastille day guy killed more than the vegas massacre with a truck.
>war gun
lol is this bait?
>Requesting Election Interference from Russia in 2016
Stopped reading at the first point. Tweeting a blatant joke after people started the Russia narrative isn't treason haha
>it’s another ridiculous and irrelevant comparison episode
And who gets to have these """war guns"""?
cope leftist subhuman
lol wtf are you even talking about you retard? I never argued for strong government. I only pointed out we need to regulate the massive tax fraud committed by the mega corporations of the world. But I’m the bootlicker? Jesus what a faggot.
No one, my candidate didn't get past the primaries.
Source: Recent one.
Name the fudd
Claim the fudd
And when you're online then claim the fudd
change my diaper bernie
>it btfo's my argument so I'll call it irrelevant
I accept your defeat.
seems more like mercy than murder to me
I'm not making an argument, man, I'm just saying you shouldn't mix HRT with a fifth of gin.
>work for a small company, literally two employees, just me and my cousin in law who runs it
>we each make ~2k/month
>taxes are ~3.5k/month
>the goverment provides absolutely nothing to our business and merely profits more than either of us do off of our work
Still need the money coming into the country both for what they spend on local industries and for the tax dollars.
Big reason for corporations underpaying and not providing healthcare is because there's no need for them to, they can get people that will work for that little due to an oversupply of labor giving to them by Democrats and establishment Republicans. Removing the jobs completely doesn't solve that problem and instead makes everyone compete even more for the few jobs left which can pay even less.
What some naive socialist types believe is that this means "the worker" has all the power in this situation and can demand corporations do whatever they want as far as requiring certain pay levels, benefits, and funding social programs or really whatever, when the problem is they're still needing to compete with workers of other countries as it has to be enticing to invest in the US rather than any other country. This is a problem that came up with Uber where some cities try pushing for a minimum wage for Uber drivers, while Uber is looking to expand into Asia and probably wouldn't care much if entire states were off limits when they've got a continent to get into business with.
>It's the Left that has become literal tyrants.
Oh god, I hope one day the authoritarian left actually is gonna come into power and treat you fucking rightists the way you're pretending they're treating you now.
>I only pointed out we need to regulate the massive tax fraud committed by the mega corporations of the world.
Sure you did, user. Sure you did.
Not anyone who can't past a psych evaluation or has kids with untreated mental Illnesses, keep parents responsible for their kids or they do get to have their shooty kill sticks. Also if we can fingerprint unlocks on phones, why not guns? Its retarded to think there isn't any compromises we can come up with here.
At least racist incels will be phased out of the gene pool since nobody will fuck your hateful ass :^)
>most blacks are waste of finite and infinite resources
Source: Last black "human" i saw was in prison cause it killed 6 people.
Should've formed an LLC, it's your own fault for not reading the tax code.
>there are grandparents alive who couldn't drink from the same fountain as whites
Give it some time, idiot, like your Irish, Scottish, German ancestors centuries ago were allowed to have after the initial vitriol. Look beyond the skin color btw, being American isn't about how light your epidermis is but rather what values of freedom you share with your country.
It should be obvious. Who else would listen to feminists talk about what rapacious brutes men are all day, and think to themselves, 'yeah, that sounds about right'.
You clearly lack fundamental business knowledge.
>what is poverty and mass scale drug problem combined in densely populated cities. Not to mention the absurd amount of guns that exist in the US.
Have you ever been to a backwoods shithole town in the South? Those people scare me even more than Skid Row in LA
All your stats show is that blacks get arrested more than whites. We already know that cops are racist. How many white guy assaults dont get processed because the cops take the side of the husband? I have seen at least 3 in my life from stepdad and mom.
>I hope one day the authoritarian left actually is gonna come into power
yeah we know you do
You actually serve no purpose in society and should be sent to a gas chamber as Hitler would have wanted.
yes he's also filthy rich doesn't stop him from milking dummies for campaign money like
>has no argument
>cries incel
concession accepted
You clearly lack the fundamentals of being a human being
Fucking NPC’s I swear
He has a net worth of like 2 million though, wouldn't call that 'filthy rich'
*forgot to add, if I was a hated minority in a country, you're damn right I would be defensive and working in the dark of society (to an extent, not all blacks are bad obviously, see Uncle Phil), at least until things settle down.
liberals aren't breeding cya guys won't be missed
You mean being banned from public speaking, assaulted in the streets for the clothes we wear, accused of things we aren't, being sent recieving death threats and white powder in the mail, etc.
Yeah, heaven forfend you fascist fucks ever gain power.
kek'd and I don't usually like Stonetoss
Hily Shit
Trans people wanna use your toilet and you lose your shit lmfao. Look inward, inbred.
yet he never worked in the private sector
>Essential to a first-world
Huhh??? Why is society a human right? Why do you have a right to other people??
Amazon is an LLC user.
Tf argument are you even trying to make?
>hated minority
yeah the people literally worshiped and made a protected class is a "hated minority." you have no data, no evidence, no argument. stop embarrassing yourself brainlet
Was it actually a good episode or do people just want to shitpost about communism?
He wrote a book retard
Why would anyone vote for Bernie when Yang exists?
>trannies want to expose themselves to little girls
>this is comparable to separate drinking fountains
End yourself.
>against free speech
>against people owning guns and wants guns only for the police
>desires totalitarian government to usurp the current one
>sows discontent and false information to destablilise the country
>"private corporations" and "free" media making sure only the right idology gets the spotlight
>media taking sides and hounding due to offensive gestures that are as arbitary as a smirk
>desires to weaken the people and reinforce the power state/corporations hold over avarage joe
>desires to flood the country with cheap work force so that working class loses its voice and power
White leftist american or a commie ?
if you don't like inbreds you should stop importing them in the millions
It was good.
>muh white male conservative victim complex
Awww did the big bad lefties throw your MAGA hat? Poor you, do you need a safe space? Btw just because you are too stupid to understznd what implicit racism is doesnt mean you or the people you follow arent rightly being accused of what you are.
Japanese Americans were put in camps in ww2, Jews in Europe were almost wiped out, can you explain how these groups commit next to no violent crime despite being treated badly?
You bet I do.
>You mean being banned from public speaking, assaulted in the streets for the clothes we wear, accused of things we aren't, being sent recieving death threats and white powder in the mail, etc.
Exactly. The idea that persecuting people for their political views is the same as persecuting them for their race, gender or place of origin is the greatest disservice the liberal left has ever done to the leftist movement as a whole.
Bernie has more political clout. People still haven’t forgotten how the DNC fucked him over.
>implicit racism
doesn't exist. not an argument
So you do admit that conservatives are being assaulted, but you're such a hypocrite to see the doublethink.
The fact that you picture trannies just using bathrooms to rape and dance arpund naked means you are the ones mind has been warped by propaganda and you need to seek therapy. Yes i know, dialate, right? Sorry, im a cis gender male just calling out the true psychos here.
>You bet I do.
i can't wait for you to try. or will you just sit at home and get the police to do it for you? you know, those police you consider fascists and racists
next you will talk about stoic terrorism, if you want to feel smug about buzzwords, go get gilded on reddit 41%
>spend 50 years working
>own an inherited house, and one house in each of the two states your job requires
>'filthy rich'.
>cis gender
Do most liberals even pretend to like the working class? I thought the working class was long abandoned for identity politics.
do it before you inevitably contribute to the 41%
Liberals still think Bernie "three houses, and "breadlines are a good thing" Sanders fights for the working class.
But it does exist? Who told you it doesn't, some faggots on /pol/? Im glad you take everything there as scientific truth...
Are you really that much of a pussy that you think throwing maga hats is something to cry about? If you can preach violence towards other races, than you should be able to handle a little yourself, pussy. Next person i see in a maga hat, im gonna take it and shit it just to spite you.
being a blogger and a journalist is the new working class shm
its not my job to educate you
Doooooon't think about it goy
real average working stiff there
Aww what a cute feels guy ^_^
do you have any empirical data to support your claims of its existence?
How much did it hurt being too young to vote for Ron Paul?
So much weak bait in this thread, c'mon lads. Ramp up the hostility on both sides.
Oh, my God, do you seriously believe having their hats thrown off is the ONLY thing that happens to them on a regular basis? I want you to commit suicide right now.
>my violence is speech, your speech is violence
>feels guy
oh it's a newfag. did someone on your facebook page tell you about this place?
Conservatives haven’t pretended to like the working class in decades. Conservatives cucked themselves to the Jews and billionaires of the world creating the economic environment were in now. Identify politics are a footnote of the true left that the neo-cons and Jews have weaponized to keep you cuckservatives as their subservient bootlickers. Get woke faggot.
forgot image
Do you have to show it doesn't exist
As a bonger no, but we should ban blacks
You don't understand ambition is hard, Bernie will free you of the burden of the drive to move forward. Here, let me get those ball with these sharp scissors for you goy.
>Cis gender
kill yourself
I've been on the Cheng for years and I haven't seen your retarded image, go for a swim
go swim in nigger semen you retarded faggot
Yes like back in 08, i was around when he was originally posted on mu and called feels guy, let me guess, you think he is from pol or reddit and call him oswald or whatever faggy name they gave him.
>living in soviet-era eastern europe with breadlines is "moving forward"
So this is why you're called "progressives".
>be a wagecuck so Bezos can buy another yacht
What a fag
>NEET copes as his life wastes before him
you will never get back time you lost on being "depressed" and sitting behind the computer, 3 years down the drain in which your body wasted away and your wit degraded, any potential or good sides you once had are now gone along with any friends you managed to make.
Why did they even have to be a "protected class" lmao
I'm actually far left and I hate liberals possibly more than conservatives. I don't think conservatives ever pretended to like the working class, but they did win over unions in the US during the Hard-Hat riots before making sure unions mostly died off.
Based retard
because they have an average iq of 80 and low impulse control
Glad to see the hostility ramping up, good work boys.
That’s some next level projection, user.
WAY more discrimination against blacks in the states, not to mention from the moment you're born as a black American, realizing you're in America because your ancestors were shipped as slaves from Africa. That's gotta leave a complex of some sort. Only until they see sustained success amongst their community (likely) and reduced racism against their kind (unlikely), things will improve.
Sure but i doubt there are any oldfags left here, they'd have to be at least 35 and that this previously nihilistic and absurdist site has been populated by political cucks who suck the presidents dick
>Vote for whoever promises you free shit lol
Hate that this previously nihilistic and absurdist site*
>vote for the guy giving all the money to kikes saudis and the already rich
>let's give them crack and shoot them on sight
You'd be lucky to have an IQ (which is a shitty measurement btw) at 80.
t. Clarence Thomas
It can be argued that the left wing has abandoned working class and class based idpol because they’ve been coopted into the capitalist system so identity can be sold. This can be seen to have happened most notably after occupy where everyone got spooked theyll come for the rich so infiltration and fragmentation of the movement was necessary to keep them divided and not truly challenge the status quo. Naturally there has also been a trend for decades of weirded idpol stuff from where they draw inspiration but only recently has the left truly left the impoverished behind.
Then again leftist have looked down on the working class when they wouldnt rebel against the system and instead wanted to progress within it via material benefits rather than commit to an overthrow. In addition to their reactionary social views, leftists always sneered at them and relied on a vanguard to achieve their goals, using thr working class occasionally as a cudgel
>48% unemployed, 61% living with papi, 69% uneducated
No projection needed
>Communism is the way of the future and an inevitability
>Communism didn't kill 100,000,000 last century because...
And how many people have Capitalism killed over the centuries, dumb ass? Look up imperialism for starters.
you are the literal retard who knows nothing about economics. now shut up and go read a book you fucking dumbass
>568 responses from literal Reddit
Well that settles it then
Jesus what a fag
not an argument
>WAY more discrimination
More than getting rounded into camps/exterminated?
must be nice to not believe in objective reality
Imperialism of USSR ? Why ? I already know about this since im not a larper.
>Yea Forums - Niggers, Trannies and Incels talk politics
Do Jews make these shitty strawman memes or just retards?
You already admitted IQ is a shitty measurement with horrible validity and biases yet you are using it to make a group of people seem lesser than another. Whos the fucking asshole here?
>mfw infinite-chan is suprior site for Yea Forums and Yea Forums
every time something gets casualised it turns to shit, 4channel is a meme and only usefull for shit flinging fun every once in a while when you got time to spare
Retards, and most of them are probably not jewish.
you and every other antiwhite subhuman scumbag
Yeah have you ever heard of SLAVERY?
Is it? Let me know how it goes.
>you are anti-white if you are pro-multiculturalism
You are anti-America and likely autistic if you are anti-multiculturalism
>to our democracy
Is what americans actually believe?
Do you really think what you live in is a democracy?
Big yikes from me
This thread was hilarious. Incels and trannies alike getting blown the fuck the fuck out left and right
Yea Forums today is just a carcass full of lefshits
Good then leave
>Having American values of freedom and enterprise and having light epidermis
>Having American values of freedom and enterprise and having darker epidermis
Imagine being a human mascot of the chimpanzee. Amazing to witness.
I think you have that the other way around newfaggot
No thanks :)
leave america and go to mexico or africa if you like spics and niggers so much. we will not allow america to become another south africa or brazil. die you fucking scum
Awesome. Have you ever heard of this bullshit?
>WAY more discrimination
More than getting rounded into camps/exterminated?
Lefties are vastly outnumbered based on most of the posts.
Bye chat :,(
Yea Forums everyday is just a gay orgy of conservative pseudo intellectuals
leave then. leftist faggot