Is he a failure?

Is he a failure?

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>net worth aprox 2 mil
ye man, he really fucked up his shit

I mean he's a hapa, there's no chance that those turn out alright in the first place

He has university degree I think, he probaby has/can get good job and be normal person

His music is terrible. Early frank was funny.

dude looks more like a lizard than the fogies on c span

Filthyfrank is a legend but, joji is okay

He tries too hard

he cute

“filthyfrank” made videos for edgy teenagers, and there isn’t anything wrong with that. “joji” makes music for melancholic tween girls, and there isn’t anything wrong with that either.

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Any employer that can google will find his autistic edgelord videos and disagree.

His music isn't very good but he's one of the few people to find success in something after stepping away from made him originally popular.

>he judges success through wealth
never gonna make it

His music kind of sucks, but I guess someone listens to it so who knows

the dude that plays the flash? yes

Nigga is more successful than everyone on Yea Forums combined, he's a decent "film" maker, and his music is quite good.

He could do major shit and go mainstream, but his mind is holding him back, not as much as the rest of us tho.

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He's a cringey fucking embarrassment and he gets to spend the rest of his life knowing that he earned his millions by making culture worse and making people stupider and shittier. I hope he offs himself sometime over the next half decade.

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alll qt white girls want to fuck daddy joji

>he’s more successful than a bunch of shitposting contrarian autists
wow what an accomplishment

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filthy frank eats HOT WINGS? Just like me!

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He he DAE rat burrito

He used to be real funny before he started hanging around , idubbbz and max

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>was edgy, boundary pushing and redpilling yt cunts before redpilling was a thing.
>making culture worse.
Half his shit wouldn't survive being released today.

Centrist Scum

>He used to be real funny before he started hanging around , idubbbz and max

the cake trilogy is his magnum opus

that’s right ;^)

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>was edgy, boundary pushing and redpilling yt
So he's Sam Hyde for fake weeb tweens now?
>Half his shit wouldn't survive being released today
Whose fault is that, you dickriding faggot?

he was super unfunny and awkward in the new hot ones cooking show, i think he is burning himself up again

fucking normies stop drinking, its making you like joji

Only edgy faggots like the cake trilogy , it's not even funny just disgusting and vulgar the whole punchline is "ooh let's how disgusting we can make this" nothing smart about it.
Favt is "weeaboos" was and will always be his beat video

It's like they sucked the life force out of him, the more time he spent with them going to cons, making videos and staying together, the more depressed and detached he got.

This, whit people ruin everything

Yeah, except Sam's shit is very hit ans miss, and the fact that he's actually mentally sick.

Stop being a contrarian user, nothing wrong with frank.

>the more depressed and detached he got
Even he himself is aware of what an empty failure he is and how meaningless everything he "accomplished" is. This is what prompted him to move away from making dogshit edgelord comedy and begin producing dogshit soundcloud mumblerap. So much more meaningful and sincere lmao.

Whoa *art*

Is that music everyone his licking his balls about supposed to be bad? I mean some parts of the video were kinda good and satirical and some bits were flat.

I never found him funny to begin with

They were The Beatles of Youtube

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>worshiping a cuck


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This musicvideo is kino

holy shit what the fuck is wrong with zoomers

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HAPAs cant ever be confident about themselves.


No they were not , frank was actually talented the other two faggots just leeched off his success

literally who

>Is he a failure?
He got out at the exact right time and is now doing what wanted to do in the first place.
I don't like his music but he follows his passion and even has a fairly big audience.

He pretty much did everything right while his friends are stuck making shitty "safe" videos in post-adpocalyse Youtube.


lads desu, america being a cursed land starts to make more and more sense

Sauce for pics ?

i know but this is like peak cuck

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he shouldve made eric andre like tv program instead of this kiddy mumble shit

You guys realise he's making a joke right ?

Joji was a bit unusual in that his alter ego was more reasonable, amicable and down-to-earth compared to his actual personality being an oblivious narcissist.

>implying i'm ACTUALLY gonna listen to it
you realize jokes are supposed to be funny right

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no, failures start podcasts.

To be fair I think he's mocking pic related in that one.

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The only real leach is anything for views

He.. he's just being ironic and edgy!

He’s their Yoko for sure

>the other two faggots just leeched off his success
I'm pretty sure max had more subs and a larger viewer base than frank at first. idubbbz was getting there when they began to collaborate. also
>frank was actually talented
none of them are talanted

They are all unfunny leaches

Isn't this also including 4ch culture
I mean it's anime forum

>more successful than shatner

Frank is objectively talented , he's smart funny , can make music and can dance , can also beatbox among other things

what do you mean bro there podcast is hilarious no one can drink like that and talk about nothing for a hour

Filthy Frank is kino, Joji is utterly dogshit.
Mumkey Jones was better than both but he's probably gonna go on an actual shooting spree or something soon.

plus he's handsome and appealing for white girls unlike average hapa

It seems pretty ironic that his parody music is better than his heartfelt music. He's probably past his peak though

He also speaks japanese not to mention the most important thing , he figured out how to mesh all his "small" talents into something genuinely good

i hope he sees this bro

i bet your only argument on that is posting a picture of elliot

Who the fuck is this? Looks like a 2000s Bollywood actor.

How can anyone not find this funny

Pimp my wheelchair is kino

he actually created stuff and multi-talented in small ways that he accumulated and made huge money out of it. All of the complaints people can have of him is just copy pasted 'edgy, cringe, stupid' buzzwords taht affect nothing in the real aspect. He was an entertainer and he entertained by adopting personas much like tv and movie actors. The difference is he did all of it himself and with limited budget that ended up really, really succesful that he now has savings that he can use for backup while he outgrows his wild and crazy phase and now chases after his real passion.
TL;DR he did stupid stuff at a perfect time and made off with a lot of money that he can now do whatever he wants with his life. He won life.

Context only gets in the way of people's self-validating opinions.
Everyone who responded knows it's a joke, but chooses not to believe it.

pink guy album was good

2008 fag here and Asanagi is pretty epic

lol you think all the zoomers listening to this think that? All they hear is a nigger can fuck their girl better than them

He's got a frothing fucking hatred for Whites so he may just be seething in that song desu.

god joji is freaking hot

Sam hyde is worth 2 mil, what went wrong?

nothing. If you're worth 2 million dollars you already did something right. It's just a matter of what you want to do next.

This was how I felt, most of his early content was unique and funny and once he started hanging out with them his shit took a turn for the worst and he started being a mass market man.

Wtf looks like he aged 20 years in only 5

2 million isn't even a lot of money these days. That makes you middle class at best.

You're only living comfortably once you reach $5m+. This is what Jews did to the economy.

>Sam hyde is worth 2 mil
i doubt that

he's a hapa, so he's a failure by default genetically speaking

Based Bill

he's a very successful narcissist who inspires others like him

it runs in the family as it seems

appparently joji's fanbase is like 50% white girls. cope hard

You are fucking pathetic. Even kids can understand irony and context

what has that got to do with what I said?

I only have precision and an oil tanker pressed by Iran on a 50 basis

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I calculated rain for the queen

these are pathetic non-achievements

but it made money, lots of it, and in this world that is the measure for success

only if you’re a soulless automaton user

>only if you’re a soulless automaton user
this sentence is peak cope

idubbbz was the only funny one out of the group

im happy he left his edgy past behind and does what is really important to him in life

yeah such a failure am i rite

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> Idubbbz is funny
Wanna know how i know you watch PewDiePie ?

its not his concert
its a bigger event that he just play on for a while most people there doesnt know him and dont give a fuck

Watching pewdiepie is bad.
Remind me again why the mainstream media hates his guts if he's just like them?

cope harder white boy

and you would be wrong

> Pewdiepie is redpilled and the media hates him , he's our guy
Wanna know how i know your opinion on anything ever doesn't matter ?

Those numbers with only 1 ep and an album don't look like a failure to me

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His music is straight fucking garbage, which is kinda ironic because he made some killer stuff when he was "no fucks given" Franku

It's fucking hilarious he became the thing he parodied as retarded

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yeah dude nobody knows him, they just magically know the lyrics of every single song he played there with thousands of phones filming him at all times and the song playing here literally went platinum because he actually paid some pajeets to pump the streams and millions of views am i rite haha

he probably bailed out of youtube at a pretty good time, if he started now he would've probably been demonitized to oblivion
never watched him though

>It's fucking hilarious he became the thing he parodied as retarded
I never really thought about this but you’re completely right

that he cant be a genetic failure if women want him

still don't understand how Max ever got popular, with iDubbz there was at least content
who the fuck gives a shit about pokemon cards?

what a failure haha

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>ITT: Joji having a mental breakdown

Isn't this Yea Forums related?

max didn't become popular because of pokemon cards you dummy, he became popular because of prank calls and vomiting
now pokemon cards is the only thing that he can monetize on the shit platform of youtube and most people that are watching it are watching it just because of him, not because of the cards

if a white woman breeds with him it's going to make a 75% baby.
i.e his line is failing.

can you speak like a normal person for once you cretin

>can you speak like a normal person for once you cretin

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Get the dick out your ear and answer him.

One of those costs about 3,000 per day.
Unironically I can shill my website for a week in that same area.

Like again, his music isn't good at all, and there's plenty of garbage artists that have the same amount of traction he does with even worse music, literally any nigger with a face tattoo does about as well as him.
I doubt by the end of his life anyone will remember him about his music, they'll more likely remember puke cake than whatever mumble rap shit he produced.

If you want to compare success, than you can say he did better than most youtubers, but most youtubers are fucking failures in general so ???

>One of those costs about 3,000 per day.
$7000 minimum on that position
>Like again, his music isn't good at all
That's not a factor at all.
>I doubt by the end of his life anyone will remember him about his music
You think success is only how other people remember you?
He makes extremely good money by doing what he loves to do, every single day. The quality of his work doesn't matter in this equation, the fact that people continue to pay and listen to his work is enough.

It's like someone paying you big money every single day for every sneed post you make.

No one remembers you even now.

7,000 is for a billboard on a screen not for a fuck sign made of garbage paper

As for the money thing?
I think the only way to make something that others remember you by is to make a great grand work that takes away part of your own soul when you do it, with also enough of a down to earth method so that you don't alienate the average dumb dumb.
Take something like MGMT who had to spend around 10 years to learn that balance until they finally perfected it with "Little dark age"

I think the quality of a work matters a lot, money is actually not something that should be your end goal. He's trying to appeal to an audience of mumble rap female listeners who will drop him the moment anything else comes around leaving him with no sense of reward for having done so. Like every tattooed face rapper who lives to 40 but never made anything that was actually good.

Like you think when he's that age anybody will go "HEY REMEMBER GENERIC MUMBLE RAP SONG #3?"
Like, that's sorta what you want to hope to have near the end of your life, not really basic luxuries

It's a weird thing to get your head around but when you're on the creator side and you have a lot of consumer zoomies who give you enough to eat you'll understand the animosity that comes out of it from continuing to try to appeal to them

I search my name through the chan and google everyday and get at least one new mention per day calling me an autism

He's successful in entering the music business seriously and finding a label to back him, so yeah he's successful by the metrics I suppose. Content wise? He's only released one album so far and that did ok.

>7,000 is for a billboard on a screen not for a fuck sign made of garbage paper
sure, he got those aswell
>Take something like MGMT
lmao, out of all the possible options you pick MGMT
>He's trying to appeal to an audience
he's doing what he loves to do, no "le appeal" here. he made that lo fi humming music from the start before he was famous at all
>Like you think when he's that age anybody will go
You're still obsessed with this idea that someone needs to be planet popular household name or he is not successful at all. Success = / = popularity. He is successful with his music, will he be remembered by it or by eating vomit cakes doesn't matter at all.

lol bro i was with you until you started talking about MGMT as if they’re some colossus amazing band. they’re fun but not really much more than that

loved Frank, don't care about his music.

his content started declining one or two years before he closed off his channel

he's basically Fred but for zoomers, hate both of these fags

You faggots really think "Sanctuary" is mumblerap?


Little dark age is a really good album, you should really give it a listen to, it's nothing like old MGMT pop shit, or their new age "we're unique" feels.

"When you die"
"When you're small"
and "James"
in particular are like 10/10's

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well i think is last video has 80 million views, so i guess he's doing what he loves plus his alter ego became an internet legend whether you like it or not.

jesus christ dude stop embarrassing yourself

yeah you're a homosexual in his early 20s we get it

You're right.
I'm sorry.
I should have said Congratulations is also really good

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I really don't have a taste in music , i will never like a song on the very first listen , and i feel like i can like any song if i listen to it long enough , my playlist is just chart topping singles and i've never listened to an album completely.

How do i fix this ?

just listen to Yea Forums essentials and become a different drone

easily their best

he made jew "journalist" angry

Having $2m in your 20s means you're on the path to having much more when you're middle aged.

Why are you posting a picture of yourself instead of answering his question?

Listen to an album while you play games or do work.
I think albums are better than singles because most of them are meant to tell you a story as the songs progress, Not all of them are going to be good songs but the end experience of listening through the story is the same as going through a good book.

That could be something like
classic meme album of "Aeroplane over a sea"
or for a more "pumped" experience

Psychedelic music is also really good when you want to feel self-pity and wallow in sadness, but that requires a "laying on the bed while music blasts from speakers whilst it rains outside" vibe

Something like any slowdive album

I dunno, I think it's something I acquired as I grew older, When I was a young kid I also only listened to my favorite singles.

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Haha wow you got him, someone screencap this epic own

reported as off topic garbage :)


>zoomers talking about this guy as if he's 2 people

He was very talented in comedy but gave it up for a career as a musician. I don't think he's a failure, but its pretty sad to see.

The fact that you blindly label him as mumble rap shows how clueless you are. Im not even a fan of his, dare i even say i dislike his music, but u are a faggot.

so frank went to music and max just make autistic pokemon card videos. glad to see idubbbz still rolling with that full force vid the other day

Max's popularity has to do with him making videos since the beginning of youtube and reaching out to others. He was the guy who would network all the early people and just chat about normal shit. That's why all the youtubers like Max.

Plus pokemon card opening videos are literal crack.
>shit card
>another shit card

It's like watching one of your mates win on the pokies every fucking night.

Yeah but the issue with being a ironic edgelord is that you can't really keep that shit going. It's like any teenager/young person growing up. Most of the hippies stopped dropping acid and became boomers. Most of the grunge kids died of an overdose or realised they needed a job.

Filthy Frank was never funny

>Was an edgy ironic kid at 12
>Still an edgy fuck ironic at 22

Ahahah.... Yeah man...

>can't into ironic lyrics

That's rite white boi, just keep complaining on the internet while your women are getting blacked

Wait what? MGMT were extremely lucky with oracular spectacular because it was a right time right place scenario. Plenty of bands struck gold around that time, like the Klaxxons and the million other indie bands out. Little Dark Age's sound is more that they decided to take heavily from the better indie musicians. Ariel Pink's influence on the album is huge. It's like MGMT had been spending 6 months touring with some actually talented guys and wrote an album around that.

It'd take the average middle class worker 20-25 years to earn 2 million dollars in America.

Whos the ugly melted face asian?

>more successful than Aidan Gillen, Tom Hardy, Jamie Kennedy and Warwick Davis

Are you from MGMT marketing team?

MGMT and Joji are like no way related at all

His music videos have tens of millions of views each, he must be doing something good.

He's more successful than most of the world. He changed the landscape of the Youtube and now he sells out stadiums. Pretty based.

This is most of Yea Forums. It's not black men posting interracial porn here and BBC memes, it's cucked white bois.


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You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain

That song sucks and does that shitty band

for me, it was Frank's the legend, Max is the normal handsome guy, and Ian was the up and coming talent.

Never heard a joji song and filthy frank is not funny at all

Ok r/asianMasculinity, thanks for your sad attempts at trolling. Now back to your regularly scheduled viewing of WMAF porn.

Ok joji, enough posting now.

How can you not find this funny

>Frank is making shitty SoundCloud rap
>Max is opening up Pokemon cards and other child garbage on n alt. channel
>Ian is making documentaries about obese, mentally unstable mid-westerners and catching squirrels
Where did it all go wrong?

So being on the fringe is edgy and cool now? like it's always been? lol

I dont care and this is not Yea Forums related you fucking niggers.

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>Angsty, moody, muh sad depressed boi
Filthy Frank will be the only thing he made that was worth while. If I ever could, I'd beat this motherfucker's stupid chink head in with a brick until he lay on the pavement gurgling his own blood and teeth.

>He has university degree I think, he probaby has/can get good job and be normal person
When do you think is the last time he worked a normal job, if ever? Employers don't just look at you and say "Shit man you got a degree? Hop in bro"

partisan hack

Mate you need to calm down

No an album does not equate to a book

shut the fuck up
you’re a fucking cunt

he’s a spiritual lyrical miracle individual

Klaxxons- Myths of the Near Future was a great album btw
thanks for reminding me

Congratulations was better

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oh based, I guess my post was pointless as we already agree

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>mumble sadly over lofi beat
>Become millionaire

you can’t change it unfortunately. you either get music or you don’t.

For me it's Ezra Miller

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Good luck going through 50 years of expenses, in NYC, with your measly 2 mil.
If he were to settle in Thailand or Indonesia on the other hand.

he’s a joyless cunt. they can’t help it, they don’t know how to have fun

Joji is Ezra if he went face first into a concrete wall after years of drugs

This is a level of cope never before seen

He pushed Youtube content to be more daring, back then when demonitization wasn't an issue. A lot of youtube people are heavily inspired by him and his music is doing pretty well. He's doing what he wants in life and by all accounts that's not a failure.

A lot of you sadfucks are bitter about him going "mainstream". If he was still an edgelord you'd all be praising him. Dude's got thousands of people singing along to his songs. I hope he has more success, he seemed like a genuinely nice chill dude when Joji vlogs were a thing. Too bad his fans, like the neckbeards here, weren't too happy to find out he was a regular dude and Filthy Frank was just a persona.